Butts and Nuts: You Gotta Be Kidding Me Edition
Senator Thad Cochran is a Republican senator from Mississippi. He has a Tea Party opponent. So, that gives people the right to open the gates of hell and sashay right in.
A right wing blogger that supports the Tea Party opponent of US Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) has been arrested for sneaking into an adult care facility and taking a photo of Cochran’s wife, who is being treated for Alzheimer’s.
Cochran’s opponent says he knew nothing about it and didn’t not approve it. Yeah, but he talked the talk that caused the walk. When your language dehumanizes your opponents, people take that seriously as a message to cross the boundaries of decency.
Republicans are the single most despicable people in America.
That and they are funny-looking.
I don’t like ‘um and always will.
Thanks to John for the heads up.
So much for Republican family values.
1This butthead spends too much time on the Fox Noise channel listening to Reichbutt Priebus and Reichklown Rove teaching hatred and down & dirty below the belt talking points. Then, there’s the charming Cheney family exuding their lessons in how to be shameless war criminals.
Beyond dumb. But what tactical advantage did he expect to score by invading the dignity of an elderly woman? It makes no sense, ergo he must be another one from Teabagistan.
2Shades of Henry II and Thomas a Becket. Will no one rid this guy
3of a pesky opponent? Didn’t work out well for Henry either.
i wonder what his mama has to say about it.
4As is usually the case with these nitwit baggers, there does not exist any reasonable excuse for this egregious behavior. What was he hoping to accomplish? The shame is on him and the sympathy goes to the husband.
5The opposite, I’m sure, of what he hoped would happen.
My late husband was in a nursing home just before he passed away. I can’t wrap my mind around what this guy was doing. What did it profit him? In any way. This invasive stunt was just like that American Spring bunch trying to raise a protest march in D.C. and then camping out in my neighborhood. Their attempt was one of the most total flops known to humankind. What did it profit them? Yes, I do believe they all feed off the Fox titt and all they get is pure poison! What butted did was IMHO just a thread shy of rape. Just waiting for Cochran to come down on the Teabagistanners like a duck on a june bug and I mean really come down. Not just an outraged statement. And I don’t believe a word of the denial, either!
6I thought there were several comments here. And good luck moderating me. Ouch! Quit steppin’ on my toe.
7TEApublicans have no boundaries. And no decency. Morally speaking they are monsters.
8Every day, they prove there is no lower limit for their actions.
9Larry McLaughlin, these phony RWNJs are so desperate, they tap dance on their own toes in golf shoes, while tinkling, then upkick.
It’s gone beyond insane and absurd. They’ve lost their collective minds over Obamacare. Writing on the wall: first verse, healthcare, second verse healthcare for all. The only intelligent fix for the ACA is single payer. Benghazi, Obamacare, Hillary are just all shiny trinkets to excite the whack-o-bird base. GOP plan and platform is a total failure. They have nothing for the economy, while they failing try to revamp their policies in ‘compassionate’ words to disguise their attacks on women, gays and working people. Let’s hope 2014 explodes in their ignorant faces.
Be patient Marge Wood. Saw the same yesterday. The server has been hacked, but will return to sanity soon. From my observation, it is better here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. than some other sites.
Just more to ‘thank’ Cheney and his input to the NSA.
10This is what they were trying to do . . . .
McDaniels has been oozing creepiness and slyly (he thinks)
telling the world Thad Cochran may have a lover. Good grief his poor wife has been in a nursing home for fourteen years, who’d blame him. I think the photos were to be an optic. You know–look at the U.S senator messing around with some woman when his poor wife is (almost vegetative) in a nursing home.
Evil–just plain evil.
11angela, it’s more RWNJ pigeon poo. There is no evidence of Senator Thad Cochran doing anything other than what is best to keep his wife safe and well-cared for.
New Boy on the block wanna be journalist needs to set his scents on Newt, if Clayton wants to be a real journalist. For real, move on boy. Dolt!
12PKM–Of course its pigeon poo . . . . They are teabaggers.
13PKM and others, thanks for maintaining balance.
14“Cochran’s opponent says he knew nothing about it and didn’t not approve it.”
There are reports that McDaniels called Cochrans office to offer condolences 90 minutes before the Police announced the arrest.
For the life of me, I can NOT understand how anyone would want to be a Republican. We need a new dictionary to describe how vile they are.
15There was a time when something like this would horrify me, but every time I think they just can’t go any lower, they prove me wrong. Ah, yes, those wondrous folks devoted to compassion and family values, Xtians all, I’m sure.
16Here is a similar story from recent history. It makes about the same amount of sense as what this blogger did, but with much funnier results: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/a-reporter-s-failed-attempt-to-sandbag-connie-schultz
17Gee, I can’t imagine where this nitwit got that sick & twisted idea from…
18I mind the time when the entire wingnut cabal invited theirselves into the Terry Schiavo case and had pictures and videos of that poor woman all over tv trying to convince the courts to keep her alive,against her very own wishes. Former Senate Majority leader Trent Lott,MD, summed it up nicely when he said it was time to let her go,they had milked all the political mileage they could get.Privacy-someone else’s- wasn’t a concern then.
19At the same time in Texas,a baby was unceremoniously pulled off life support against his/her families wishes. No wingnuts rushed to save that precious life.
20Thanks for the links–
21I am sick in my heart about what we have come to be….there has to be a better way.
My marriage was over when my ex boldly stated, “I have no interest in being a decent human being.” He is one of the prurient ones— it literally made me sick to be with him, it’s taken half the length of the time we were together to even begin to recover.
I’m scared that the ship of state cannot be turned around with so many nuts in the mix-e pluribus unnum cannot hold if every single person is pulling in a different direction–my family certainly could not–and how we do anything is how we do everything–you are either decent, or you are not.
Wives, and children of political candidates, ARE OFF LIMITS.
Unless they are on the campaign trail with the candidate.
OFF LIMITS TO EVERYBODY, AND ANY BODY, Amateur or professional, wannabes, or ares….
Politics used to be a fun thing in which people discussed, and debated a myriad of things to decide on good public policy.
It has now become a corrupt blood sport, with increasingly more and more billions of dollars involved….to win elected office to anything, except dog catcher. It’s sickening.
My condolences to Senator Cochran, for what he’s going through with his wife. It’s a heavy load to carry on its own.
22I wouldn’t vote for him, even if I could. But, nobody should have a family member subjected to something as sick as what was done to someone so totally defenseless as a person with Alzheimers.
Charley Pierce has a really interesting piece on this, and much more, at the Esquire Political Blog, this morning. It’s here – http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/Burglarizing_Private_Lives – and well worth a read, folks. Pierce makes a connection with the garbage the right wingnuts were doing to the Clintons way back in the day, and it appears to be the same kind of just evil tactics used recently against Thad Cochran. Here’s Pierce’s last two sentences – – “Clayton Kelly is not unusual. He’s only the most recent person caught burglarizing someone’s private life.” This is “bidness as usual” by the crazed brownshirts of the Republican Right.
23Welcome to a “normal” day in repuglican Mississippi.