Change Is In The Wind

March 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It was announced recently that Juanita lives in the most diverse county in Texas.

The Bronx. Queens. Fort Bend? Texas now has some of the nation’s most diverse counties, according to an index created by USA Today to analyze U.S. Census data.

And her home county, Fort Bend, is the 4th most diverse in the United States.  It wasn’t always that way, which is why of the 27 Republican elected officials in this county, 22 of them are fluffy white boys, and 5 of them are white females.

There are no Democrats or minorities elected countywide.  None.  Minorities and women have tried to run in the GOP primary but none of them have made it out of the primary since the early 90’s.

“Yes, we’re diverse in our elected officials.  We have a tall white guy, a short white guy, a fat white guy, a bald white guy, and a least a dozen white guys who are worthless as a four card flush,” Juanita announces.

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