Can We Get This Written in Cement, Please?

January 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Paul Ryan on Meet the Press

“Look, if we had a [Hillary] Clinton presidency, if we had Erskine Bowles as chief of staff of the White House or president of the United States, I think we would have fixed this fiscal mess by now,” Ryan said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

See ya in 2016, Paul.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Can We Get This Written in Cement, Please?”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Yea, and if we had a President Gore, we wouldn’t have spent President Clinton’s budget surplus on 2 wars, medicare Part D and stupid tax cuts for the rich, which caused this big fiscal mess in the first place.

    Good Grief. Paul Ryan is an idiot.

  2. Aggieland liz says:

    Paul Ryan is worse than an idiot: HE IS A LIAR!

  3. Lorraine,

    Yep, you said it all….

  4. Andrea Mitchell just said this morning that if Hillary runs, she’d clear the field. With a Castro on as VP, that would be an awesome ticket!

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Is he saying that the party of NO would say yes to Hillary but not to the black man in the White House? Or is he saying that Hillary is a push-over and the party of tantrums would steamroller her?

    The only explanation that makes sense is that he’s an idiot.

  6. Geez, I thought that was a given!!!!

  7. Paul Ryan aka ZEGS

    (Zombie Eyed Granny Starver)

  8. W C Peterson says:

    It was code. Every Democrat he mentioned by name is Caucasian. The one Democrat the Republican’ts are fighting has dark skin. That’s the only difference. What do they call a person who makes that little distinction such a huge deal?

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Did he say he can his cohorts can only work with white people?

  10. zyxomma, that pun rocked my world. “…not in his mitts…” (chuckle rolling through.)

    Yeah, the man can’t stop lying about the past and the alternate future of Hillary Clinton’s 2008-2012 (and maybe more) presidency. I do not believe for a second that the GOPs in Congress would have done even one thing necessary to fix the fiscal disaster they and GWB created. But they wouldn’t have wasted time thinking she wasn’t born here, or was a Muslim, or was Beelzebub because a fly landed on her, because, well, she’s…a paleface.

  11. Okay, JJ, can you channel Ann Richards in coming up with a good response?

  12. Let’s find out, shall we?

  13. scottybeamer says:

    Ann Richards, who said some kind words about me one time, is my all time favorite lady politician. She would put Paul Ryan in his place so fast, he wouldn’t know what hit.
    She truly was a remarkable human being and is missed!

  14. Paul Ryan may be prophetic.

    However, the guy doing the job right now is the one most Americans wanted to do the job……. right now.

    In 2016, who knows????

  15. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Poor Paul…he thinks that President Obama is picking on the Republican Party instead of paying attention to cutting Social Security benefits and raising the eligibility age for Medicare. Only thing is, the rationale for changing eligibility ages is based on increases in life expectancy which are heavily biased toward the kind of people who have white skins and are highly educated.
