Confession Time

July 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have admitted to you that I am excited like a little girl at Christmas over getting to go to the Democratic National Convention in September.  In fact, I have to walk sideways to keep from flying.  I’ve never been to one so this is a big deal for me.

You know what I’ve even more excited about?  The Republican National Convention, that’s what.  Honey, my tail feathers are liable to catch fire during that sucker.  They are taking aim at doing crazy crap.  On national teevee.  These guys make a hornet look cuddly so no telling who or what they will boo at – veterans, crippled children, rape victims, the real Sweet Jesus, Mother Teresa, kindergarten, innocent bystanders, chocolate ice cream….

Hell, I expect them to blame President Obama for killing Osama bin Laden.

Now every batcrap crazy Republican wants to speak at the convention.  Ya got Donald Trump, Rush, Sarah, Dick’s Cheney’s advertisement for his next heart, Ron and Rand Paul (the Duet of Doom), and Newt.

A source close to Gingrich added that the former speaker’s “heart is definitely set on working in the trenches with delegates on the platform,” recalling that the Georgian kept Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades at the campaign headquarters for four hours going over policy when he dropped out.

“I think Newt handed them four separate 50-page proposals,” said this Gingrich source of the meeting.

Newt wants to speak for hours and hours.

And then there’s another headache for Mitt Romney – Rick Perry is the man who refused to debate his gubernatorial opponent because he refused to release his tax returns from 1993, 1994 and 1995, which is over 15 years ago.  So, there’s also the possibility of an open convention if Mitt finds his tax returns.

I’m so excited.  I just can’t hide it.  They’re about to lose control and I think I like it!

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Confession Time”

  1. I hate to disappoint you but apparently Sarah is still waiting for her invitation to the big dance. I know, say it isn’t so…

    But according to The Daily Beast “Mitt still hasn’t invited Sarah to the GOP’s nomination assembly in Tampa, and the Tea Party is livid.”

    I am currently hearing “My Tea Party’s back and there’s gonna be trouble!” (sung to the tune of “My Boyfriend’s Back”) playing in my head.

    Dang, surely we can’t be thinking of doing the all boy thing – can we?

  2. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Somebody else here in the beauty shop opined about the qualities Willard would settle on in selecting a veep, which included
    1. he’s a (heterosexual) guy
    2. he’s Caucasian, so as to not upset the great Mormon daddies who have issues with non-Caucasians
    3. he has less sizzle than Willard so as to not confuse folk as to whose sizzle they wuz hearing
    4. he’s remarkably adequate in all other ways…

    I’ll add he’ll come from one of the battleground states with the most electoral votes at stake.

    Rob Portman????

  3. Give President Obama (just love the sound of that) a big ‘thanks’ from me.

  4. What’s Newtie wanting to talk about–how to have a successful marriage?

    I plan to watch because I don’t want to miss it when folks’ heads start exploding, and you know they will at some point.

  5. I’m still wondering if mitt will get the nomination.
    I’m thinking ron Paul will go third party and Sarah palin will join him.
    Mitt has not invited palin to speak yet. The evangelicals are not supporting rick(how can they??).

    They must know mitt will not win. They can go with ta third party with palin leading the charge and the crazy evangelical vote. This way they can vote for their favorite christian, instead of voting for romney or sitting this vote out.

    I wish I was part of this, you are very lucky. To be part of history that will vote a black man for a second term.
    Irregardless of the fact that he is a Muslim, Kenyan -born socialist/communist, who is taking away our freedoms and our second amendment rights.and who has a deep seated hatred for white people.
    You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Palin and the tea party types are upset that she had not been invited yet

  7. My mother happened to be in Chicago in 1968 during the Democratic Convention…she talked about the craziness that took place there for years.

    I sure hope the GOP shindig in Tampa comes close to that; America can witness the implosion of the Republican Party live on national TV…fun fun!

  8. Mz Patti says:

    Oh, I can’t wait, either. My husband used to be a Republican… one of those socially liberal/fiscally Conservative PhD finance dudes.. a gen-u-ine Philadelphia banker boy…now he laughs about how the Republican Party left him, and I corrupted him mercilessly by forcing him to hang out with all my Liberal Dem-friends.. Watching their convention will be a brie and chablis event….and who knows… if it gets completely crazy.. we may break out the champagne and a plate of brownies.

  9. fenway fran says:

    I see GOP Convention watch parties in the future…let’s brainstorm some themes for fundraisers!!!

  10. Kate oDubhagain says:

    This is better than a circus and they have elephants too!

  11. BarbinDC says:

    I’m saving the brie and chablis for the Dem convention; it’s gonna be a lot more civilized and edifying. Popcorn for the Rethugs. I don’t want to harsh your buzz, JJ, but I’m having a tough time thinking that the Rethugs will let a “Pat Buchanan” moment happen again. It’s going to be straight-up Establishment and the Veep will be Portman, Pawlenty, or Thune. Boring, boring, boring. The TPers are going to be left wringing their hands. Poor babies.

  12. It’s too bad Ron Paul didn’t win enough state delegates to have his name entered as a nominee at the GOP convention. He needed the plurality of delegates from five states and was one state short, but didn’t get enough delegates in the last state convention (Nebraska). Romney sent in some big guns to stop the election of Paul delegates.

  13. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @BarbinDC: re: “brie and chablis” indeed!

    There will be whine and cheese for sure in Tampa in August if Willard does not mollify the T’s with an approved by them veep selection.

    I’m taking vacation time off that whole week and plan to be glued to the big screen to watch all three rings of this circus unfold. I’m hoping for a category 5 implosion simultaneously with multiple 25 megaton head explosions, although I’d settle for some televised finger pointing and unedited name calling

  14. Any chance that they will adopt some planks from the Texas Republican platform?

  15. you go girl..can’t wait to hear the real story at the Convention!
