But She Was The Only Old Person That Cathy Knew.
Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers is from Washington state. I have it on good authority that she’s pretty stuck on herself.
Well, now she’s stuck on more than herself.
It appears that Cathy sent out mailer about social security and how Obamacare hurts social security and that she’s going to “restore Medicare.” Bullcorn.
Well, come to find out, the woman pictured on the mailer passed away well over a year ago. Her friends are not happy about this. It seems that the congresswoman did not get permission to use the picture.
“So here’s a flyer protecting us from senior cutbacks,” Tim Brattebo said. “It gives the appearance that [the Congresswoman] is talking to Maxine about this. Well I know she wasn’t.”
Her office says, “There was a breakdown in our standard approval process at the staff level…” yada yada yada. Obama. Freedom. Liberty.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.
There seems to be no limit to the lies repuglicans will tell about the ACA in order to ingratiate themselves with conservative voters, not minding in the least how it frightens vulnerable senior citizens. Those “cuts” to Medicare spending are actually savings which are applied to Medicare recipients.
1The savings are realized by cutting overspending to hospitals, which is long overdue, and in turn results in the Medicare Trust Fund lasting longer. There has already been an increase of 30% since 2010 when the ACA took effect.
Ms. Rodgers needs to grow a conscience.
I am fairly certain that allowing a patient receiving care to be photographed without advanced permission is a violation of HIPAA regulations. I used to work in a teaching hospital and any photography was closely regulated to protect patient privacy.
That facility could be in big trouble if I’m correct.
2Has there been a SINGLE story about the horrors of the ACA that was true?
3Larry: The website DID suck for a long time. That was true.
4She’s the Tea Party hack who currently holds Tom Foley’s old seat. She has ambition and not much more. That seat is such a deeply red district it’s amazing it was held at all by a Democrat like Foley.
And yet, at one time not so long ago, it was. For many terms.
5She is an embarrassment to many Washingtonians for her extreme right wing stance on all topics. She cares only about Cathy McMorris-Rodgers and her inclusion in all the leadership pictures of the GOP. She does not care about her constituents – only her perceived power and $$$. That said, she will likely stay in power because her district is so very red.
6Maybe she knew exactly what she was doing. Remember the case of Trayvon Martin and Ferguson,Mo. If the main witness is deceased,they can’t possibly testify against you in court.
7Does anyone else find it more than a coincidence that the one elderly woman Cathy McMorris Rodgers promotes in her photo op, is no longer with us? Is there a Spokane CSI? Because if there isn’t they might want to consider starting one.
8Interesting background on Mcnorris-Rodgers!
9So now in addition to flag-wrapping, the right wing’s turning to “old white folks wrapping?” Sorry guys, you might as well be using clingfilm, because we can see right through the wrapping into your twisted, ugly, nasty little ambitions.
10This is on par with those TWNJ’s who were too tight and greedy to hire a professional editor to go over their signs and hand outs and catch all the bad spelling. They are in essence totally tin eared!