But They Don’t Have an Attic That Big

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In the south, we used to put the crazy relatives in the attic.  The GOP isn’t so lucky.  They have to keep Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman in the parlor.

A group of House Republicans has received a mysterious threat in recent weeks: an anonymous email that promises political retribution for those who vote yes to a debt-limit increase – sent to their closely guarded personal email addresses.

Because of the near-secret nature of lawmakers’ internal email addresses, the emails have raised more than a few eyebrows – and the possibility that one of their own was behind, or at least assisting in, the attacks.

I am not surprised.

Ted Cruz got to be the leader of the GOP … by criticizing the GOP.  Whoa, I’m getting dizzy.

When are Republicans going to realize that the only thing that keeps them off the terrorist list is a couple of bombs?

But upon further reflection, some elected lawmakers came to the conclusion that one of their own sent the screed, but no one takes it too seriously because the message was “probably” sent by “one of the crazy ones.”

And that’s the problem.  There’s so many of them.


Thanks to Barbara for the heads up and John for the graphic.

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0 Comments to “But They Don’t Have an Attic That Big”

  1. GOP is da cwazziest peebles!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Way to go, John! Can visualize the swirl of the gohmert GOP as they head down the toilet led by Teddy Cruz.

    My vote for the wacko bird sending the e-mails is Loopy Louie, followed by Stockyard Steve with a dishonorable mention to Steve King. Or, it could be that pot smoking gohmert from FL, Marco Rubio. Give up talking, Marco. You get “stuck” so often that you define the difference between recreational use and abuse. But, won’t rule out Eric Cantor; he’s crazy mad.

  3. When I read ‘it’s one of the crazy ones’ I thought the guy was trying to lay it off on Democrats. Then I realized on a second reading that he was actually talking about one of his brethren.

  4. Aggieland liz says:

    Maybe Paul Ryan hawked the list for a few bucks, or a nice bottle of wine 😛 deMented deMint? Kibbe? The list of possibles is nearly endless!

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Aggieland liz, if Paul Ryan sent out the e-mails, wouldn’t they have been blank like his ‘budget’ proposals.’? Forget their loser P choices. The GOP is a sorry gohmert mess with their last two VP choices, Ryan and Palin.

    2016 Bachmann and Loopy Louie?

  6. I had to back and check – but, yep, I have seen that cup on Amazon. For real.

    As a Realtor, I have to think you are on to something, JJ. People don’t finish out their attics like they used to – that’s why we have so many crazies running around loose..

  7. Political retribution is the modus operandi of the baggers. They threaten it constantly, so why the big deal about “secret” emails?
    They shout it from the rooftops. Sounds like a ploy to get sympathy for the Repugs.
    Poor babies.

  8. Sooner or later the wingnut responsible for this will slip up and be outed. That’ll be fun!

  9. Sweet Crabby says:

    GREAT graphic. I love it, but I wonder how long it will be before we have to picture a cranky old Republican standing next to it with a sledgehammer over his shoulder?

  10. Thank you, John, for the john! Luv it and you!

    Frankly, do not disregard the espionage talents of the Club for Growth when it comes to possessing email addresses they shouldn’t have, and then routing the emails via the Congressional servers. Just MHO . . .

  11. Just pondering the contents of that bowl, which looks less like tea and more like it’s badly plugged up with Tea Party intellectual diarrhea.

  12. Since Ted Cruz doesn’t mind stepping on”toes”…… my first vote would go there.

    I’m not one to criticize people …….on a personal level….. but I have to say…. about Mr. Cruz….. some of the more recent pictures I’ve seen of him on the intertubes…… indicate he may have a problem that will require help from those “Club for Growth” people……if they are the ones who help folks with hair loss. Mr. Cruz is getting a little bit thin on top. JMHO.

  13. Noticed it here.


    And, also notice new photos are taken from a much different angle. (Lke from the floor up.)

    Oh well.

  14. On some website or another you can find a list of just about anything. Left handed movies stars with tattoos on their butts, some site offers it. So it is only a matter of time until we have lists that identify the Republican crazies. What fun! Almost certainly, there will be some who consider it an honor, even mandatory to be on the list Anybody want to place a wager on which state has the most?

  15. Uncle Dave, how about a list of the Republican non-crazies? It would be a lot shorter, though less fun to compile.

    The WashPost prints a weekly list of (selected) bills that have gone through the House or Senate and how our locals voted. I swear the stuff the House passes is making me think seriously about emigration if they get the Senate too and can actually enact this garbage. One example: have you seen the smog in China? They’d be happy if we were breathing that.
