Cause Jesus Needs Money

April 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, if Duck Dynasty can’t sell tickets in Springfield, Missouri, things must be hurting.

JTK Productions said Thursday it cancelled the planned appearance of members of the hit A&E show “Duck Dynasty” due to “unforeseen circumstances.” It turns out the reason is a low number of ticket sales.

Yep, it was gonna be called Faith, Family, and Ducks.  I guess homophobic and racist didn’t fit on the marque.



Yeah, babe, those boys are for families, as long as it’s their family.

Tickets were $37, $50 or $58 to listen to these boys talk about their “family values and modest lifestyle.”  The arena sits 11,000.  Even if we average the tickets at $45 each, that real close to half a million dollars.  I can be modest for half a million dollars.  Hell, Thelma says she’ll give up her leopard leotards for half a million dollars.

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0 Comments to “Cause Jesus Needs Money”

  1. Why buy the cow, when they get the manure for free on teevee.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    With everything Palin’s embrace did for Duck Dynasty, let’s hope she embraces a few more Tea Bag candidates with her kiss of death.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I can’t imagine paying $50 to hear a bunch of ducked up rednecks. For the price of a couple of beers you can get all that swill you want at your local redneck bar.

    And you get to park closer.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    There goes their 15 minutes.

    Now if we can just get rid of those Kardashians….

  5. I am pleased to say I’ve never seen that show, although I have seen “the patriarch” on the news. Speaking of news, I’m not delighted. We were not informed of the death of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, whom I’ve read in three languages. Nor have they mentioned the fourth anniversary of the devastating BP blowout in the Gulf. I did hear who won the Boston Marathon. Their priorities are not mine; fortunately, the internet is my friend.

  6. The ratings for this show were really down earlier. I think that the world has wised up and know that the Duck Dynasty caste are running a scam

  7. No wonder they’re gloomy under those beards! Now they have to shave, put on a shirt and a tie and get a real job!

  8. Marge Wood says:

    I’m with you all. Duck, it’s DUCK DYNASTY. Another good reason not to watch TV. What you might really wanta, oughta, watch is the series YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY. You can get it online. It’s about climate change, or so I’ve heard. I also just ordered the book A GREAT ARIDNESS which I figure we all oughta read. I hear it’s full of good stories. I got a used copy.

  9. Cindy Mac says:

    These guys should have realized their fan base in SW MO struggle financially…hard to get $50 with food prices going up, etc. Oh, and you can go to many churches and hear the same stuff for free–and maybe get church dinner to boot! We love fellowship dinners!

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    I can see rednecks downtown any day for free.

  11. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    A Great Aridness is a fantastic book. I love it.

    And if I had leopard tights, I’d also give them up for a half million. For a $half million, I’ll go out and buy a pair to give up.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    I’m with you, Marion. I’d even buy a whole new outfit apiece to give to all the homeless people I know for a half million. Here’s the money worth of the star of that show:

    Willie Robertson net worth: Willie Robertson is an American entrepreneur, reality TV star and CEO who has a net worth of $20 million, mere peanuts…..

  13. I agree with Ralph Wiggam, plus you can meet a better class of rednecks.

  14. RepubAnon says:

    Cindy Mac’s probably right about the ticket price issue: I expect $40-$60/ticket was a bit more than their fans paychecks could handle.
