Archive for the ‘Lie’

Weather Forecast…

January 20, 2025 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Lie, Trump

Here in Texas we’re all bracing for the winter storm that’s supposed to hit us tonight – or may not, or…whatever.  The forecasts are all over the place, but not for the cold, which is consistently being forecast to be freezing the next couple of days.  It’s the snow/ice/sleet/rain alternatives that are all over the map.  Houston has gone from no precipitation to 7 inches of snow, depending on the hour of the day the forecast comes.  In any event, I’m holed up at the Beer and Bread Emporium, with plenty of supplies and batteries for when the electrical grid fails, which generally happens as soon as the weather drops below 40 or above 90.  Fingers crossed.

Speaking of the weather, current conditions in Washington DC is 28 degrees, partly cloudy.  Recall that Trump moved the inauguration ceremony into the Capitol citing “severe weather”.  I knew that excuse was bullshit and more about stalled hotel occupancy rates (tiny crowd syndrome), and that he didn’t want to see the flag over the Capitol at half staff.  This is typical Trump – either lie about inconvenient facts or hide from them.  It’s pretty interesting that this is his initial message on the first day of his second (and hopefully last) term in the WH.

For reference, here was the weather during previous inaugurations:

2021 42, cloudy, snow flurries
2017, 48, cloudy, sprinkles
2013, 45, cloudy
2009, 28, high clouds
2005, 36, cloudy
2001, 36, pouring rain
1997,  34, high overcast
1993, 40, sunny
1989, 51, cloudy
1985, 7, sunny – held inside
1981, 55, cloudy

So, the weather in DC is no worse than many previous inaugurations, so, as we would expect, Trump is starting this next term by bullshitting.  What a surprise.

The Weirdest SOTU Response Ever

March 09, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Biden, Border Catastrophe, Crazy Train, Lie

We all remember the disastrous (and laughable) Republican responses to the SOTU over the years.  Bobby Jindal’s and Marco Rubio’s responses were cringe-worthy, and Jindal’s 10 minute spotlight moment ended his career.  Well, last Thursday, freshman Alabama senator Katie Britt said “hold my beer”, launching into the weirdest SOTU response in history.  Typical for Republicans, they put her in a fucking KITCHEN while she breathlessly disclosed the horrors of the Biden administration like protecting women’s health and preserving the right to vote.  If it wasn’t so strange it would have been hilarious.

One of Britt’s blood curdling stories was one she recounted of a private conversation she had with one woman who had been sex trafficked by the cartel in the US after crossing the border during Biden’s presidency.  The story was truly horrific as she described being repeatedly raped and being held captive in a shoebox-sized room.  Simply awful…with the one exception that it was complete bullshit.  Not that the woman was raped and held captive – that story is likely true.  The bullshit happened when Britt pinned the whole terrible scenario on Biden and his border policies.  Tim-Tokker Jonathan Katz did all the work on this, so I’ll let him tell the story:


This isn’t going to make her like TikTok more. #katiebritt #sotu #stateoftheunion #lies #politicians #biden2024 #trump2024 #immigration #traffickingawarenes #mexico #bordersecurity #fyp

♬ original sound – Jonathan M. Katz

So, the victim here, Karla Jacinto Ramiro, was a victim of child sex trafficking when she was 12.  In 2004.  When George W. Bush was president.  IN MEXICO.  Ramiro is now an advocate for victims of sex trafficking and is in her 30s.   Ramiro even told this same story in a congressional hearing in 2015.  So, Katie Britt picks up this tragic 20 year old story and recasts it to place blame on Biden who wouldn’t be president until almost 20 years after it happened.  That’s like Republicans blaming Obama for the great recession that happened under GWB or Biden for the disastrous response to COVID  and Afghanistan debacle that were caused by TFG.

Not only was Britt’s melodramatic and creepy SOTU rebuttal cringe-worthy, it was also nothing but vicious character assassination and pure bullshit.  AND she did it on national television.  With any luck, Britt will go the way of Bobby Jindal.

What Were They Thinking?

May 11, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Lie, Trump

Last night, CNN stupidly handed TFG 70 minutes on the national stage to spew his bullshit and play his greatest hits of lies, big lies, gigantic lies, and intergalactic lies.  His “town hall” quickly became a TFG rally complete with mocking of the moderator and continued defamation of every perceived enemy from Biden to E. Jean Carroll.  What idiot at CNN thought it would be a good idea to fill a room with TFG supporters and unleash them on national television?  TFG began his stream of lies within one minute of taking the stage, and it continued for over an hour, completely running over moderator Kaitlan Collins, who’s effort to fact check TFG was an exercise in futility.

