Climate Change

April 24, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Greta Thunberg, the 18 year old Swedish climate activist, had some recent thoughts for the United States congress …



Thunberg threats, however, won’t have much impact. Republicans in congress already have a tested plan for what to tell their children when climate change causes deadly weather. In unison, they will all simply yell, “Pack your bags kids, we’re going to Cancun!”


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0 Comments to “Climate Change”

  1. Katherine says:

    Welcome back Ms JJ!

  2. Welcome back, JJ!

    By the time explanations will be needed, Cancun will be uninhabitable. No, the preferred destination will be International Falls–in the Winter.

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    Tell us about your trip to Niagara Falls in the coal-powered car, young lady.

  4. Hey, ms. JJ –

    The kid knows how to twist the dagger of regret and shame into the consciousness of the elite toxic defilers and the commoners tossing their cigarette butts, beer cans and candy wrappers out the car windows with a tiny voice.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    We are all glad to see you back and have been thinking about you and your family.
    Unfortunately, all of our kids and grandkids will be the ones suffering from the inactions of cruze and his like minded repugnantican deniers. I just hope they all get what’s coming to them in our lifetimes.

  6. van heldorf says:

    Glad you are back. You have quite a team backing you.

  7. RepubAnon says:

    Welcome back!

    As to what Republicans tell their children and grandchildren bout climate change – they’ll say it is:

    *Caused by Hillary’s emails, Obama’s tan suit, Biden’s tripping on the airplane boarding ramp…

    *God punishing us for the sins of the “Democrat Party”

    * Due to our failure to build The Wall

    * Fake News!


  8. We are so glad to see you back. Give ’em hell, Juanita Jean.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    RepubAnon- you forgot Hunter Biden and Kamala Harris.
    I went to a take out pizza place near here yesterday and parked in front was a big black pickup with various stickers including a big assault rifle in the middle, etc. While I was waiting inside, this yahoo was ranting about how people are listening to science instead of his god. Don’t know if they’d asked him to leave or what, but he left and got into that truck. I’m pretty sure he would be a cruz supporter if this was Texas.

  10. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Let me be honest – I’m not “back” yet. I’ve asked El Jefe and the crew to hold down the fort for another another month while I give my full attention to all the crap that needs doing to probate an estate, and some extra time with Ben. I’ll just drop i when some short and quick hits me funny.

  11. Harry Eagar says:

    I’ve been through probate in Texas. Took 3 years.

    Pace yourself.

  12. Glad you’re back JJ!

  13. Glad to see you again on whatever schedule your choose!

    I always wondered what the Repubs told their kids when an old mentally impeded man shot up the Repub Congressional softball team at a public play facility and then refused to do one damn things about their idolatry of guns. Not a word or deed they did concerning this incident meant one intelligent thing! Luckliolu Scorsese lived, but he will be handicapped for the rest of his life and very likely will have a lot more surgery from time to time. I wonder if any of these kids have yet thought “what if it was me that was wounded or killed”. Would my dad do anything about it?

    See. There it is.

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    When I think that Ted’s kids go to the same school that taught Molly Ivins, I have to think the school’s standards have fallen and those kids will believe anything. Give Ted his Muumuu of Hypocrisy – he’ll wear it proudly!

    Pace yourself with probate – you may know a good lawyer to help you

  15. van heldorf says:

    @Maggie, Scorsese is an interesting study; very nearly died from the gunshot but came back to his previous self-centeredness and meaness. One would think that given a 2nd chance at living, one would change bad ways, re-evaluate one’s life for the better. However, this implies also for the worse.
    His choosing the latter seems to reinforce literature regarding physical and psychological changes in the brain(/soul) built up over time that changes do not come about easily.
    IMO, he and esp. narcissists like trump are likely brain damaged to a degree that cannot be repaired secularly.

  16. Afternoon J.J.
    Thanks for checking up on us, we’re mostly behaving ourselves. Mostly.
    And as John Oliver would say,
    And Now, This

  17. panthercityhorn says:

    Good to hear from you JJ. My hopes and prayers for your heart being granted peace continue, and in light of going through the probate process, will be redoubled to that effect.

    As for any of the rethuglicans admitting there is a problem, the chances of that are about like my chances of winning a Powerball/MegaMillion lottery. As for Cruz, whenever he says ” I got this”, he suddenly becomes a magician-he shows his ass without having to pull down his pants.

  18. weakgrip says:

    Glad to see you.
    Your local PBS station should have three hour longs shows about Greta’s sabbatical year this weekend. Great viewing of an awesome young adult.

  19. Elizabeth2 says:

    So good to hear your virtual voice. We’ll always be glad to see your byline, but be kind to yourself and don’t rush.

  20. So glad to ‘see’ you. Hope you are o.k. Grandkids are great battery chargers. Take your time. We love you and aren’t going anywhere. We miss you something awful.
    Love and fried okra, Deb in Alabama

  21. Mary O'Grady says:

    It’s so good to see you!
    I am glad you are not pushing yourself to take the reins full time.
    We’ll all be here.

  22. Marian Wright says:

    Hello JJ…as I said I would, i’ve been checking in here from time-to-time. It’s almost three months since Al-VT passed away. I’ve been thinking about you! Hugs to you!

  23. yet another baby boomer says:

    Hey Ms. JJ! Tickled to have you whenever and however you want.

    To Grandma Ada @14 I’m also a grad of the school Molly Ivins went to, quite a few years after she did and many years before Fled Ted’s daughters enrolled. The school’s a bit more diverse than when I was there but the standards are mostly the same, the offspring of rich influential people always seem to make it in. There was certainly a snotty attitude about how a lower middle-class kid of a divorced school teacher like me managed to get into the school. OTOH, some of the wealthiest students were the kindest and most open-minded people. And a lot of the snobbish, clique-ish students, after they experienced some downfalls in real life, turned out to be genuinely nice and warm-hearted. So perhaps the Cruz daughters will experience some good folks and make wonderful friends which will cause them to examine their lives fully. ‘Course having their father throw them under the bus at such a tender age to excuse his wretched political shenanigans might open their eyes all on its own.

  24. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Ms JJ, it brightened my day to see your byline this morning. Along with everybody else, I’m glad to see you back whenever you can stop in.

    El Jefe, Nick, and Jet have been keeping us all well-informed and we have to thank you for inviting them – they’re an insightful bunch of guys and we love them, too. Take care of yourself!

  25. Dear Woman,
    You and your family have a lot of remembering, grieving, and loving to do. It’s so nice to see you easing back into this space you have built but take your time.

  26. thatotherjean says:

    I do love Greta Thunberg! We ignore her at our peril. Republicans may plan to follow Fled Ted, but there won’t be that many places to run to, if we continue to ignore climate change.

    Drop in when you can, JJ, and come back when you’re ready. Your crew is doing a fine job, and none of us are going anywhere. Many good wishes for you and yours.

  27. Steve Scalise (not Scorcese) had so much damage from that shot and multiple surgeries where he actually had to learn to walk again, it boggles the mind that it still didn’t change his. I do not understand these people.

  28. I, too, am happy to hear from you, MS JJ.

  29. So nice to see that you are back. One day at a time. (((Hugs))).

  30. I am a year and a half in with paper work…….the cable channels were and still are the worst…..Be gentle on yourself and know that we shall be thrilled to see you pop in anytime.
