Classy As Ever

June 03, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s one thing you can say about Rick Perry. He’s classy. Yep, you can say that. You’d be weapons grade deadbutt wrong, but you can say it.  Lightning might strike you as you say, but go on – say it.

I dare you.

Appearing on Fox News on Thursday afternoon, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry said real estate mogul Donald Trump will “peel [Hillary Clinton’s] skin off in a debate setting.”

Peel her skin off?

rickperryfingerHoly cow, has Trump put Perry in charge of the torture squads he so fond of?

Peel her skin off?  He couldn’t think of a less grotesque image? This one  makes him look like some Marquis de Sade except way creepier? Yuuuuuuuuge creepy.

Yeah, Rick Perry – debate expert.

I heard Hillary’s speech and loved Trump’s response.

Thanks to Nando for the heads up.

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