Cold As A Witch’s Ta-Tas In A Brass Bra

January 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

While the low in my neck of the woods this week is a frisky 38 degrees, I fully understand that everybody isn’t that blessed.

My good thoughts are with you and if you wanna talk about it before your toes turn blue please feel free to.

God bless ya.



P.S. – it would be nice if you would give us a general idea of where you are.  You know, your state, general area or landmark you can get to in a day.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Cold As A Witch’s Ta-Tas In A Brass Bra”

  1. I’m reminded of a Vermont thermometer cartoon by Danziger — can’t recall the details, but it had marks for “American cars won’t start,” “Japanese cars won’t start,” “German cars won’t start,” and assorted other serial benchmarks as it got colder. My favorite series was “Cat sleeps on the bed with you,” “Cat sleeps in the bed with you,” “Cat sleeps in your pajamas with you.”

  2. Forecast to feel like -50°F for my 9:00am eye appt. Gonna be brisk. The good news: my ice cream won’t thaw driving home from the grocery!

    Location – northernmost point on the Mississippi River.

  3. Not to brag or anything, but here in southern New Mexico, 7:30 pm and down to 48 from a high of 63 today

  4. Still 65degF here in STX @2045, but frontal windshift is beginning, backed a brisk east to west, and NW/N. So temps are headed down for the night.
    Couple of sunny 40-50’s days and then back to the mid-60-70’s, aahhhh.
    Having spent time in those colder climes, you couldn’t get me to live there for anything. Even a 6mo TDY in Amarillo was a bit much.

  5. lazrgrl @48, those local TV weather people around here (San Antonio-Corpus Christi) seem to do everything they can to ignore or minimize and disparage any reference to climate change (esp. human caused).
    Some of them are flat-out climate change deniers (and RWNJ-talibangelical in one case), the rest are clearly under mgmt pressure. This is the epi-center of the Eagle Ford Shale fracking boom, and HQ for many oil bizs..

    All the way down to 62degF, with an ENE wind ~5mph, so that dry front’s not quite here yet (we usually just get the very tip end of them, this one stretches all the way to that big frz WX low over OH/MI/IL/etc).

  6. Looking forward to -27 f here in my part of WI. Not for the first time, not even the coldest we old farmers & loggers can remember. Still, it’ll be inconvenient for a couple days.

  7. Greetings from South Dakota! where it is cold enough to freeze the nuts off a gang plow! Colder than a mother-in-law’s kiss….

    this is why we have these plugs sticking out of the front of our vehicles… plug ’em in at night so they start in the morning…

  8. Here in Nebraska it’s going to be fifty below wind chill later today. I need to make a run to the store shortly and will layer as needed. We have one of those radiator type passive space heaters. For the past few days our cat has been hugging the damn thing.

  9. Nancy Wickman says:

    I live near Flint and after another summer where it was in the 90’s a LOT, I said I wouldn’t complain about the cold when it came. Once we get through the -22 wind chill tomorrow, the 27 degree weather we will get through most of February (the four month period between January and March) will seem pretty good by comparison. I find the need to put out more seed for the birds and more pee pads for the Boston Terriers.

  10. Karen Hester says:

    -1 and dropping Madison Wisconsin Governor declared state of emergency, university and schools closed

  11. Claudia K. says:

    Here ya go from Minneapolis!

    Our HIGH tomorrow (Wednesday) will be -16. Yes, 16 degrees BELOW zero, that’s our high!

    Our lowest temp tomorrow should be -30. Yes, 30 degrees BELOW.

    Schools are closed, stores are either closed or have shorter hours, and the U.S. Mail will not get through!

  12. -20 windchill in IN; schools closed; govt offices closed; FedEx not unloading so expect delay in your package if it went thru Indy. But, hey, it’s IN and supposed to be around 50 by Monday.

  13. Liberty Belle says:

    -4 this am in central MO. Meaningless wind chill -21.

  14. karla dockery says:

    SC/NC/GA called the golden corner

    this am 22, high to be 47 by 4pm; chill factor feels like upper 30’s at times.


    although i was ky cop on foot patrol in 77/78 winter. towed 248 cars after blizzard with 10 ft drifts to clear roads for snow plows.

    ky gov bevins is a wimp!!!!!
