Can We Get An Amen?

February 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I suspect that our Super Delux Brand Christian Republican County Commissioner Andy Meyers is up to something again.  While a couple of our county commissioners have taken to posting their campaign finance reports online for everyone to see, Andy is once again in the dark basement of governmental secrecy.  He has not filed an online report since 2007.

That means that I will have to go to Rosenberg during regular working hours and sit in a stuffy office to look over his reports or, in the convenient but pricey alternative, I can order copies of his reports for ten cents a page.  I still have to go pick them up during regular working hours, making this process all but impossible except for the retired and pissed-off among us.

Andy Meyers. Yes, in fact, he did steal Tom DeLay's shirt

Andy’s probably double dipping with his car again or paying his country club membership.  I already got a $1,600 ethics sanction against him and I doubt he’s improved any in the ethics department since then.  However, he loves Jesus a whole bunch and will tell you about it so often that everyone counts the silverware before they let him leave the dinner party.

This editorial in San Antonio this morning reminded me that I haven’t check on Andy in a couple of years.

All city and county elected officials in Texas — and their political opponents — should have their campaign expenditure reports posted online.

The City of San Antonio currently posts such information. Bexar County only posts that of sitting county commissioners.

Voters who want to see the filings for all other Bexar County elected officials and their political challengers have to drive downtown to the county’s elections office to view the reports.

Heck, at least Bexar County gets their county commissioners to post online.  We can’t even get that.  Ours just do it voluntarily when they feel like it.  Being as how county commissioners in Texas is the most easily corruptible public office on earth, they at least should be required to lie online where everybody can see it.

I’ll try to get over next week and see what Andy is up to.

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