
March 15, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn’s anti-environment lifetime of achievement for the petrochemical industry is a thing of blood-curdling awesomeness.

It is always fun to watch Cornyn’s political contributions match his axing of environmental regulation.

Example: American Air Liquide Holdings, Inc. PAC got so carried away that they exceeded the contribution limit.

You’ll notice that they gave him money in 2016 when he wasn’t even running for office.  That is standard in senate races – it’s not unusual for PACs to make contributions years before the Senator is actually up for re-election, but the limit is still set for his/her upcoming election.  But, I’m just wondering if these contributions were just priming the pump or maybe an investment.

In May of last year, the Houston Chronicle reported that Texas energy companies got a break from monitoring chemical leaks during the pandemic.

From March to May, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality gave more than 100 exemptions to environmental monitoring including dangerous chemical leaks.

And …

Air Liquide, a French chemical company with a U.S. subsidiary in Houston, received an exemption from performing quarterly monitoring of leaking chemical emissions from pressurized equipment until the end of June at its Freeport chemical plant.

Throw some money at John Cornyn, y’all.

John was also at the grand opening of this company at their new plant in LaPort, just a few miles east of Houston.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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