Archive for the ‘Lie’

If Anyone had Any Doubts…

October 31, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Domestic Terrorists, Flamethrower, Lie, Pelosi, Sedition, The Big Lie, Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump, Uncategorized, White Supremacists

I’ve never been much of a Twitter user, primarily finding it occasionally useful to follow breaking stories.  When Elon took over the platform, though, I decided to follow him and others to see the effects on the platform itself as he consolidated power in the company.  My conclusions, as you can imagine, are not good.  First, just an observation, and it’s no secret – Twitter is already an open sewer of nonsense, misinformation, and dumbasses who don’t know how many hours are in a day, those who can’t do simple arithmetic, and those who have very low reading comprehension.

Then Elon took over, and it’s gotten worse.  A lot worse.  First, Musk is as impulsive and immature as a high school freshman complete with erratic behavior and childish judgment.  Add that to the fact that he has no guardrails to guide him, and being the richest man in the world there’s no one around him to keep him from acting out his worst tendencies.  After the takeover on Thursday, he fired the senior management team including those in charge of moderation of the platform, and has been hinting at massive layoffs of other employees.  He’s also on record of being opposed to blocking racists, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, anti-semites, and outright weirdos.  He’s more than hinted that he’ll let TFG and Kanye West back on the platform.  Use of the N-word on Twitter  is up over 500% since he took over.  Worse, he’s participating in misinformation himself retweeting, then later deleting an idiotic homophobic conspiracy theory that Paul Pelosi’s attacker was actually a male prostitute that Pelosi had brought to the house. His deleted retweet was directed at…wait for it…Hillary Clinton.  That’s right, the “Chief Twit” showed such poor judgment that he amplified this idiocy to his 112 MILLION followers.

Elon’s control of Twitter has a LOT more downside than upside for not only him financially, but for simple common decency.  Twitter is highly influential over global society and it’s critical that it gets it right between balancing free speech principles against threatening language and intentional disinformation.  He’s demonstrated that he has no qualifications to not just manage this issue, but even to recognize it exists.

I am not hopeful for any good coming from this takeover, and can only hope that twitter goes the way of MySpace and Lotus 123.

The Rift Widens

May 12, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection, Lie, Trump, Trumpists

Reuters, the NY Times, and Axios are all reporting that 100 prominent Republicans, sick of Trumpism, are threatening to form a new party.  In a letter titled “A Call For American Renewal,” which may come out as soon as today, outlines the positions of these Republicans, who are alarmed at the iron grip Trump continues to exert on the once great party.  The as yet unnamed Republicans are threatening to start a new party if the GOP does not break with Trump and his lies.  Clearly the situation is seen as dire, and the group, said to include prominent figures such as Tom Ridge, is ready to break with the GOP, saying “The Republican Party is broken. It’s time for a resistance of the ‘rationals’ against the ‘radicals.'”

This move, if undertaken, will be a seismic shift from our status quo two party system, and hopefully will restore a loyal opposition and isolate the insurrectionists and screwballs who now control the GOP.


GOP Abandons Representative Government

May 12, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Lie, The Big Lie

About an hour ago, House Republicans, on a chickenshit voice vote chose to oust Liz Cheney from leadership for her failure to embrace The Big Lie.  In doing so, they have chosen fealty to a criminal former president over the people they represent. In a fiery speech yesterday, and apparently again this morning, Cheney is unrepentant and continues to blast Republicans for their embrace of Trump and his lies.  As you would expect, the caucus actually booed her.  That’s right, on the House side of the US Capitol, Republicans actually loudly booed one of their own as she chose to speak truth to lies.

When she came out of the meeting, Cheny told reporters that she was going to do “everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets near the Oval Office.” She went on to say, “We must go forward based on truth.  We cannot both embrace the big lie and embrace the Constitution.”

I’ve never liked Liz Cheney or her war criminal father; but in this particular case, I admire her strength and steadfast principles.  I don’t agree with most of her principles, but in this case she’s done the right thing, and I personally applaud her for it.

GOP Doesn’t Want to Make Life Better for Americans – Here’s Why

April 29, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Congress, Corruption, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Lie

Biden’s speech last night was like a breath of fresh air after we all endured the verbal manure that flowed so freely from Trump’s mouth and Twitterfingers for 4 years.  Biden spoke of a rising America and introduced his trillion dollar American Families Plan that, after decades of decline and neglect, will attempt to make our lives better.

Predictably, the Republicans hate it, all of it, and it’s all predictable.  This morning on CBS News, Rick Scott was given a remarkable 5 minutes of national airtime to spew nonsense and childish attacks against  Biden and the GOP’s other favorite targets.  His lies came fast and furious, blaming Biden for all the ills HIS side caused.

Why are Republicans so opposed to anything that makes Americans’ lives better?  Because if people are happy, they won’t keep them in power.  The GOP has raised hatemongering to an art form because they know that if they can keep millions of Americans miserable and pissed off, they can then blame Dems for that misery and drive angry people to the polls.  And it works like a charm.  The GOP base is driven by adrenaline fueled anger, fomented by hate radio, Newsmax, OAN, Fox Noise, and the NY Post where the blame is regularly placed on “socialists, gays, Satanists, Pelosi, AOC, and Bernie.” Instead of focusing on real issues like education, income inequality, job security, and healthcare, they focus on bathroom bills, gay wedding cakes, and now the new target “boys pretending to be girls leering at your daughters in the locker room” accusing trans kids of trying to take advantage by posing as the opposite sex.

