Calling Oprah Winfrey!

December 04, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Flamethrower

We all remember Oprah Winfrey shouting “You get a car and you get a car!” right?  Well, we need her again, except this time we need her to shout “You get a pardon and you get a pardon!”  This strategy has been suggested by some customers of the salon and a few pundits on the teevee.  I like it, especially as it would be a big Fuck You to Trump.  It goes something like this:

On January 18, 2025, Biden issues blanket federal pardons for all acts committed by the listed people between the dates of January 20, 2017 through January 20, 2025.  Those on the list will include all US officials who were ever involved in investigations or prosecutions of Trump, his family, friends, associates, and all of those who prosecuted the January 6th insurrectionists.  It would also include all federal personnel in the various departments of the government who have been involved in any program that Trump opposes.  At the top of the list would be past and present Joint Chiefs, especially Mark Milley, and the entire officer corps of all 5 branches of the military.  The pardons would also go to Biden’s family and staff, Kamala Harris, her entire family and staff, as well as all Biden Whitehouse staff.

Also on the list would be all all Democrats and the few Republicans who spoke out against Trump during that period as well as journalists who factually reported on Trump’s corruption between those dates and all of the staff of those new organizations.  Jeff Bezos would not make the list.

Then, on January 19, 2025, Biden would resign the presidency and Ketanji Brown Jackson would swear Kamala Harris in as 47th president of the US.  (Just think of all the Trump 47 merch that would be unsaleable after that!)  Kamala would then issue a blanket pardon to Biden covering the period from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2025.

Biden and Harris would then issue a joint statement of explanation stating that these extraordinary pardons had become necessary because of the clear and present danger Trump poses to these thousands of people who would be otherwise unprotected.  The explanation would include citing the continuous stream of public threats made by Trump and his nominated cabinet members specifically stating that they will use a weaponized DOJ to exact retribution against anyone who has even TALKED ABOUT Trump’s criminality and corruption.  Hunter would be included in that group.

This would be the first salvo in the flame thrower war that the Dems and Biden must wage to protect everything they can from Trump’s infestation of the Whitehouse beginning on January 20th.  Trump must be frustrated at every turn.  This must be a continuous effort on everyone’s part if we stand any chance of actually saving the country from the dictatorship Trump and his goons are planning.  Basically, we’re turning McConnell’s strategy against Obama and Biden against Trump with flamethrowers added for effect.

Let flamewar commence!

0 Comments to “Calling Oprah Winfrey!”

  1. Santa, can we have this plan for Xmas? Please?????

  2. Lin Barker says:


  3. John in Lake Oswego says:

    Although it is an obvious typo, I kinda like the ring of “fist salvo”-as applied to TFF/NG.

  4. But don’t pardons assume that those who are pardoned have committed some type of crime? Where are the crimes in all these cases?

    Quite frankly I hope with all my being that Tr*mp starts a massive witch hunt on Day 1. This will ultimately show whether we are a ‘Nation of Laws’, or a despotic banana republic.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Yah, needs to happen before New Years. I can hear the howling magats up to and including trumpf already. Then expect chuck todd and most of msm tevee and scribblers to explode. Good effing riddance.

  6. Biden should declare election null and void to keep convicted felon/adjudicated rapist from stinking up the people’s house again.

    My last comment for the duration.

  7. Damn–I like it.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Hell Yes!

  9. Jeff @4 – In normal times, yes. These are not normal times. At no time during our history has a president and his goons threatened mass investigations and prosecutions of political opponents and those who disagree with him. The pardon lever is one of the few powers the president has that can’t be reversed by courts or the Congress. It’s unfortunate, but this is where we are.

  10. Mike in MO says:

    Has anyone here seen Conover Kennard’s article on Crooks and Liars yet? This idea seems to be spreading!

  11. YESSSS, El Jefe!! I agree with every word you wrote. I am so angry all the time, and this is why: we have no power to do anything, and the people with the power are universally doing NOTHING! I am pleased that Joe stuck his finger in everyone’s eye, but I am so mad that Democrats have been acting like cowards the entire last month! STOP IT!! We have been crucified on a cross of s*** and I am SICK of it! I don’t watch MSNBC in any way like before, and part of it is the drivel issuing from everyone’s mouths. Joe and Mika can simply go right to hell. Yes, I am frothing. I’m sorry. I hate everyone on the right to the point that I need to step away. As of now, I am not watching anything I can’t do anything about. Honestly, I am at the end of my rope. How ’bout you? And Y’ALL?? We need to not bow down, and not try to be meek and conciliatory. These people are criminals and creeps and the scum of the earth.

    Okay, now I am going downstairs to drink heavily. I love you guys.

  12. Jeanne @ 12,

    It will take more than polite letters and peaceful protests. What will those, who are too cowardly to lead and defend the Constitution, do when the serfs realize they have been f***ed 20 ways to Sunday and are coming armed with pitchforks?
