Cecil Says

April 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have told you about my buddy Cecil Webster up in Carmine, Texas. Cecil is a gentleman rancher, a hunter, bird nest watcher, small town newspaper collector, a parade pickup truck driver, and a frightening menace to feral hogs.  Cecil and his lovely bride Marsha went to the 2012 Democratic National Convention with Ole Bubba and me.

Cecil did not take kindly to the story of Donald Trump congratulating a purple heart recipient.

President Donald Trump raised more than a few eyebrows during his first visit as president to Walter Reed National Medical Center on Saturday when he awarded the Purple Heart to Army Sergeant First Class Alvaro Barrientos. “When I heard about this, I wanted to do it myself,” Trump told Barrientos as he placed the Purple Heart on the soldier’s lapel. “Congratulations … tremendous.”

I don’t know for a fact that this raised Cecil’s eyebrows, but it did raise his temperature. He wrote …

I have awarded many medals to soldiers over the years for outstanding performance of duty, and I have told them “congratulations” for their accomplishments. I have never awarded the Purple Heart to anyone, however, for that honor is usually reserved for more senior officers. But I cannot imagine any military officer (or anyone who has ever served in the military) saying “congratulations” for getting wounded and having to have your leg amputated.

Cecil is Colonel Webster, United States Army, retired, and former teacher at West Point. I figure he’s entitled to his correct opinion.


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0 Comments to “Cecil Says”

  1. Well, we do have to remember he said “I’ve always wanted one of these” to the guy who gave his own Purple Heart medal to Trump during the campaign. I guess we can be thankful he didn’t say that this time.

    They don’t give out Purple Hearts for bone spurs.

  2. AliceBeth says:

    And he acted like it came from “Melania and me” before he mentioned the nation. Congratulations, you lost your leg is so very ignorant and bizarre. When are people who can do something act on his inappropriate words and behavior???

  3. I’m surprised he didn’t launch into Trump Gibberish. As I have said, he has some serious impediments due to age; example, dementia.

    God bless Cecil and Alvaro.

  4. What do you give someone that has their head up their A$$ ??
    How about a D9 to pull it out?

  5. Drumpf obtained 4 deferments from 1964 through 1968 according to Wikipedia. Had he not done so, he might have earned his very own Purple Heart in Viet Nam. And having done so, he might have been prepared to pin a Purple Heart more gracefully had he been elected POTUS in that life as well.

  6. Thank you for sharing Cecil’s comments.

    In addition to Drumpf display of thoughtlessness, my other thought, when hearing the two word “sentence”, is that it’s already too common in the written word to use abbreviated words, to forgo punctuation & the limited 140 characters on Twitter speak isn’t helping.
    And now there’s this verbalized “sentence” speak by the cameo der in chief…
    (Ha. My iPad autocorrected “commander in chief”)

    Anyway, I certainly hope the generations listening and learning to read and write do NOT consider his way of speaking and writing acceptable. Or for that matter, any action he takes as role model quality.

  7. The ignorance he demonstrates is astounding.

    Anyone who provides him any support whatsoever supports intentional ignorance. The Republican Party has shown their core values to be greed and intolerance.

    What else is there to say?

  8. And I assume that I am not the only one here who feels nauseated at every mention of Dubya’s book– his paintings of soldiers wounded in his war that was based on eagerly-accepted lies?

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, Dubya cannot begin to paint his way into an apology for Cheney & Rumsfeld. I “see” Dubya painting floors and his way into a corner. Now, if only he’d stay there and STFU.

    Thank you, Colonel Webster, United States Army, retired, for so succinctly and politely stating what so many of us who have served feel about Donnie. Just because the Electoral College failed in their responsibility does not make him President, much less CIC.

    2018. Vote. Make the Congress varmints feel the heat for their failure to stop the hot mess in our White House.

  10. That Other Jean says:

    I suspect that Dolt45 is utterly ignorant about how one “wins” a Purple Heart, or the fact that it’s not “given” by the President. He could have asked–he is, God help us all, the Commander-in-Chief–and someone would have explained it all to him, but he didn’t. He’s an idiot, and Walter Reed was just another place where his idiocy was on public display.

  11. BarbinDC says:

    As if we need a reminder that Kim Jong Orange isn’t any kind of gentleman. Rude, crude, boorish–not to mention pig-ignorant–that’s his MO.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf to soldier-too bad about yer leg, Does America know I have 2 great legs. The very best legs money can buy. They are perfect and probably deserve a Nobel or Pulitzer for how great they look on me.

    I ever tell you the time my great legs propelled me out of the way of a sure dose of clap in my very personal VietNam? No?

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    See this name: Army Sergeant First Class Alvaro Barrientos!
    I wonder how long it will be before Ugly Little Troll Sessions decides he needs to be deported back to Mexico or wherever he is from … he can’t be from the US, not with that name!
    I sure as hell wouldn’t put it past Sessions to sic ICE agents on Alvaro.
    Sorry … but I hate these friggen idiots!!

  14. The dam%ed draft dodger. This raises my temperature quite a bit. He isn’t fit to be even in the same room with Sergeant First Class Barrientos.

  15. He’s already won the rarest American award of all, the absolutely not coveted, Orange Ass.

  16. Two things that stood out in the photos I’ve seen: The name Barrientos, and the expression on the soldier’s face, and that of his wife. No sound needed for that video.

  17. @epo
    You have Dolt 45’s manner of speaking down to a T! No matter what he is supposed to say, it makes it all about himself. Having a brother with a Navy Cross and a couple of Purple Hearts, the way Dolt45 spoke makes me want to puke.

  18. UmptyDump says:

    Don’t forget that this is coming out of the same mouth that said of John McCain, “I like people who weren’t captured.”

    … and …

    @Micr – Had Trump actually served in Vietnam as a platoon leader, his own troops likely would have fragged him.

  19. Should anyone be surprised? Remember the Purple Heart Band-aids from the 2004 Republican Gang Meeting in New York City.
    Patriotism is not measured in how many flag decals you have on you Pick-em Up truck, but in the much you are willing to sacrifice for you country.
    I recall how Mittens boys had more important things to do than serve in the armed forces. How many deferment did Dick Cheney or Donnie J accept to avoid the draft?
    My limited vocabulary or fear of Momma’s bar of soap, leave me without words to describe my utter contempt of these people for their Hypocrisy.

  20. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here she is folks, the Purple Heart sweat hog and she’s from Texas!


  21. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here’s a little background on the Purple Heart sweat hog herself!


  22. @UmptyDump
    Re: Fragging

    So true. Another “what might have been” thought.

  23. okie-dokie says:

    “Congratulations”? Really?? I’d best stop. This Navy vet been known to strip paint just by cussing.
