Cancel Your Vacation Plans

May 04, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.  Manafort is set to go to trial on July 10th.  None of it is about Manafort and trump.  All of it is about Manafort and Russia.

… he is accused in cases filed both in Alexandria, Virginia and Washington, D.C. of hiding the work he did for and the money he made from a Russia-friendly political party in Ukraine and former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

In Virginia, he is also accused of concealing foreign bank accounts, falsifying his income taxes and failing to report foreign bank accounts.

In Washington, Manafort faces counts of conspiracy to launder more than $30 million, making false statements, failing to follow lobbying disclosure laws and working as an unregistered foreign agent.

As we say in Texas, he’s in a heap o’ trouble.

Now, here’s the fun part:  Yesterday, Mueller requested 70 blank subpoenas in preparation for the trial.  Yeah, seventy. That means the odds of you or me getting subpoenaed are better than average.

Thanks to Marcia for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Cancel Your Vacation Plans”

  1. Zyxomma says:

    I don’t think I’ll be getting a subpoena. I only met DJT once, and I kept my distance. I only met Rupert Murdoch once, too. I worked at too many law firms in the 1980s (freelance floater and temp).

  2. I hope Mueller can serve the 70 subpoenas before the criminals in DC retire and/or disappear in Uruaguay.

  3. One subpoena for each charge? Or is it one subpoena for all the undisclosed people waiting in the wings?

  4. Read about how one of addled ronnies judges has started the thuglican judicial defense of demented donnie and his cabal of crooks, liars and theives.
    In a hearing in N. Virginia district court a idelogical judge has started to help build a record for scotus to throw out muellers entire investigation.
    Federal judge questioned whether a federal prosecutor has any authority to pursue a criminal case against one of demented donnies syphants and the entire existence of the independent Prosecutor. He asked for a completely unredacted copy of Muellers charter.
    Who wants to bet this will be in the hands of faux news within 3 hours of judge receiving it by some oversight, mistake, false posting all of which will leave the judge guillty of nothing more then human error, no matter how well orchestrated it will be shown.
    Sadly with the ideologues being placed on the bench and the gorsuck acting as a receiver f a stolen position I can see wher this judiciary decides that the twits unified executive theory is ensconsed in law for thuglican politicians.
    Nixon tape case, overruled.
    Clinton cases on President liability on civil cases gone.
    Judiciary, like the congress, is becoming nothing more then a rubber stamp for herr drumpf.
    A shield and a sword.

  5. Pia Holm says:

    Popcorn concessionaires are gonna make a mint.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    A more ‘stable’ or curious judge than TS Ellis would be asking why crimes against humanity and sedition are not among those Manafort indictments. Ellis is way off the mark, if he considers Mueller an “aggressive” prosecutor. From all reports, Mueller is a thorough investigator which I accept, for now. However, viewing the indictments against some of the cooperating witnesses, especially Mike Flynn with his multitude of very serious crimes, Mueller may or may not be tenacious, but describing him as a “pitbull,” partisan or vindictive simply isn’t borne out by the facts of his behavior.

    Maybe Ellis should be given the same mental health exam Dotard45 received. But, please, have the tests administered by anyone other than doctors Ronny or Bornstein. Thorough or honest isn’t a word I’d use to describe their medical practices.

    Meanwhile, no one is granted a lifetime driver’s license. Maybe we should reconsider lifetime appointments for federal judges. At a minimum periodically have them take vision, hearing and competency tests. Review boards?

  7. Ellis must be recognized as a member of the thuglican judiciary branch
    Ideology is supreme for these puppets
    Oaths of office or principles are secondary to serving herr drumpf
    As the bench is further infected with this thuglican hacks the citizens can no longer count upon a judiciary that even pretends to be impartial
    With a majority of scotus comprised of these shameless and debased jurists there is little hope that demented Donnie will ever be held to account

  8. This case is about Russia and Trump. Remember the RNC convention intervention on the Ukraine? Manafort was only the Campaign Chair at that time. Trump knew nothing? We know Trump better than that. Manafort laundered millions of Russian dollars into his personal accounts and did not pay taxes. That finding is directly related to funding sources of the campaign. The Judge will not enter an order dismissing a prosecution on grounds this thin.

