Can I Get a HELL YES?

October 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Lookie here.  Texas Voter ID Law is unconstitutional.

More tomorrow!  The cherry on top is that this decision puts Texas back under Justice Department pre-clearance under the Voting Rights Act.

Now we get to watch Greg Abbott spend more taxpayer money to discriminate against minority voters.

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0 Comments to “Can I Get a HELL YES?”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Hopefully, the 5th Circuit won’t put a stay on the order… but the odds are against it.

  2. And SCOTUS just struck down the Wisconsin version!! It vacated the appeals court affirmation of that law. Now Walker can join Abbot in spending more tax payer dollars. Interesting things about….

  3. This is the awesome Lewis Black on voter suppression in a new ad:

    Favorite line is “elected officials shouldn’t get to choose who chooses elected officials”.

  4. Also struck down in Wisconsin. 🙂

  5. Hell yes!

    (And celebrating alongside you in Wisconsin, too.)

  6. I just find it utterly shameful that each and every potential voter in this country does not get the same ease of access to their RIGHT.

  7. Next thing you know, Abbott will require everyone to have their temperature taken before they can vote. Makes about as much sense…

  8. Sadly, this wont free Collin and Denton counties from their domination by TeaBagTaliban elected officials.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    TexasTrailerParkTrash that’s those small government Republicans; big on vaginal probes and moving on to rectal thermometers. Next thing we know, they’ll be driving bots down our gizzards and sending drones to our backyards.

    Meanwhile, Karl Rove lost faith in tampering with the electronic ballots, so the GOP made a last ditch attempt with voter suppression.

    Hear this Senator Davis and come out swinging on Greg’s waste of taxpayer money and his complicity in voter suppression. Texas needs and deserves you and Senator Van de Putte as Governor and Lt Governor. GO BLUE TEXAS!

  10. HELL YES! from here.

    Of course Abbott’s going to fight it…more of our tax money wasted. He should look at the SCOTUS decision on Wisconsin’s law and just STFU.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Next Abbott will require all polling places to be in out-patient surgery centers and all election judges must have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles–to protect the health and safety of Republican politicians of course.

  12. Oh, this is so good and so righteous!! Hallelujah!!

  13. Just to remind folks, they’re taking the appeal to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. This is the same court that has, over the last year:

    Allowed abortion clinics to close in Texas
    Allowed same-sex marriages to remain banned in Louisiana
    Shows a bias against individuals vs. corporations

    I expect the court will overturn the Voter ID ruling and it won’t be heard by Roberts and the Supremes in time for the election, if at all.

  14. Angelo_Frank says:

    Unfortunately you are probably correct TalG. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has undoubtedly been already contacted by Abbott’s office to get it’s rear in gear and overturn the ruling by U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzalez Ramos. I expect an announcement from the radical 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in a day or two.

  15. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Hell Yes!

  16. I’m sending good karma down to Texas from PA. Hope the decision stands and more voters get to the polls. We had our own Voter ID Law overturned and appealed, but the higher court upheld the repeal. Now if we can just get people off their derrieres and into the polls.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    Free food! We should offer free pizza slices to voters.

  18. So very tired of all the sanity in Texas being at the mercy of the outlier Fifth Circuit.

    But Hooray for Judge Ramos. I gotta go read the opinion, all 147 pages of it.

  19. abbot proves that he is 100.000 % partisan!

  20. The Gangsters Organization Party, aka The GOP, imposed illegal ID laws struck down. The GOP dirty tactics trying to prevent minorities from voting is found to be unconstitutional. The GOP imposing unconstitutional laws? What? I don’t believe it… The GOP is becoming a criminal organization imposing illegal laws on citizens. In Florida the Gangster Republicans spent over $35 million dollars to investigate voter fraud, they found 132 invalid voter registration cards and only 3 instances of illegal voting. That is $11,666,667 dollars per illegal vote out of 11,856,694 voters or 0.000025% of the voters!!! The GOP are dumbasses!!!

  21. Holy cheese slices! Wisconsin’s voter ID law has also been ruled unconstitutional! Maybe this is contagious?

  22. Jean Kuhn says:

    I know people really look down on New Jersey, but voting here is really easy. Even after hurricane Sandy when many areas were still without power the districts got together and did all the voting in one place. It was very crowded but orderly and everyone who wanted to vote got to do it. I’ve lived here a very long time and have never had any issue with voting.

    It is shameful that ANY state makes it hard to vote and wastes good money that could be used to facilitate voting not prevent it. Maybe there are enough tough customers in NJ on both sides who won’t stand for it. Too bad the people of those affected states continue to elect GOP candidates who turn around and screw them.

  23. I’ll certainly give ya a “hell yes!” Unfortunately, I have to say that if there’s an easier place to vote than Washington State, I’d like to hear about it; but just try to get people to vote. The primary elections averaged about 30% of registered voters. The apathy is hard to take. Maybe knowing the GOP is trying to keep people from voting will make some of them more inclined to do so and to fight for that right. One can only hope.

  24. 1smartcanerican says:

    Rubymay, I agree – it is very easy to vote in Washington State. I’m not sure if it is statewide, but in King County (Seattle area), voting is by mail. Doesn’t get much easier than this. You get the ballot, you get the Voters Pamphlet, and you fill out the ballot and mail it in – or drop it by in my case because the central elections office is about 2 miles from my home. Lots of info online and available to extend the info in the voting pamphlet. All in all, don’t know how it could be easier unless I could just sit here and vote from my computer! Not sure that would not be tampered with, but so are voting machines.

  25. Hell yes.

  26. Hell yes!

    It’s easy to vote in Minnesota too. You can register on election day. In 2012 Republicans put 2 constitutional amendments on the ballot. Both failed. One was anti-gay marriage. The other was a voter ID law. Ha!

  27. e platypus onion says:

    A-Butt prolly has the 5th circuit court of approval on retainer.

  28. Angelo_Frank says:

    “Texas conducted elections in 2013 using photo IDs. Not requiring them for voting beginning a week from tomorrow could be considered a material enough revision by the SCOTUS for them to dodge an appeal from the plaintiffs if/when the Fifth Circuit rules against them. If I were a betting man — and I am — my guess is that the Fifth overturns Judge Ramos’ decision tomorrow evening or Tuesday morning, there is an immediate appeal to the SC which they decline to consider, and photo IDs go back into effect for the Texas election.”
