Chris Matthews Walks. I’m Completely Confused

March 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Chris Matthews just came on air, abruptly announced his retirement with some kind of oblique apology I didn’t understand.  MSNBC went immediately to commercial, and Steve Kornacki is now stumbling around trying to fill the hour.  WTF?

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0 Comments to “Chris Matthews Walks. I’m Completely Confused”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Remarks about Bernie, plus he made a woman uncomfortable per the fake news media. I’m sure his majesty will tweet out the truth.

  2. Buttermilk Sky says:

    A lot of stories have surfaced about Matthews disgraceful treatment of women guests and public figures like Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. But the final straw seems to have been confusing Jaime Harrison with Tim Scott — while talking to Harrison. He also didn’t help himself when he compared the Sanders win in Nevada to Hitler’s invasion of France.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Odd. Sudden. And Grandma Ada @1 with a reasonable explanation. In the meantime, let’s all be grateful for small favors.

  4. Sandridge says:

    Is Matthews the guy known as “Tweety” [long before Twitter came around]?
    If so, good riddance, he was an asshole from what I’ve always read [never watched him, never had cable or sat to see the ‘cable news’ types].

  5. Couldn’t agree more about the Harrison/Scott mix-up.
    It was stunning, astonishing. Matthews caught himself after a few fatal seconds. Time to exit the stage, Chris.

  6. BarbinDC says:

    He got “me too”ed. Now, if they could get rid of Chuck Todd . . .

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, that would be him aka Tweety.

    Texas, good luck tomorrow. Do your best to shake down those Democratic visitors for some campaign cash and support of your down ballot races, especially MJ Hegar to defeat Cornyn.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM @7, ‘Ta ueno, always read little bits about Tweety, a supposed librul I guess, but mostly a jerk.

    Downballot is critical. I was surprised to hear the ex mention that MJ Hegar was her choice, I figured she’d go for one of the Hispanic females also in the primary, we made almost identical choices.
    Have you seen MJ’s current TV spot? It’s neat, gives some background info, then she’s getting the kids ready for a carpool to school, strapping them in, etc…errr… make that a ‘helopool’, as her Blackhawk flingwing lifts off the lawn and hubby waves. :]

  9. Lovely! He won’t be missed.

  10. Well, I guess he learned the hard way that you don’t f*** with Elizabeth Warren.

    Another one down…and who’s next?

  11. This will piss off some if not most or all of my fellow patrons. I can live with that.
    Chris Mathews is/was our best answer to Rush Limbaugh.
    Still is.
    Gleefully happy to piss off anybody who lied on his airspace, to their faces. Limbaugh gleefully lies about people on his airspace who aren’t given the opportunity to defend themselves to his face. Only second hand, where rush’s connesuirs don’t ever hear.
    The point is, the right depends on pissing people off about things like equality. Rush Limbaugh delivers by lying, obfuscating and misdirecting.
    Chris Mathews has for decades pissed people off by getting them on his airspace, and making them defend their lies, bullshit and propaganda about issues that effect the entire human race. IN REAL TIME. Where they’ve got the chance to defend themselves.
    Yeah, sometimes I’d tell him to shut the f**k up through
    t.v.screen osmosis. But none of those times erased the good he’s done.
    For all of us.

  12. Easttxdem says:

    I’ve seen the same reports as others that Matthews’ idiotic comparison of Bernie’s campaign to the Nazis’ invasion of France, an interview with Elizabeth Warren where he talked down to her and was dismissive, plus he’s probably a sexist pig had the powers that be at MSNBC putting pressure on him to “retire.”. I don’t care why he quit. He’s a blow bag who’s always loved the sound of his own voice more than anyone else’s. I’m glad to see him go.

  13. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I’ll miss Chris. He had a talent for putting people on the spot and holding them to their words. Certainly no Tim Russert, but the closest thing on the air to it.

    But Chris was slated to leave this year anyway (so it is said) and his recent faux pas rightly accelerated that departure. Still, he is a good man and it’s a shame to see him leave under a cloud.

    I wish him well in retirement and am sure he’ll find that, wherever he goes, there will be people to greet him with a smile and a handshake. Would that we all exit the same way.

  14. joel hanes says:

    Good riddance.

    Another swollen pundit egotist, another entitled white man who thought _he_ was the important part of the story — not the person he was interviewing (and shouting to interrupt) nor the facts, but What Does Chris Matthews Think.

    And it seems to me that Laura Bassett might be the proximate cause :

  15. twocrows says:

    I’ve boycotted Chris I’m-in-love-with-my-own-voice Matthews for decades.