  9. @Lless
    “The Judge will not enter an order dismissing a prosecution on grounds this thin.”

    Hope springs eternal.
    This assumes this member of the judiciary herr drumpf protection league holds any principles over his service to his tin god.
    In this you have greater faith then I.

  10. Annabelle Lee says:

    It actually equals out to subpoenas for 35 people. They’re in pairs, it seems.

    It’s good that there’s finally movement. I just want to know what happened.

  11. k:
    You and Lless obviously have a better grasp of legal and constitutional issues than I ever will. And I agree with what you’ve said. But I have to point something out. Donnie Douchebag is only a malignant narcissist who has taken advantage of the infrastructure built over decades by the likes of the Koch brothers, the Mercers, etc. Because their think tanks have produced “people” like Ann Coulter and countless others flogging the divisions between us as opposed to the things that unite us. But unfortunately, the events happening now are setting precedents for the future. So the actions of people from the past decades are being utilized by this malignant narcissist to benefit himself, but also enable douchebags for who knows how long in the future. In other words, this sh*t is exponentially bigger than the putrid walking pondscum who is currently my and your president.

  12. @P.P.
    Agree with you about everything but me having a better grasp.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    We can relax. Or, relax at least as much as is possible while Dotard45 and his criminal gang remain in office and snacilbupeR control the House & Senate. Rod’s got this one. Rod Rosenstein has been a very busy man delivering addresses to defend democracy and the US Constitution. The Mueller Team plus Rod vs. the stable of geniuses Donnie, Rudy and Michael Cohen? Place your bets! And please, don’t forget to vote and take ten friends to the polls with you.

  14. twocrows says:

    And here’s another fun part:
    Manafort’s lawyer tried to get the case tossed because it’s NOT about Manafort and Trump. Just as if Trump and Russia rigging the election is the only crime that can be prosecuted. Ever.

    I’m sure all the people populating US prisons will be happy to hear it.

    I’ll give his lawyers this, they deserve an A for creativity.

  15. maryelle says:

    I well remember the Spring and Summer of 1973. Watching the Watergate trials consumed my total interest while I sanded and painted the interior of my home. I heard John Dean drop the bombshell that there were tapes of all of President Nixon’s conversations in the Oval Office. From then on Tricky Dicky’s goose was cooked.
    Lordy, I hope there are tapes.

  16. Some great and experienced talking head this AM on the tv dropped a bit of insight that made me sigh: There is building as we speak a cohort of people nationwide who are so over the investigations for whatever reason that they are in danger of growing completely numb. This is like curling up into a ball numb. People curled into balls do not vote. For as much as we are seeing a Blue Wave, these curled up balls are the rocky shoals near the shore line. We have to be the Coast Guard. See what I mean?

  17. @ maggie
    part of the reason people are disengageing is the dccc pushing thuglicans as d’s while torpedoing progressives.
    If an D congress gets elected and they choose to do nothing you will see people just giving up.
    Impeachment of the entire regime, cabinet officers, failed gove nutcase vp, SEC, FEC, FCC etc and all appointees including judges up to and including gorsuch.
    If they can’t get that cut entire travel budget for pres. vp, and entire gov. to $0. and ban reprograming of funds.
    Keep them captive in DC and ground air force 1 and 2.
    Zero out all entertainment or discretenairy funds for entire executive branch.
    Cut secret service budget to bare mimimuim to protect the pres., vp and wives while they are in dc. If they go anywhere else they must have secret service protection paid for by them personally. Zero out secret service for florida any private residences. Bring secret service home from NYC and florida.
    Ban any expenditure, reimbursement etc to any drumpf entity for any reason. If the principles choose to visit those any of drumpf’s slums secret service stays for free.
    Pass total curtailment of any benefits for them after they leave office. Same with whacko from Indiana. This includes any pension he may have been vested in from congress.
    Put it in budget if drumpf vetos then let gov. shut down.
    failure to pursue the slime that this regime is because people want to “move forward” or because “we have to work together” or mythical bipartisanship is unacceptable.
    Don’t pursue justice by prosecuteing these criminals is how to completely discourage the electorate.
