Can You Get Insurance Against Goofy?

November 18, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“I am proud to announce this morning that Texas is trying desperately to maintain it’s title as Crazzzy Land, USA,” Juanita grins.

“And the fact that the Lege is going into session in January gives us a leg up on any place else.”  She’s willing to gamble on it.

“Take, and we wish you would, Leo Berman for an example.

AUSTIN — A state representative on Tuesday filed a bill that would require any candidate for president or vice president of the United States to show his or her birth certificate to the Texas secretary of state, another indication of just how ambitious the conservative agenda for next year’s session of the Texas Legislature is expected to be.

“This bill is necessary because we have a president whom the American people don’t know whether he was born in Kenya or some other place,” Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, said in reference to President Barack Obama and of House Bill 295. “If you are running for president or vice president, you’ve got to show here in Texas that you were born in the United States and the birth certificate is your proof.”

“Leo Berman, of course, is from East Texas, where they seem to take pride in the fact that they are saving a mess of money by electing their crazy people to office instead of wasting the money to cure them,” she suspects.  “So far, it’s worked out pretty good for them but just gawd-awful for the rest of us.”

During the last session of the Lege, all of Leo’s bills were killed by his fellow Republicans on the advice of the state’s Republican Attorney General.  “Honey,” Juanita warns, “to be considered nuts by Texas Republicans takes more effort than moving an anvil uphill, barefoot, on pine cones, in winter.”

It’s gonna be an outstandingly fun Lege session.

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