Byte Me.

October 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican men.  They amuse me to the extent that it literally improves my spiritual net worth.

Here, have a bite, too.


Look at this overly unrecognized amusement.

A reason to vote for Scott Brown?  He allows his women to blossom instead of wilting on the rape vine.

A surrogate for Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown is telling voters that the Republican lawmaker supports women because he is a “strong man” with a wife and two daughters, who he “allowed” to “blossom.”

And a woman said that.  She can turn in her ta-tas at the nearest Tupperware Party.

Thanks to Norma for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Byte Me.”

  1. I have only heard that term in historical romances. I wonder if they also swoon.

  2. BS…….I DARE any man to “allow’ me to do anything!!!!!!!!!
    And my daughters will be the first to to tell you how it goes…….

  3. Elise Von Holden says:

    Okay, gag me…My three daughters are such strong, vibrant women ( they popped out that way) that no man, least of all their father, would be able to suppress them in any way. They have all chosen decent men for their partners, and have babies when they are good and ready–end of story. In case of emergency, I have set aside enough money for a ticket to Europe/Canada for my daughters, granddaughters or great grand daughters to use for personal decisions…we need to unify as women, use the sex weapon (none for you numb nuts until you retract your stupid statements, stop the wars, etc–which would leave the Dems with all the perks) and hire private eyes to follow around all Repugs–since they have a lot of Gingrich style family values…there, i have become a job creator

  4. Disgusting.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Intrade predicts that he will lose 77-22 to the Democratic challenger, a woman who blossomed without his permission.

  6. Allow?!?! Allow??!!????!!!!! Oh Scottie, that is just, um like so pre-1950’s. And here we are in the 21st century already. Dayum son I hope that was a good nap.

    Oh, and just so you know Scottie, my hubs has NEVER “allowed” me to do ANYTHING. He has supported, encouraged, and sometimes just stood back and watched in awe, but he has NEVER “allowed.” Yeah, we’re um like so progressive like that. And the sons? They know their Momma would figuratively chop their sweet precious heads off if that kind of thinking came within a 100 yards of their very fine brains. But seeing as how their brains are very fine I don’t even have to worry about it.

    We’ll be waiting here in the 21st century for you if you ever decide to make the trip.

  7. Allowed to blossom? isn’t he the man that offered his daughter for marriage to eligible men the night of his election?

    I do hope Elizabeth Warren wipes that smile right off his nasty face

  8. This is as bad as saying he supports women because he posed nude in Cosmopolitan. 🙁

  9. Sounds like it was Brown’s very own “you didn’t build that” moment.

  10. Tom Harding says:

    I know this is off the subject of Scott Brown but you could have it worse,you could have this dildo Richard Mourdock.Being from Indiana I am continually embarrassed by these idiots that populate the Republican Party.

  11. He allowed his daughters to blossom. So what were the alternatives– keeping them locked in the basement for 40 years, or giving them hormone-suppressing drugs to keep them pre-adolescent?

    He may have meant that he encouraged them to reach their full potential as human beings, but dude, that’s not how it came out.

    Remind me– is there a male GOP candidate who, in the last month, has said ANYTHING about women that sounded good the first time?

  12. TexasEllen says:

    Any man who thinks he “allowed” his daughters to blossom is a blooming idiot.

  13. Sam in Kyle says:

    What are their names? Rose, Violet, and Petunia?

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    I think my allergies kept me from blossoming….
