Carnivory R Us

August 24, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

With the not-so-surprising news that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has “suspended” his campaign for POTUS and thrown his support to Donald Von Shitzenpantz (who says he doesn’t really need any more voters, thank you), I am reminded of the man’s choice of fine cuisine.

RFK, Jr. is a self-admitted carnivore, and as we all now know, he is known to collect road kill for food and fur. He claims to have eaten all kinds of meat from all kinds of animals. That which he finds he has no time for, he apparently abandons in Central Park in New York City.

But he claims to have never partaken of the flesh of a dog. I actually had a chance to take a sample of Fido in East Asia once upon a time. I passed, but not before being told that the meat of a black dog was especially scrumptious: “Black dog – good eating.”

And while we are on the subject, this also reminds me of a story about TFG’s former White House doctor, Ronny Jackson, currently taking up space as a congressman for the 13th District of Texas. He apparently is simpatico with RFK’s penchant for exotica.

This story from two years ago describes Jackson’s encounter with a plate of “Dog Penises.” Said he during a podcast back then: “I ate a whole plate of dog penis one time. I’m not doing that again.”

It wasn’t actually the genitalia of dogs that Jackson partook of, not really. He was recalling eating a plate of Gaebul, a Korean delicacy.

Gaebul, or Urechis unicinctus, is a species of marine worm known as a spoon worm but is also known as a “penis fish” for its resemblance to, well, a dog’s penis. Like these tasty little devils.

Yummy, huh?

Any given afficionado of any of the Star Trek sagas will recognize this exotic dish as a plate of Klingon Gagh, or one of the 51 varieties of serpent worms – just not the one with feet.

0 Comments to “Carnivory R Us”

  1. I was stationed as a drafted MP in Korea in 69-70. As a “rookie”, my first assignment was as a gate guard. At that time every US MP had a ROK MP on assignment alongside. So, the affable ROKs ordered some food from the nearby village. Fried meat n rice…common enough. It was pretty good as I recall. When finished, they laughed, spoke to each other in Korean. Then the one who was fluent in english asked how I enjoyed the…dog n rice. Got me!

  2. Man, I am so glad I didn’t see that picture before I had dinner!

  3. Never again, please.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As we have heard, rfk jr has a brain for (full of) worms.
    Seriously, I can’t think of a better match for a truly weird administration than to add rfk jr to djt. And djt jr loves him.
    Sounds like an algebra problem- djt + rfkjr + djtjr = what?

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Unfortunately, I was eating breakfast (but I did appreciate the Klingon reference…)

  6. Try harder! Raise your standards.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Steve @ 3

    I posted this on Facebook last week:

    There should be a Stupid/Weird Scale for politicians. I propose that it run from 0 (boring, normal: Dwight Eisenhower) to 10 (beyond the Rings of Saturn: Sharron Angle).
    On this scale. Mark Robinson is a 15 and J.V. Vance is (until more tapes come out) an 8.

  8. Had to laugh at the black dog comment! Years ago, at my workplace, one of the employees had a picture of her black lab pinned on her bulletin board. One day a coworker, a Chinese guy, came into her cubicle to ask her a question, & saw the picture. He commented, and I quote, “Ohhh, black dog! Best kind! In China we eat dog!” She was predictably horrified, but we still quote that to this day.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Rfk jr isn’t just weird, he’s a sicko. Ya, just what we need, another sicko in the White House. Now this story about him and a dead whale:

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    Jill Ann @ 8

    When I worked on Maui I did a feature about the closing of an old courthouse (which had previously been a stables) where minor infractions were prosecuted, mostly deadbeats and chicken fighters.

    But also dognappers. The judge told me he had had a Filipino before him accused of dog-stealing. His entire defense was, “Your honor! It was a black dog!”

    I also take credit for writing “A History of Eating Dogs in Iowa” for The Des Moines Register, which derailed an attempt to make dog-eating illegal there.

    Fun fact: The first report of eating dogs in Iowa was written by Washington Irving.

  11. On my third trip to China (I eventually moved there for 7 years), I went with Jason, one of our Chinese engineers, to look at filtration equipment. One of the vendors took us to lunch. When the first dish came out, Jason said it was “dook”. That sounded like “duck” to me so I had some. It looked and tasted like dark meat from a free-range turkey, so duck made sense. About 20 minutes later, it came up again, and I discovered it was dog. Oh well.

  12. How hungry do you have to be to have eaten that seaworm/fish the first time it was thought palatable?
