Congressional Crap: Kissy Face Edition

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s from Louisiana and they have movies.

Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 3.42.50 PMFifth District Congressman Vance McAllister, who campaigned for office last fall as a devout Christian and devoted husband and father, was caught in video surveillance two days before Christmas passionately embracing and kissing one of his congressional aides.

It happened on December 23rd of last year.  Yeah, two days before the birth of little baby Jesus.

Oh, but this one has an extra added treat.

McAllister’s campaign benefited from support from the Robertson family of “Duck Dynasty” fame. Phil Robertson publicly supported McAllister while Willie Robertson endorsed McAllister in a YouTube video. Also, Willie Robertson recorded “robo” calls on behalf of McAllister’s campaign.

In January, Willie Robertson attended President Obama’s State of the Union address in Washington as McAllister’s guest.

The fun part of this is that both the woman involved and her husband both donated $5,200 his McAllister’s political campaign and have been business partners and friends for years.



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