Close Encounters Of The AI Kind

September 30, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

I’ve been reading about the advent of AI technology for a while now, and I’ll bet that Salon customers are equally curious about what is all the hubub and ado about this matter. So, I launched a small investigation. I found several websites that will construct written essays when given some prompts and selected one for a test.

At this site, I provided the following information:
Subject: Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump
Grade level: Undergraduate
Type of essay: Persuasive
Length: 1 page (250 words)

I entered the following “extra details”:
– Trump is a convicted Felon
– Harris is a former prosecutor
– Trump is in cognitive decline
– Harris is a former US senator
– Trump botched the COVID pandemic
– Harris supports women’s rights

Then, 20 seconds after pressing the “Generate” button, I got my AI-written essay which I provide below for your information, amusement, and, shall I say it, astonishment (In italics for effect).

In the upcoming election, the choice between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is clear. Trump, a convicted Felon, has a tainted past filled with legal troubles. On the other hand, Harris, a former prosecutor has dedicated her career to upholding the law and seeking justice.

Additionally, Trump’s cognitive decline is becoming more evident, raising concerns about his ability to effectively lead the country. Harris, as a former US senator, has demonstrated her intelligence and sound judgment, making her a strong and capable candidate for the presidency.

Furthermore, Trump’s handling of the COVID pandemic has been widely criticized as a failure. His lack of leadership and misinformation have cost countless lives. Harris, on the other hand, supports women’s rights and has a clear plan to address the ongoing pandemic and rebuild the economy.

In conclusion, the choice between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is a choice between a qualified and experienced leader and a convicted felon in cognitive decline. Harris has the skills, values, and determination to lead our country with integrity and compassion. It is time for change and Harris is the candidate to bring about that change. Vote for progress. Vote for Kamala Harris

They also have a button to press to make the essay “folksier” but that seems to be a work-in-progress because the result has the look and feel of an assembly instruction manual written by a person who took an ESL class once.

I was particularly struck by how the algorithm took the prompts and put them in context with other information that could be gleaned from other internet news sources.

It extrapolated.

I’m just glad I don’t get paid for doing this. Move over, blacksmiths and barrel makers. And I wouldn’t want to be a high school English teacher right about now.

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0 Comments to “Close Encounters Of The AI Kind”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Smarter than the NYT, AP, WA Po, Politico, and many more. Sounds like a very good editorial to get placed in a local newspaper. Perhaps you should do that.


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