By Pure Coingkidink, Trump State Department Reopens Years Old Hillary Email Investigation

September 28, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Hillary, Trump

File under What a Coingkidink, Trump’s State Department has been notifying former Clinton aids that emails sent to Hillary years ago have be RETROACTIVELY CLASSIFIED and that the investigation into her private email server has been reopened.  Of course, this new very serious “investigation” has nothing to do with Trump’s woes, I’m sure.  Not passing the straight faced test, a senior State Department official said, “This has nothing to do with who is in the White House.  This is about the time it took to go through millions of emails, which is about 3½ years.” Uh-huh. Right.

This feels like yet another abuse of power by Trump’s goon squad, whipped back up to give him more manure to throw against the wall on Fox Noise.

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0 Comments to “By Pure Coingkidink, Trump State Department Reopens Years Old Hillary Email Investigation”

  1. If you believe that is a coingkidink, then I got a bridge for you-I’ll even throw in a couple of monuments.

  2. My head is spinning.

  3. There’s nothing these illegally elected bottom-feeders won’t stoop to.
    We’re the enemy.
    No doichebaggery is too much.
    In their reality, we deserve everything that’s done to us.
    And those we love.

  4. Ted in Austin says:

    “Hey guys, I got a great idea. Let’s re-open the investigation into Hillary’s private e-mail server, that will totally distract everyone from the investigation into Trump’s private Presidential Records Server!” Oh boy, the s’nacilbupeR upcoming sh*tshow looks to be a doozey. Y’all might want to invest in popcorn futures!

  5. Trump is the world’s worst magician. The only way he can pull off his feeble attempts at misdirection is by filling the stage with Fox News hosts hoppin’ & jumpin’ around staring all bug eyed into the camera at their Kool-Aid drinker viewing audience.

    Trump is never gonna saw that lady in half.
    But he’ll certainly get 1/2 impeached, by the House, maybe not the Senate.

  6. So how about one of the Dem house committees that isn’t busy with impeachment stuff open investigations into Jareds & Ivankas use of an unsecured email server. And use of what’s app. Why not. Just subpoena them.

  7. Yeah! Let’s impeach Hillary

  8. Yep. Pure coincidence. And trump is Marie of Rumania.

  9. What’s that smell? Oh yeah, shades of desperation.

  10. Moscow Mitch and 45 have just been awarded the Dolly Parton award. Two biggest boobs in DC

  11. I will believe they care about security when they even START to investigate the rePUKEian aholes that did the same think during Debeya’s admin!!!!

  12. Don’t forget BENGHAZI!!!!!

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I’m sure it has nothing to do with House Democrats serving subpoenas on Pimpeo and his minions.

  14. As one of the many lawyers I follow on Twitter said (sorry, too many to remember which one), it’s like Congress just passed a law to retroactively make bike riding illegal and then went after adults who rode bikes as kids.

  15. It’s kind of funny. “Let’s grab that old rag doll chew toy thrown over in the corner– there’s gotta be some mileage left in that old thing with the stuffing hanging out….” This is so transparent it’s pathetic.


    VOX – Rep. Adam Schiff said “unfiltered testimony” from the whistleblower will soon be given in a private hearing.

    The whistleblower — whose identity remains largely hidden — has signaled that he or she is open to testifying before both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees; Schiff said that while he and his colleagues are working to ensure the testimony happens “very soon,” they are doing so at a cautious pace to protect the whistleblower’s confidentiality, particularly in light of comments Trump made to staffers while at the UN on Thursday that were interpreted by some as a suggestion the whistleblower and those that contributed information to the complaint ought to be executed.

    Schiff also said the committee must wait for the acting director of national intelligence to issue security clearances to the whistleblower’s lawyers.

  17. Just another Abuse of Power charge to add to impeachment.

  18. Impeach that dump twit.

    How did someone without a high school education ever get elected? By other dump people!

  19. thatotherjean says:

    Did I miss a memo? Is Hillary Clinton running for office again? Republicans really need to stop beating that horse. It’s been dead for years, and they just look silly.

  20. Is it just me or did the transcript of the conversation RELEASED BY THE WHITE HOUSE implicate donald f**king trump for requesting help from a foreign power against a political opponent?
    Quid pro quo? Who cares.
    The f**ker released records of him asking a foreign power for help defeating a political opponent. For the Presidency.
    The job that the framers were so concerned about turning into the whole reason for our constitution.
    And now he’s suggesting (without suggesting, wink wink) that the whistleblower be executed.
    And then accused Adam Schiff of treason.
    It’s just getting started.
    How many political assassinations will have to happen before McConnell, Cruz, Poe and the rest will suddenly exclame “Goodness Gracious! Where did all these meanies come from? They don’t represent us”

  21. P.P. @20, Not only that corruption and intimidation stuff, but now Comrade Trumpov is retweeting RWNJ items that describe how they’re going to initiate a Civil War [just like I’ve been warning y’all of for years].
    The focking SOBOTUS, who currently occupies the position of ‘President’, of all Americans, is making veiled threats against a majority of Americans [in his usual mob-like allusion and cant]. What else would anyone expect, this bastard has been mobbed-up his whole life [along with his antecedents and spawn Djr, Eric, Jarvanka].

    Y’all are mis-underestimating these Republican vermin. They are not “stupid” or clueless, or blind.
    What they are, going back decades [EG: Rove], is supremely ARROGANT.
    They have manipulated and outwitted Democrats [and everybody else] for so long, so successfully, that they really feel invincible enough now, under their cultic charismatic ‘leader’, to actually threaten the citizens of the US, and our Constitutional democracy itself, with impunity.
    This –may– ultimately end up with a win for the good side, but is is probably going to be ugly, and even bloody.
