Can’t Get Fooled Again
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”
But apparently, the Bush family is going to try.
I was half-watching / half painting my toenails last night and heard some rightwing fool on teevee say, “People say the Bushes are trying to create a dynasty like the Kennedys. They are not like the Kennedys at all!”
No shoot, Sherlock. The Bushes wouldn’t donate a dime to charity even if they got 20 cents change back.
So now comes Jeb, who appears to be the other son who cannot read.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) told MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Tuesday that he would support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants “if you can craft that in law where you can have a path to citizenship where there isn’t an incentive for people to come illegally” — a position that puts him at odds with his new book, out today from Simon & Schuster.
In his defense, the book he wrote only came out this morning so he hasn’t had time to read it yet. I mean, when you have to point your finger at every word, that takes some time.
And there is another excuse.
In promoting the book today, Bush justifies his change of heart by explaining that “we wrote this book last year, not this year” — after a bipartisan consensus has formed in favor a path to earned citizenship —
His values, my friend, are blowing in the wind. His values are blowing in the wind.
And it is Jeb’s son who came to Texas to run for an office. He hasn’t decided which one yet, because it appears that the Bush’s are fully qualified to screw up any political office.
Calling Blake Carrington. Is Blake Carrington in the house?
Thanks to David for the heads up.