Archive for the ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Don’t Believe Your Eyes and Ears

April 12, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Domestic Terrorists, Insurrection, Sedition

““Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else.”– George Orwell

Imagine my surprise when I was perusing Twitter this weekend and found a tweet that asserted that the attack on the capital was not in fact sedition. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the wherewithal to save that Tweet, but subsequent searches found the article in question.

Occasionally we get to witness things first hand. It is particularly incendiary to see someone or some people attempt to tell us that what we saw is not what we saw and what we heard is not what we heard.

Yet, former President Trump attempted to tell us exactly that in his all out war with the mainstream media. He actually said that we can’t believe what we see and hear. When you eliminate the mainstream media then the only thing left is state sponsored media. From there, it is just a quick jump to the world that Orwell created in his novel.

Denial is one way of erasing the past. Most attempt to whitewash it. It isn’t that people didn’t invade the capitol. It is that they did it nonviolently. They had no weapons. The former president told us that they hugged the officers as they came in. They handed them all flowers and chocolates as they came in. If they are guilty of anything it isn’t paying for the tour.

Others resort to whataboutism. What about the protesters in Portland and Minnesota? What about the protesters everywhere else that caused property damage and hurt people. Some of them even had guns. Isn’t that worse than what the people did at the capitol?

Finally we get the conspiracy theorists. Sure, people invaded the capitol and sure they committed insurrection and sedition, but they weren’t the good, honest conservatives that came there to protest. Those were liberal agitators from Antifa and BLM that were trying to get conservatives in trouble.

Add it all up and it’s just pathetic deflection. First of all, we watched the attack. We know the numbers of officers that were either hurt or killed. The irony of the what about argument is that they show their hand on the last argument. Remember, conservatives always accuse you of what they are in fact doing. Certainly not all of the bad actors at protests out of Washington are in fact conservative agitators, but many of them were.

Yet, that doesn’t matter. Let’s say all of them were Antifa and BLM. It is difficult to separate in your mind what was behind the violence and who the violence was against. One group were protesting an election they lost. Others were protesting continual mistreatment by the police. One group attempted to overthrow a government in the midst of a constitutional event. The other group had members get violent in protest and may have damaged private property or injured innocent bystanders.

The point is that when we don’t want something to be true we will try anything to convince ourselves that it isn’t true. Maybe we deny it happened in the first place. Maybe we rearrange our memories to change what happened. Maybe we change the subject and try to get people to focus on something else that happened. Maybe we just change who did it. This is your shame. It’s right here and you can’t run from it anymore no matter how hard you try.

Trump’s Lasting Legacy of Failure

March 05, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, China, Domestic Terrorists, Fascism, Trade War Based On Lies, Trump

Among the outrages committed by Trump during his 4 year infestation of the WH is the damage he did to the US’s global standing.  Not only did he turn against centuries-long alliances and quit global cooperation (the WHO, Paris Climate Accord, Iranian nuclear deal), he ceded global trade positions to China.  Oh, he talked tough and launched a disastrous trade war, but the real damage he did was allowing China to get a giant leg up on global trade, diplomacy, and even defense.   When Trump was boasting about his “America First” policy, other countries were moving into the vacuum and moving quickly.  After a smaller increase last year due to the pandemic, China announced today an increase in its defense budget of 6.8% as it modernizes and increases its military capabilities.  Xi Jinping, facing no real political opposition, has jumped into the void created by Trump’s bungling cementing not only China’s dominance, but also his own.

Xi saw Trump’s bungling as an opportunity for China, and he took it.  He let Trump think he did the “biggest deal ever”, when, in fact, he pantsed him in front of the entire world, and the only people who didn’t see it were MAGHats and Lindsey Graham.  His trade war and “deal” with China used his crack negotiating skills – he gave China everything it wanted.  The Brookings Institute put it best just before the 2020 election:

“Despite Trump’s claim that “trade wars are good, and easy to win,” the ultimate results of the phase one trade deal between China and the United States — and the trade war that preceded it — have significantly hurt the American economy without solving the underlying economic concerns that the trade war was meant to resolve. The effects of the trade war go beyond economics, though. Trump’s prioritization on the trade deal and de-prioritization of all other dimensions of the relationship produced a more permissive environment for China to advance its interests abroad and oppress its own people at home, secure in the knowledge that American responses would be muted by a president who was reluctant to risk losing the deal.”

