Cipollone and Stuff

July 06, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Come to find out, White House Council Pat Cipollone has agreed to appear before the J6 committee to testify behind closed doors.  His testimony will be transcribed.  This is the same lawyer who said “we’re going to get charged with every crime possible,” but he’s coming under subpoena, not because he wants to do the right thing.

The next public hearing will be Tuesday, July 12th.  Unless it’s not.

Also of note, I have been asking friends whatever happened to Lindsey Graham?  It’s unlike him to be so quiet for so long.  Well, the dam broke today – he has been subpoenaed to testify before the Fulton County Grand Jury.

The subpoena issued to Graham said he made at least two calls to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his staff about “reexamining certain absentee ballots cast in Georgia in order to explore the possibility of a more favorable outcome for former President Donald Trump.”

They’ve made it clear that he’s not a target of the investigation. He’s still fighting the subpoena. Wanna know why?  Graham’s lawyer says, ““Should it stand, the subpoena issued today would erode the constitutional balance of power and the ability of a Member of Congress to do their job.”

Yeah, it’s also hard to do your job when you have to go whoring for Trump to “find” more votes.

I have no idea why he’s not a target.


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