Complete Failure

July 10, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Abbott, Coronavirus, Corruption, Trump

Donald Trump is a dumbass.  We all know that.  He’s also narcissistic, cruel, self obsessed, and utterly devoid of human emotion.  We’ve come to expect the worst in him through pure personal experience.  Now let’s look at Greg Abbott; he graduated from UT and Vanderbilt Law.  He served on the Texas Supreme Court and as Attorney General of Texas.  Greg Abbott is smart.  His problem is that he’s also a partisan hack.  He sued a tree trimming company after a tree fell on him after a storm, paralyzing him from the waist down resulting in an insurance settlement that pays him for life, though he can freely practice law.  After he got his, of course, he spent years trying to undo the very system that supported him when injured.  That makes him a hack, and a hypocrite.  But he’s worse than that.  As governor since 2015, he’s continued Rick Perry’s dismantling of Texas reputation for good education and a fair government.  He’s participated in the culture wars and even sicced the Texas State Guard on the US Army after goofy conspiracy theorists raised hell about how the military exercises are going to “take away their guns”.  It was stupid, and he knew better, but still pandered to screwballs.  He’s now continued that pandering all the way through Trump’s disastrous presidency, and now Texans are actually dying because of that pandering.

Against all common sense and medical experts, Abbott ordered the reopening of businesses and government agencies even though no criteria for reopening had been met.  Trump called for immediate reopening to save his reelection bid, and Abbott happily complied.  He even overruled safety precautions put in place in cities all over the state.  The result?  COVID-19 cases have overwhelmed the hospital systems; medical staff is either exhausted or sick themselves.  People are dying waiting for a hospital bed, or at home, terrified to come to a hospital. Yesterday, Texas hit a new record of over 11,000 new cases and 131 deaths, overwhelming the previous death record by over 100%.  Total deaths since the beginning of this disaster now total over 3,000.

This catastrophe is all on Abbott, period the end.  When he overruled adults like Sylvester Turner and Lina Hidalgo, he took the entire responsibility on himself.  The real tragedy?  Unlike Trump, Abbott is not a dumbass; he knows better.  He’s just a corrupt and cynical politician, and this year should spell the end of his political career and a place in polite society (if that even exists anymore).

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0 Comments to “Complete Failure”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Abbott certainly deserves the lions share, but Patrick ( seniors can die), Cruz and his illegal Dallas haircuts, and Cornyn telling us children don’t get C-19, deserve a measure of our ire. I hope we can get rid of Cornyn this year, but we have to live with Abbott and Patrick until 2022 and Cruz until 2024 – ugh!

  2. Robert McClellan says:

    Pat Robertson: If the Equality Act Passes, God Will Destroy America.
    The fundies said God put Trump here for a reason now we know what that reason was.

  3. Jackie Mineo says:

    Over here in Floridahhh, with a population 8 million less than Texas, our daily infection numbers are the same as Texas, today was 11,433 but that kind of gets kicked to the side…maybe we’re just not as interesting. Only our Democrat cities here mandate masks and the rest of us are on our own. Today’s local news where I live told that almost all the local stores of a large grocery chain had found employees with Covid 19… Thanks DeSantis. Still telling us that everything’s under control.

  4. While Abbott and Patrick are still calling the shots, I’d suggest they revise signs on the state borders to say:

    Enter At Your Own Risk

  5. There’s hardly a day in Alaska now that there aren’t kids under ten testing positive. Teenagers too.

  6. Sam in Superior says:

    “We still don’t know whether children can get it and transmit it to others,” Cornyn said.

    M J Hegar just might take down this *hitbird.

  7. Sign on the border between Las Cruces and El Paso: Entering Texas. Set your clocks back to 1836.

  8. good luck with all that, everybody.

    we still live in texas.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    There are a lot of Abbott’s and Patricks (and Duceys and DeSantis’s) even in states with governors that are trying to rationally fight Covid-19. Whether it be mayors, commissioners and even sheriffs (and other Trumpsters). That’s why it’s out of control in so many places and won’t get better this year.
    Most kids may not get deathly ill but when school starts, whole families will get sick, so we’ll be looking at this again next year.

  10. Off topic:
    It’s Friday, news dump day.
    Roger Stone was pardoned by Trump.

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    Rick #4 … there was a proposed slogan for Washington DC during its worst crime wave: “Washington DC, don’t get out of your car”.

  12. Nancy Wickman says:

    So happy to live in the state with “that woman from Michigan”.

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    I saw a clip of Abbott saying that Texas reopened too soon, as if somebody besides him did it.

  14. The local edition of the Nextdoor web site had a post by a guy who copied and pasted a Facebook post by Ron Paul, which said we shouldn’t freak out over COVID-19 because the only reason the numbers are increasing is because of increased testing and that the number of deaths per day has stayed fairly constant. Another guy replied, saying that’s right because Ron Paul’s a doctor, so he knows what he’s talking about.

    He may be a doctor, but he’s been a Republican politician for going on 40 years. I suspect it’s been at least that long since he read an actual article in an actual medical journal. In any case, he has drunk his share of the NSGOP Kool-Aid.

    If anyone truly thinks that the numbers have gone up only because of increased testing should explain why the number of cases have overwhelmed the hospitals (I saw somewhere that they’re not taking any emergency cases in Corpus Christi), why people are having to wait for admission to emergency rooms all over Texas because the ERs are jammed up, why doctors and nurses have literally worked for weeks without any days off, and so much more. Do those goofs actually think none of that would have happened without the increased testing?

    What questions does the NSGOP cognition test have? I’ll bet Combover Crime Lord, Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, and all our genius NSGOP politicians would ace it.

  15. Very disappointed to see that voter registrations are down nearly 30% from the last presidential election year, especially in urban counties according to AAS.
    Folks not voting is why Gov Panderer and Lt Gov Grifter just have to play to the crazy base and the entire state suffers.

  16. Larry from Colorado says:

    BFSMan. Ron Paul is a “self proclaimed” doctor. He and his son granted themselves medical degrees, not an actual medical school.

  17. Sandridge says:

    Larry from Colorado @16, You’re mixing the two Pauls.
    Rand Paul, son of Ron, is the one with the sketchy ‘MD’.

    Ron Paul earned an MD from Duke, and was a USAF flight surgeon.
    He later had an OB/GYN practice in Lake Jackson, TX. Where I worked in an office across the Way from his, and we sometimes greeted each other in the morning when parking.
    I’ve found myself in agreement with a [very] small subset of his political positions [like on the so-called ‘war on drugs’], may have even voted for him once as a House Rep, through the mess of TX redistricting [when he seemed saner].