Trump’s paper tiger presidency allowed bad actors like Iran, Russian, and China to actually do the opposite of what he boasted would happen.  These countries, without the vigilance of the allies lead by the US to hold them to account, increased their global dominance.  Russia has expanded its cyber operations targeting all global democracies, China stepped into the void to dominate Pacific trade, and Iran is once again expanding its nuclear capability.  Worse, our own allies have backed away from us, and Biden’s aggressive re-engagement has not calmed fears about who the US will elect in 2024 and simply return to Trumpism.  This problem is not going away any time soon, especially with a Senate that can’t even pass a bill that will provide some relief to our long haul misery caused by Trump’s incompetence that was magnified by politicians terrified of his violent supporters.  Remarkably, it seems that Trump’s greatest accomplishment was creating an environment in the US toxic enough to enable domestic terrorism to rise from the shadows out into the light of day for the entire world to witness.  Domestic terrorists espousing fascist ideology and violence doesn’t give our allies confidence in our long term viability and most certainly takes away our moral authority as the biggest proponent of democracy around the world.

The damage Trump did will be long lasting and far reaching.  Republicans, trying to protect their own hides, refuse to acknowledge the problem, and this problem can’t be fixed with more executive orders and the efforts of only one party.  I’m not hopeful.

Domestic Terrorists Drove April Protests in Michigan

November 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alt-Right Racists, Domestic Terrorists, Trump, Trumpists

The Washington Post is reporting that at least 5 of the terrorists who have been charged with planning the kidnapping and murder of Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer played prominent roles in the April protests where the capital was swarmed by heavily armed gun nuts.  Three of said nuts are in the now famous photo standing menacing people in the capitol building.

At least 5 of those charged played active roles in these protests that shut down the state government and were active in 7 other protests around the state until they were arrested.  It’s also come to light that these terrorists identified themselves with the Boogaloos Bois movement which is spreading a violent ideology.  After we witnessed Trumpists stopping traffic and even threatening Biden campaign busses over the weekend, it’s clear now that Republican leaders, through decades of gross negligence and radical ideology, have unleashed evil forces in the US not see since the Kennedy assassination in the early 60s and the American Nazi movement in the 30s.

We must pull back from the brink shine the light on these criminals.  Enough of this is enough.

Looney AND Stupid

October 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Domestic Terrorists

It’s exactly as we thought.  The letter bomber today is not only a mouth breathing, drooling Trumpist, he’s crazy as hell AND stupid as a bag of horse manure.  First he mailed letter bombs to people who don’t open their own mail.  Stupid.  Second, he misspelled the same words on multiple labels.  Stupid. Third, he had a van covered in anti-Democratic images and slogans, including death threats to Democratic officials and their families, and Nazi like images of Trump. Stupid. Fourth, he filled his social media accounts with poisonous bile threatening to kill everyone from Hillary to George Soros. Stupid. Fifth, and most important, the letter bombs he manufactured are covered in his DNA and fingerprints. Incredibly stupid. Since he already had a felony record and drove around in a rolling nutjob billboard, he was easily and quickly caught. Let’s be clear here – this guy is not only a terrorist, he’s a 24 karat gold dumbass.  Here’s a good pic of one side of the van.

As if you needed it, this goofball is the perfect example of why Donald Trump is so dangerous.  Trump has no limits, no judgement.  He is so obsessed with self that he uses idiocy like this guy displayed to his advantage.  And while he breeds this kind of terrorism, other more normal people, now called 401(k) Trumpists, look the other way because (at least up until this week), their retirement accounts have been going up. That weakens our democracy.

The reality here is that we got lucky this time because no one was injured and this guy was so incredibly stupid that he made bombs that didn’t work.  But thereare smarter people out there who are just as looney.  They are the ones who scare me.