C-SPAN Develops a Sense of Humor
Louie Gohmert takes to the House floor at least once a week to deliver a Cicero-like oration on how he loves Uhmerca and you don’t, dammit.
These speeches even bore the C-SPAN cameraman and …
C-SPAN cameras rarely do this kind of stuff so we need to realize how totally insane Louie truly is.
However, there advantages to being insane. Other insane people want you to run for Senate.
For several days now, Glenn Beck has been leading a campaign to convince Rep. Louie Gohmert to launch a primary challenge against Republican Senator John Cornyn in Texas. Today, Gohmert called into Beck’s radio program where Beck told Gohmert that he had been praying on the question and the answer that he heard from God is that Gohmert should run.
Ghomert demurred, saying that he’d need to raise millions of dollars to launch such a challenge, which prompted Beck to tell him that he should not worry about that since God will provide all the funding he would need because “we live in a time of miracles.”
“You are the guy,” Beck assured him. “As long as we’re on God’s side, who could stand against us?”
Who, indeed.
I’m all pissed off at God. He never gives me political oracles. Maybe I need a stronger drug regimen.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.