Conservative Newspaper on DeLay

December 02, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Upholding our reputation to be fair and only slightly unbalanced, I would like to share with you an editorial that strongly disagrees  with Juanita about what punishment Tom DeLay should get.  Juanita, as you recall, believes Tom should not be sent to jail but should have to do public service in the form of physical labor – like doing the yardwork at the courthouse.

Obviously, some conservative newspapers disagree with her.

First, the San Angelo, Texas, Standard-Times concludes….

The damage that DeLay did to representative government was far greater than the deeds of a typical white-collar criminal. So that others might be dissuaded from winking at the law in their drive for unchecked power, he should go to prison.

“Okay,” she responds, “if y’all insist … “

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