But He’s a Conservative Icon In a Tough Election Year for the District Attorney

May 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A while back I informed you about former Houston City Councilman and rightwing radio talk spewer and raging homophobe Michael Berry.

Michael Berry got himself arrested last January for hit-and-run outside of a Houston gay bar at 11:00 pm on drag queen night.  They have video of Berry in the bar.  His car and he himself were positively identified by the victim, who had about $1,500 damage to his car.

Well, Berry hired himself Houston’s most fancy pants lawyer, who “arranged a $2,330 payment to Bennett [the victim] for damages to the car and the cost of obtaining a rental car.”

And now the victim cannot be located so charges are being dropped.

It is unknown whether Berry now takes a cab to drag queen night.

You can visit the Michael Berry website if you want to upset your stomach.

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