Archive for the ‘Flamethrower’

This Will Give You Hope

March 27, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Flamethrower

AOC tore up the GOP yesterday on climate change.  This warms my heart.

The Assault on Ocasio-Cortez

January 11, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Flamethrower

Mouthbreathers who can type have been going nuts that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was actually elected to Congress that they’ve frantically been trying to denigrate and discredit her in a dishonest mis-information campaign.  First it was being outraged that she wore a designer outfit for a fashion magazine shoot.  Then they mocked her clothing after she was elected.  Then it was the innocent dance video shot of her and friends back when she was an undergrad at Boston college.  Now it’s this:

This photo, not of Ocasio-Cortez’s feet, was posted by Tucker Carlson’s manure merchant, Daily Caller, with the headline, “Here’s the Photo Some People Described as a Nude Selfie of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.”  That’s right, Tucker Carlson’s propaganda machine actually posted a photo of some woman’s feet in a bathtub, with the “some people” claim for the single goal of smearing a member of Congress because they don’t like her politics.

What’s disgusting is that these smears speed around the internet without the slightest concern for accuracy or common decency.  What’s really offensive?  The above photo or a college video is “shocking” and “inappropriate”, but the photo below is Okey-Dokey.

The noise machine has zero interest in accuracy, honesty, or common decency.  It’s all about winning, facts be damned.  At the same time the blindness with which these same people treat the Trumps is jaw dropping.

How Manufactured Outrage Starts

September 03, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Flamethrower

One of the Fall’s biggest movies premiers is First Man, a biographical/action movie about Neil Armstrong.  It screened last week at the Venice film festival to rave reviews and Oscar talk.  A movie about one of our biggest 20th century heroes complete with jets, rockets, and spaceflight?  Cool, eh?  Not so fast, bucko, we have to go through the Patriot Test.  Uh, oh, the movie left out the actual planting of the US flag on the moon.  Trigger The Outrage Machine.  Now, for context, only a couple of hundred people have seen this movie so far; it doesn’t release until October 12, but right wing screamers from Breitbart to Twitter to even Marco Rubio have whipped up The Outrage Machine and turned the movie into a political hot potato over leaving out a flag planting scene.  Again, NONE of the people screaming on social media have actually seen the movie, and apparently not even the trailer, since our beloved totem was even featured in that.  Have a look:

Those who have actually seen the movie say the flag is all over it, and even shown in the moon scenes.  Ryan Gosling, who plays Armstrong in the film, said that the the story depicts “human achievement” more than simply American, which, in fact, is the way Armstrong himself saw it.  They chose to focus on Armstrong’s story, not only American culture.  And to some, that is the unforgivable sin.

So where is the outrage coming from?  It’s coming from radical partisans (who haven’t seen the movie) using bullshit to whip up anger of the base using the excuse that Armstrong’s biography wasn’t All-American-Flag-Wavingly-Jingoistic enough.  Oh, and that Gosling is a goddam Canadian daring to play an American hero.  That all adds up to blasphemy against Jingo, the All Seeing God of all things nationalistic.

The whole controversy is manufactured from whole cloth to only piss off the base.  What does the base do?  They get pissed off, of course, and light up social media with fake outrage over nothing.  And that’s how it works.

Don’t be Uncivil…

June 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Flamethrower

By all means, whatever you do, don’t be uncivil to a Trump staffer.  We must all be nice to each other, right?


Still Blaming Bernie

August 24, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Flamethrower

Yesterday, Newsweek published a story accusing Bernie voters of tipping the 2016 election to Trump.  It uses data from the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Survey, compiled by Political Wire, that showed that, indeed, 10% of Bernie primary voters went for Trump in the general. It then goes into a swing state analysis that showed that Trump’s winning margin was less than the Bernie’s voters who went for Trump.  The implication was clear – stubborn Bernie voters wrecked Hillary’s bid for the presidency.  How evil they were and inconsiderate of Hillary and all of her supporters.  Fair enough.

There was an interesting mention, though, of a few not insignificant details at the very end of the article…First, the 10% of Bernie voters that went for Trump paled in comparison to the TWENTY FIVE percent of Hillary voters who went for McCain in 2008 (hypocrisy, anyone?).  More important, and one that I hadn’t realized was so large, was that almost 30% of Bernie voters were actually self identified Republican or leaned Republican.  Conversely, Hillary only attracted about 6 or 7% of the same demographic.

So, was it Bernie and his evil bots who wrecked Hillary’s election, or was it actually the fact that Hillary failed to attract the same demographic that Bernie did?  Trump certainly attracted a wide demographic of support.  Bernie attracted a wide demographic of support.  Hillary simply did not.  So, should the headline of the Newsweek article have been BERNIE SANDERS VOTERS HELPED TRUMP WIN AND HERE’S PROOF,  or should it have been HILLARY CLINTON LOST BECAUSE SHE FAILED TO ATTRACT A WIDER DEMOGRAPHIC THAN TRUMP?

I know the answer, but Hillary’s supporters, and many in the party, still cling to the myth that Bernie wrecked her election.  The inconvenient truth is that the numbers are the numbers and they speak for themselves; this lesson must be learned by the Democratic party lest it have to re-learn it in 2020.

I’m not holding my breath.



Unhinged and Unfit

July 25, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Flamethrower, Trump

Long before Cheeto Jesus became active in politics, I believed he was nothing but a snake oil salesman.  His reputation as a fraud in business, a lecher with women, a crass carnival barker and shameless promoter were well known.  I refused to watch his silly scripted “reality” shows, would change the channel when he was a guest on talk shows, and certainly wouldn’t frequent any of his businesses when in New York.  His campaign, and his subsequent infestation of the White House were and are simply appalling.  But yesterday?  In front of FORTY THOUSAND young boys at the Boy Scout Jamboree?  Donald Trump’s behavior was simply unacceptable.  Foul language, sarcastic, self-serving rhetoric, political and personal attacks were infused throughout his shameful performance.  My God, it was simply the worst of the worst.  How do you teach your child to be loyal, trustworthy, and honest when the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exhibited NONE of these qualities?

For months I have tried to come up with a one word descriptor for this, this, thing.  The only word that comes to mind is shitbag. (Sorry, Momma)  This word is short and unambiguous.  I know it’s offensive to some, but I couldn’t be more offended than I am now.  New York Magazine has just posted a really good summary of the 14 inappropriate things Trump said in front of our nation’s youth.  It’s hard to read, but you need to do it.