But We Love The Ladies

October 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

With all the gentility of a sledgehammer, Maine Governor Paul LePage revealed his Republican deep thoughts.

Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 10.07.40 AMThere is a ballot initiative for campaign finance reform expanding public financing of elections.  LePage opposes it.  Wanna know why?

“Now, the legislature is going to have to fund it,” LePage complained. “That’s like giving my wife my checkbook.”

“I’m telling you,” he continued. “It’s giving your wife your checkbook. Go spend.”

Cause you know how women just go nuts at the diamond store and the lace place.

Governor, don’t you think that maybe a better example of out-of-control would be to say, “Like sending the Governor to the milk shake shop”?


Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “But We Love The Ladies”

  1. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Maybe she can use it to get a good attorney.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Cause you know how women just go nuts at the diamond store and the lace place.”

    In the counter intuitive psyches of a Teatard couple that might be true. She spends to get even with the controlling rat and the controlling rat responds by taking away her credit cards. Forever escalating into an unending cycle of spend and control because neither has the brains to seek a divorce or simply because they are addicted to making each other miserable.

  3. And let’s not forget that he’s being nasty while attacking public financing of elections, our best chance to reduce corruption. Guess he doesn’t like that any more than he likes women.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Diamonds and lace. Now why didn’t I think of that. My main spending seems to be at the Chinese restaurant or Dairy Queen.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, public campaign financing and a return of the Fairness Doctrine. Imagine if cable TV had to give as many minutes to HRC and Sen Sanders as they do to The Buffoon Brigade for Ratings?

    Although HRC did receive a nice 11 hour bump in exposure thanks to ultimate masochist, Trey Gowdy.

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    She doesn’t need a check book. This is the 21st century we’ve all got plastic.

  7. mike in MO says:

    Am I misreading him, or did he imply the state tax revenue is HIS money?

  8. Paul LePage is the personification of hate, be it misogyny, racism or prejudice of any kind. And since when did the public checkbook become his?

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    According to the 2010 census (yes, I looked it up), 51% of Mainers are women. Maine legalized same-sex marriage in 2012, so some of that 51% may have wives. But a large chunk of Mainer women aren’t gay and don’t have wives, and some Mainer men aren’t married, and a fair number of people in Maine are too young to marry, so I’m over half the people in Maine do not have wives. And don’t think that’s a cutesy thing to say.

    It looks like LePage is a wee tad insensitive on the effect such remarks have on women, unmarried persons, including those too young to be married. It looks like maybe he’s a controlling spouse, too, and way more fond of food than his wife.

  10. Maine Governor Paul LePage talking is like Maine Governor Paul LePage jumping cannonball style into the swimming pool.

  11. Welllll! Don’t he look like half a ton of fun.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    Exactly Micr! If I was the wife, I’d insist on the checkbook before any sexxy time. Call it combat pay.

  13. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Does he also keep her locked up in the house wearing her burka. And forgive me if he, in fact, has a Muslim wife. Somehow I doubt it.

  14. BraxtonBraggart says:

    This is what a high school education and lifetime of watching The Honeymooners reruns will do to you.

  15. I can’t believe that this useless wad of DNA is still allowed to stay in office! I know people Down East. They are good stuff and don’t like him. All I can say is somebody stuffed a ballot box somewhere and LePage age it!