If there was any good that came from last night’s shameful display, it’s that TFG did a superb  job of burying himself in confessions of crimes and continued defamation of his enemies, especially E. Jean Carroll, to whom he already owes $5 million.  He openly celebrated the January 6th insurrection, calling it a “beautiful day”, and repeated his promise to pardon insurrectionists.  He admitted to taking classified documents and hiding them at Mar a Lago.  You can bet that Jack Smith and other federal and state prosecutors were listening very carefully and taking copious notes.  I have to admit one thing about TFG – he clearly understands his plight and has pushed all of his chips to the center of the table.  He knows that if he’s not successful at winning the presidency and taking down the US government, he’s facing the rest of his life either in jail or fighting desperately to stay out.  Without a win, his fate is sealed.

We may as well brace for almost two years of this rolling shitshow as it’s clear that TFG controls the former Republican party and no one will come close to taking him down in the primaries.  EVERY voter needs to understand the stakes here; you can bet that TFG does.

Carlson Takes the Fall

April 25, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Crazy Train, Insurrection, Lie, Misogyny, Trump, Trumpists, Uncategorized

Yesterday Fox Noise announced that Tucker Carlson had “mutually agreed” to part ways with the news propaganda network which is interesting, since he said that he would be back on Monday when he signed off on Friday.  Reporting is that he was blindsided by the sudden firing, and that the decision had come straight from the top, meaning Rupert Murdoch.

There’s a lot of speculation about what happened, but my guess is that Carlson had become too powerful at the network with Republicans kowtowing to him and even pushing legislative and policy agendas he introduced to his audience.  And not inconsequential, Murdoch was undoubtedly miffed by the revelations of his uncharitable opinions of both senior Fox management and TFG that came to light during the Dominion case.  Add to these issues the Mt. Everest of lies, misogynist rants, and racist diatribes, and the result is not surprising.

Lastly, it’s been speculated that Carlson was served up by Murdoch in lieu of an apology in the Dominion settlement.  That makes a lot of sense, since he was the Grand Dragon of The Big Lie at Fox, repeating it five nights a week since the 2020 election.

Once again, Fox is in search of a new chief liar to take the prime seat at the network; in the meantime, Carlson will be searching for a new gig, joining Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck in the purgatory of online bullshit peddling to a shrinking audience.  Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

The Last Straw…

February 12, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, Alternative Facts, Lie, Trumpists

We all know that George Santos (or whatever his real name is) is a lying shitbag who has no business being anywhere near the seat of government, much less occupying a seat in the US House of Representatives.  To be fair, there are a lot of lying shitbags in Congress, but this particular shitbag is singularly accomplished in his volume of lying about everything from his ethnicity to his education to…well, just about everything.

But he’s worse than that – he’s a dog napper and abuser, and that’s where I draw the line.  We already know how he raised money to save a veteran’s dog that had cancer and then absconded with the money while bragging about “saving 3,000 dogs”.  It doesn’t stop there – in the Washington Post this morning there is a story about how Santos stole 5 Labrador Retrievers from an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania.  He promised to “wire $5,000” to him, but vanished.  He finally wrote checks to the farmer that bounced.  According to the farmer, he filed charges against Santos, but the charges were later dismissed after some kind of settlement.  Santo apparently did this to several breeders, writing over $15,000 in hot checks and then putting the dogs up for “adoption” and pocketing the money.

So, Santos screwed over a lot of people before lying his way into Congress; that makes him a shitbag and shame on those people for believing him.  But doing it to dogs?  That’s unforgivable and the last straw.  This guy has to go.


“Lies” have been Redefined as “Embellishments”

December 28, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, Lie, The Big Lie

Newly-elected congressional representative George Santos is a lying sack of shit.  There’s no other way to say it. He’s lied so much about his background that it’s probably easier to find what he didn’t lie about, but here’s what we know he did lie about – his family, ethnic background, his family in the Holocaust, his religion, his education, his work history, his business (it doesn’t exist), his finances, his residential status, and his sexual orientation.  He doesn’t even live in the district where he got elected.  During his interview on Fox Noise, Santos admitted to all of his lies and making excuses for his lies like “I didn’t say I was a Jew, I said I was Jew-ish,” whatever that means.  The Noise Machine, including him, have started calling these easily disprovable lies “embellishments”, as if embellishments were Okey Dokey.  And apparently to the RNC, it is.

The response from Kevin McCarthy and the RNC about their latest shitbag making the headlines? Crickets. Based on the deafening silence from the party, there is zero doubt that McCarthy is going to seat this guy in Congress and let him get away with massive lying.  It’s no surprise that’s going to happen, because power is more important than legality or democracy, but it just confirms yet again that the GOP is now the GLP (Grand Liars Party).

The more things change, the more they stay the same.