Close, But Still No Taco

June 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican Party is kinda funny.  They try hard but they never quite “get it.”

Remember when Sharron Angle, who ran for the Senate against Harry Reid, told Hispanic students that they “looked Asian?”

Well, Republicans are still having trouble with that.

They got themselves a Hispanic website to try to convince Hispanics to vote Republican even though the GOP deeply hates Hispanics.  Hey, I give them an A for trying.  And an F for failing.

See those adorable kiddos in the upper left hand corner?  Adorable, aren’t they?  Except they are not Hispanic.  They are Asian.  It’s a stock photo clearly marked Asian.

They re-did the website with no pictures.  God love ‘um.  At least they know when to quit.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Close, But Still No Taco”

  1. No, JJ, they don’t know when to quit and they’ll just keep plugging along … embarrassing themselves and giving you fodder with which you continue to entertain your readers. The harder they try, the more we laugh at them!

  2. Cheryl Johns says:

    All minorities look alike to the GOP.

  3. Yeah, minorities may all look alike to the GOP but they can’t even be bothered to read the keywords for the pic they were buying?!

  4. Oh, and they blamed an outside vendor for creating the website. What kind of an idiot employer would hire someone to create a product and then not review it before accepting it as completed.

  5. Cheryl Johns says:

    Sorry – let me be more specific. All minorities ARE alike to them – just grouped into this big pile of “other”. (Actually, women go into that pile, too.)

  6. Poor things. Well—poor everybody actually. I’m of the mind that when republicans do this kind of thing they make puppies cry and our collective IQs drop a quarter of a percent lower.

    Before this is all over and the GOP has become a complete lunatic fringe— we’ll think members of their party who screamed out rude remarks at the President, legislated hateful laws against women and misspelled words on racist, ignorant signs were from the good old days . . .

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    Maybe they thought the kids were from the way way Pacific side of Latin America? Possibly Hawai’i?

  8. TexasEllen says:

    Did you enjoy the first MBA President? Think it’s time for another MBA President? Romney seems to have the same instincts for governance as W. He may not be dumb enough to name Cheney VP, but looks like he’s aiming to replay the W. Bush playbook.

  9. Sherry Huiner says:

    At least Mitt Romney can get off on firing more people who provided services for him.

  10. Elise Von Holten says:

    I remember reading that in WWII to the Japanese all of the Americans looked the same—big, teeth that were white, and so on…my boyfriend and I have often laughed about it–redheads, blacks, blue eyed blondes and windtalkers all the same?
    Thinking about it–and Japan holds itself as very singular–it is that they are “other”. OTHER is something the GOP is very afraid of –“other” is why it’s taking the Hispanic vote so long to get organized (the Cubans hate the Mexicans, who hate the Central Americans, who hate the South Americans–etc!) Sooner we put Human as the kind of being that we are next to our names, instead of the racial breakdowns, the faster this place will shape up. Everyone is special, and no one is…that’s my take (unless we are talking about my grand-kids–THAT’S different! LOL!

  11. Bananas says:

    Them others aint ejimakated enuff to spell rite neither
    “Yes! I’d like to be part of the RNC Victory 2012 and would be interesting in one or more of the Victory activities.”

    You betcha they’d be interesting.

  12. So, they don’t know what Hispanics “look like” but hate them anyway? Yes, sounds like the GOP to me.

  13. Good catch Bananas.

  14. OldMayfly says:

    Bananas, what about that “tu voz”? Is that condescending? I suppose few people these days are as formal as in the past, but long ago I was taught to say “usted” until/unless I was talking to a child or a very close friend.

  15. OldMayfly says:

    Bananas, what about that “tu Voz”? Is that condescending?

    Few people today are as formal as in the past, but long ago I was taught to use “usted” unless I was addressing a child or a close friend. But maybe the use of “tu” is more common now.

  16. OldMayfly says:

    Sorry for the double post–I got an error-message and thought the first one didn’t go.

  17. OldMayfly, how many republicans do you think had much interest in studying Spanish?

  18. GOP just figured Hispania is in Asia because they could not find it on the map of North America.

  19. Republicans are so weird. I will never understand them, even if I wanted to – which I don’t.

  20. 1toughlady says:

    Well, geography is apparently not the GOP strong suit; idiocy, on the other hand….

  21. @Old Mayfly

    You are still correct, tú is the familiar, which, in Spanish means “in the family”, and is still only correct for those in the family, any child (under 15), close friends and pets. The only reason that tú is heard more nowadays is that there are more young folk, and they think ALL of their peers are close friends, AND companies (and political parties) who think they can insinuate themselves as your close friend.

  22. OldMayfly says:

    Thank you, David Bodwell. As a Southerner I deal with, but cringe when unfamiliar bank clerks, etc. address me by my first name.

    I’m thinking that mature Latinos will not respond well to the somewhat forced familiarity of “tu”.
