Can You Die of Schadenfreude Overdose?

July 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a Republican attorney general in Texas who goes by the name of Ken Paxton.  We might be seeing that change soon as he will be known as Stinky Dwayne’s Cellmate.

NSW_11legislature23The criminal investigation against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken a more serious turn, with special prosecutors now planning to present a first-degree felony securities fraud case against him to a Collin County grand jury.

Special prosecutor Kent Schaffer said Wednesday afternoon that the Texas Rangers uncovered new evidence during the investigation that led to the securities fraud allegations against the sitting attorney general.

This would not be near as much fun if —-

—Paxton was not the most arrogant man among highly arrogant men.  Honey, he can strut sitting down.

— Paxton had not advised county clerks in Texas to violate the order of the Supreme Court in gay marriage.

— Paxton had not led a life of larceny.

— Paxton had not won with straight Republican voting, defeating one of the most ethical lawyers in Texas.

— Y’all, he’s just a jerk.

So, if he’s indicted on a first degree felony, that could mean life in prison. That’s not gonna be pleasant in Texas.  Stinky Dwayne still holds a grudge against lawyers since his last divorce.

Thanks to Buff for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Can You Die of Schadenfreude Overdose?”

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    Then again Stinky might greet Kenny with, “Will ain’t you about the purtiest cell mate in the joint! Come sit by me, sweetheart.”

  2. I know there has to be an excellent reason why Texans keep electing crooks to run the state, but…… for the life of me I can’t figure out what it is…..

    Unless……. crooks are all the Republicans can put on the ballot.


    I got nuthin’

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I hope Stinky Dwayne is kind enough to share his good fortune with his neighbors.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Good things southern wingnuts have trusty Plan B+ Deluxe-the hand picked,5th Circuit Court of expungerating all charges against crooked wingnut pols-Tom Delay style.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Someone explain why women can’t bare their breasts in public while wingnuts are free to parade their “pricks” on tv(especially Fake Noise) every minute of every waking day.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    p.s. Sorry Mama for the naughty reference.

  7. When Inmate Ken Paxton tries to explain to Stinky Dwayne and his crew that what they want to do is against prison regulations as well as state and federal law, I’m sure Dwayne will be pleased to discuss the overriding authority of personal beliefs with the former Attorney General.

  8. There is only one thing I’d like to be able to say to folk like Paxton and delay and some others… “Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?”

  9. So the guy who says you can ignore the Supreme Court is a scofflaw? I am shocked. Shocked!

  10. charles r. phillips says:

    I’m just wondering why Crooks and Liars has this under Susie Madrak’s name?

  11. maryelle says:

    Well ain’t that a kick in the Repubicman’s pants! (new spelling)
    Speaking of kicking Repubicmen, where is the case against Tricky Ricky going? Shouldn’t there have been a trial by now?

  12. daChipster says:

    charles r. I’m wondering the same thing. This Madrak person has absolutely claim-jumped Juanita Jean stories in the past, writing milquetoast columns (compared to our Chief) on Texas issues.

    Now, she’s gone for the straight lift? Is it Rand (plagiarizing everyone especially my dad) Paul in drag?

  13. I also wondered who Susie Madrak was – as I read it, I could hear our Juanita’s voice – what gives?

  14. daChipster says:

    They fixed it!

  15. Juanita Jean says:

    Hey Guys, I have given Crooks and Liars permission to reuse my stuff. I just checked and my name is there, thanks to DaChipster. I kinda wish they would link to my site. That seems like the polite thing to do.

  16. Paxton looks as if he just doesn’t believe any of the bad things happening to him cuz his behavior is beyond the law as in I Am The Law. Securities fraud! Thats as good as when the guvmint got Al Capone on income tax charges! And he obviously hates tax payers, especially the gay ones who must go to a clerical office to get a wedding license and be treated like dirt even thought, hell, they are tax payers. Wonder how much income tax Paxton has paid — and how much of his income he has hidden?

  17. Death from a schadenfreude overdose? Never heard of one. However, I have heard that it’s possible to get a bit tipsy. That’s just rumor.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    Miemaw: I believe you answered your own question.

  19. Ole Scout says:

    PLEASE –
    Don’t get our hopes up.

  20. Old Fart says:

    I’d like to think so…

  21. So why is it that the one I feel sorry for is Stinky Dwayne?

  22. remember what ben carson said about being in jail and becoming gay?

    will ken pason come out of jail- gasp— homosexual and want to get gay married?????

  23. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Life in prison? No chance. He’s white, middle-aged (more or less) and well to do. Worst-case scenario for him is a conviction and sentence of probation. He won’t serve a day in prison. Now if he were black, and charged with possession of half an ounce of pot planted on him by a LEO, then life in prison would be a real possibility. But for securities fraud? Never happen.

  24. Serious question here folks. Let’s assume he is convicted and given probation, can he be stripped of his position based on extreme irony.


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  1. Paxton could be in real trouble – Off the Kuff 03 07 15