If the GOP had to actually face voters over their piss poor performance they would lose every time.  THAT’s why they are willing to inflict generational misery to the populace so they can keep everyone pissed off and insecure so their base will blame the rest of us.  That’s also why they are trying to push through voter suppression bills to make it harder to vote.  They know the truth and are really worried now because Biden rammed through the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill that helped to relieve some of that misery.  If we follow that with making airports, roads, and other public infrastructure once again usable, the GOP is terrified that their supporters will like their lives made better and the veil finally lifted on their scam.

And that’s why they have zero interest in doing their jobs and making Americans’ lives better.

Outrage Machine Goes to Full Volume, Abbott Joins In

April 26, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Lie, Uncategorized

Over the weekend, the outrage machine cranked the volume up to 11 over Biden’s new climate change requirement to cut red meat consumption by 90%. Upon hearing the news, right wing social media, fed by Fox Noise, went to DEFCON 4 and began launch sequence.  All the usual characters threw wall-eyed fits including Greg Abbott:

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert both followed suit with Greene even calling Biden the “Hamburgler”.  The only problem?  The story is complete bullshit, fabricated by the London rag The Daily Mail, which then metastasized into a trending story on social media.  Snopes did a full report on the claim and rated it False. I wish these clowns would spend the time spent on fake outrage on more important things like education, Medicaid expansion, and avoiding power blackouts, but that’s way too much too expect.


The Re-emergence of Political Shaming?

February 19, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Cruz, Lie, Trump

Note:  Yesterday, I dubbed him Cancun Ted, but social media’s name, Fled Cruz, is better and seems to be sticking, so what the hell, I’m going to use that, too.

Politico is reporting this morning that the quaint tradition of shaming misbehaving politicians seems to be returning.  That’s pretty much amazing coming out of the last 5 years of Donald Trump’s malfeasance and immorality out in plain sight.  When caught at something awful (kids in cages, bribing porn stars, screwing porn stars, extorting foreign leaders, inciting insurrection, etc, etc.) Trump would just say, “Hell, yeah, I did it, and there’s nothing you can do about it.  Up yours.”  He did it repeatedly, numbing many Americans’ sensitivities, and pleasing the hell out of millions of his supporters who cheered him on.

Well, with the Felon in Chief back at Mar a Lago beating the crap out of the little white ball all day, things are changing, if only a bit.  You’re already up to speed with Fled Cruz’s stupidity in taking the family to Cancun in a trip conjured up by his wife.  Characteristically, he lied that it was his daughters and their friends who wanted to go, then lied again to cover that up, lied again to cover up that lie, and then finally came clean.  Texans, normally very tolerant of Republican malfeasance and gross negligence, weren’t that tolerant this time, and I would posit that when his supporters are the ones suffering and not just the little people who don’t count 99% of the time, they get narrow minded.

Cruz is getting crucified on every social media platform.  The memes are just writing themselves, and if his arrogance wasn’t so perpetually galling, this whole episode would be funny.  This time, though, when people are freezing in the dark, bodies are now being discovered, and millions still don’t have power, water, or both, he’s actually paying a price for acting like a dumbass.

This is what happens when you elect people who don’t believe in government to manage your government.  Three of our four most visible politicians in Texas have made fools out of themselves this week.  Abbott blamed the nonexistent Green New Deal for gas fired power plants shutting down. Rick Perry crawled out from under his rock to stupidly assert that Texans would rather freeze in the dark rather than be subject to big, bad, federal regulation.  And then there’s Fled Cruz, who was doing Jack Shit sitting around his house while other politicians were out working the phones assisting with food and water distribution and checking on senior citizens.  The only one of these four, John Cornyn, while being virtually invisible, at least didn’t show is ass to the entire world.

We’ve talked about it before.  What we’re seeing here is the logical result of failed Libertarian ideology.  Libertarianism doesn’t work, has never worked, and never will work.  Period.  Yet we continue to elect politicians who spout Libertarian nonsense and make policy around it.  That’s how you get public policy that establishes voluntary compliance with clean air and clean water regulations.  That’s how you get the PUC to establish voluntary weatherproofing and maintenance requirements for power generators.  Voluntary standards for industrial safety and health are just as stupid as the SCOTUS actually saying that money equals speech and that money doesn’t corrupt when it destroyed limits on political spending in its idiotic Citizens United ruling in 2010.

Perhaps we’re finally turning the corner here on response to malfeasance.  I’m not all rainbows and unicorns here, but we had moved so far away from those quaint times when politicians like Gary Hart and Al Franken had their careers completely destroyed for really obscure and/or overblown misbehavior that a return to shaming that works is a breath of fresh air.  As we’ve said before, Fled Cruz, doesn’t care if you live or die.  He doesn’t give a shit about doing his job as a US Senator.  He doesn’t even believe in a federal government.  He didn’t give one single thought to how it looked for him to jet off to Cancun during a power crisis where people are actually dying.  The ONLY reason he came back to Houston was that social media blew up when pictures of him on a United flight exploded on millions of feeds on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  When it hit mainstream media, even his tin ear could hear it.  That’s when he scampered back to Houston lying all the way.

Maybe we do have a light at the end of the tunnel, but we’ve got a long way to go.