    The way he treated his guests: spending two minutes “asking a question” which consisted of giving his own opinion, pausing just long enough for the expert on the matter to begin talking, then interrupting them for another 2-minute soliloquy turned me off long before this ever happened.

    I did note, again decades ago, that he treated women to this sort of abuse far more often than he did men. Now I know why.

  16. I will miss him with gratitude, as will, apparently, a number of female guests and staff.

  17. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Stories like this make me glad I gave up TV. It has been almost two years since I turned on the idiot box and my life is infinitely better. You are what you eat and your brain is what you feed it. If you are feeding your brain Chris Mathews, you are suffering from severe malnutrition.

  18. Paul ADK says:

    Aw, what a shame! Whatever will we do without Tweety Bird’s severely entertaining comments? I guess we’ll survive. Somehow, we’ll just have to figure out how to carry on without him.

    COMCAST/ MSNBC is being exposed for the farce it is. Pay attention, now, there are a few more of them who need to be flushed.

  19. Paul ADK says:

    Wouldn’t it be something, if news channels suddenly started reporting NEWS? And not just projecting the ANGST that runs so deep through corporate media, right now?

    Hey. I can dream, can’t I?

  20. Sandridge says:

    AlanInAustin @13, “Certainly no Tim Russert”?
    Tim Russert? Meet the Perps host.
    Russert was an insidious Rethuglican tool. He would always soft-pitch any Rethug, while ripping and dissing any Democrat. He massively aided the Cheney-Bush regime in the worst of their malevolence.
    I just about puke anytime I hear people who should know better sanctify that sonufabitch Russert.

  21. SteveTheReturned says:

    Way overdue. Many suitable replacements; my 3 favorites (in no particular order): Al Franken, Nicolle Wallace, Keith Olberman.

  22. Never could understand why he was on the air. No talent for the job at all. Rude. Crude. Egotistical and not all that smart at all.

  23. While sometimes I wanted to shout at him to shut up, I have to agree with P.P. @11. Chris skewered liars on his show in a no-crap way. I hate it when the GOP liars come on and are not properly challenged with their blatant lies.

  24. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Yo! P. P. I’m with you.

    I believe the Me Too movement is shooting itself in the foot by taking out Mathews, Al Franken, etc. Dem’s are taking the hit. Re-thugs just shrug and go on. They ain’t got no shame.

  25. i think it was a bit of overkill, but wouldn’t it be great for jon stewart to come back!!!

  26. Brad in Dallas says:

    Remember when all the broadcast networks were being acquired by conglomerates–Sony, Disney, Comcast, etc.? That’s about the time their editorial decisions started inching toward the pro-Wall Street position they now occupy. Case in point is the horror with which Bernie has been covered. “Gad Zooks, America, he’s a SSSSSSocialist! You don’t want the rich to be reined in in any way, now do you?” “Ho, ho, ho, raise taxes on the rich? NOBODY supports that, right?” And the ever-popular “Bernie is a disaster for America!” Care to say why, MSM, or are you just going to repeat it until people can’t get it out of their heads, like Madison Avenue teaches?

  27. Linda Phipps says:

    I won’t miss him, I thought he yelled in “whine”.

  28. thatotherjean says:

    Chris’s political views and mine are fairly similar, but I couldn’t stand him. Considering the way he treated his female guests, I can believe the stories about his being a sexist pig. He far too often shouted over the people invited onto his show, not allowing them to answer his questions. If you’re not going to let people talk, why have them on the show? It was well past time for him to retire.

  29. Merrigay says:

    He definitely had a passion for politics but I always hated the way he interrupted and talked over everyone. Seems that is what MSNBC wanted or they’d have calmed him down years ago. I haven’t seen him in a couple of years since I dropped TV but he had started misreading his script and I thought his age was catching up to him altho’ he isn’t all that old. I agree with Steve that Al Franken would be wonderful in that spot but I thought he was considering another senate run. I like Nicole Wallace, too. She deserves primetime.

  30. I vote for Soledad O’Brien to replace tweety

  31. AliceBeth says:

    I like the idea of a woman in his spot. But Al Franken would make me happy as well.

  32. RE Chris Matthews sudden departure from MSNBC: never listened for a response; in eros love with his own voice;

    Now if MSNBC can add more by subtraction: Stephanie Ruhle, Kasie Hunt, Hallie Jackson, and Elise Jordan, MSNBC mid-day might be watchable again. Otherwise there are always the 1960s re-runs on COZI.
