Clarence Thomas is a Lonely Jerk

April 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ever since Scalia died and added his soul crushing bones to the pits of hell, poor Claence Thomas has been forced to face his jerkness all alone.


The Supreme Court on Wednesday invalidated a Colorado scheme that forced defendants whose convictions have been tossed or overturned to jump through several legal hoops before they could get back any fines or restitution they may have paid out before they were cleared.

In short, defendants who had their convictions overturned had to sue in state civil court to get their restitution payments back.  In civil court, the burden shifts and they have to prove they are innocent instead of the other way around.  In very short, it’s just a way to scam money from people unjustly convicted.

It was a 7 – 1 decision.

Yeah, Clarence Thomas feels that unjustly convicted people have no right to escape their punishment.  I’m not kidding.

The lonely dissent was by Justice Clarence Thomas, who said both Ginsburg and Alito’s analyses got it wrong, and contested that the defendants in the case had “a right to an automatic refund.” He wrote that the majority’s conclusion lacked a basis in federal or state law.

 Clarence, you damn fool.
Thanks to Sgray for the heads up.

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