I suspect if you’ve ever been here before you know that there are two groups of people who own the shiver to my spine: developers and political consultants.
We’re gonna talk about political consultants today. I don’t like ‘um and always will.
It seems like every time I turn around some Republican political consultant is getting in trouble. This month it’s a mess in Colorado where a political consultant literally broke every one of the Ten Commandments at once.
The political consultant appointed last year by the Colorado Republican Party to run its independent expenditure committee pleaded guilty last week to illegally coordinating contributions between a political action committee he ran and a campaign he managed in a 2012 congressional race in Virginia.
If this consultant put even half as much thought into curing insomnia as he did moving this money around to benefit himself, the whole damn country would get a good night’s sleep. But no, we have to stay awake to fret about one Republican stealing from another Republican. No, wait. That’ a good thing, right?
So here you have the party of greed and un-virtuous morality being baffled that they cannot trust each other.
Bless their hearts.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.