But, Asa, Not All Of Us Have “Staff”
Asa Hutchinson, the damn Governor of Arkansas and major Voter ID devotee, showed up at the polls yesterday without his voter ID.
Spokesman Christian Olson told The Associated Press that Asa Hutchinson forgot his ID when he attempted to vote at the polls in Bentonville on Monday. Olson says a staffer was able to retrieve the ID and bring it to Hutchinson so he could vote.
Hutchinson thought the incident was a “little bit of an inconvenience” but still believes the law is necessary.
So, there ya go – that’s the answer. No ID? Get your staff to retrieve it.
Why the hell didn’t we think of that before now?
Thanks to David for the heads up.
His sign forgot the word “hole” after his name.
1That sign should read: ASS for Arkansas!
2I have been an election judge 7 or 8 times, in both Primary and General elections.
3Here in Colorado, we have always had Voter ID requirements, but not the onerous picture ID backed by a birth certificate the R’s want to eliminate poor voters.
The R’s are SO transparent with their voter fraud charges and requirements the poor, who tend to vote D, cannot comply with.
If an Arkansas citizen forgets his/her photo id, or has trouble getting one, just call Asa and have someone on his staff take care of it. I’m sure they’ll be right on it.
4My staff is all busy doing other stuff and I prefer to speak for myself.
5There are words for people who think everyone has “staff” to conveniently handle the little things for them.
I could name quite a few, but I don’t want to get banned by Momma.
6Clarification: my “staff”, isn’t.
7“But some animals are more equal than others.”
George Orwell, Animal Farm
Everyone rises to his or her own level of incompetence.
8Corollary: The biggest chunks always rise to the top.
– the Peter Principle, etc, from a book of Murphy’s Laws and such that I have long forgotten the name of…
Aggieland Liz,
I’m convinced that many a politician has risen far past his or her own level of incompetence.
9Asa has made all the rounds: Congresscritter, Executive Department in D.C., now governor. He is starting to forget very vital things. One of these days he is going to run out of the governor’s mansion without his pants and then the world will see how well a staff covers ass.
10If his staff won’t comply with your request to fetch your i d,maybe his rod will. Thy rod and thy staff comfort me,in this comfort being able to vote because his staff or rod fetched on demand.
11Well, he’s not governor yet, but he did win the Republican primary. It will be a sad day for Arkansas if he wins the Governor’s race.
12That happened in Bentonville, home base of the Evil Empire known as Wal-Mart. ‘Nuf said.
13Thank God we had a PA Commonwealth Court Judge strike down Tom Corbett’s Voter ID law as unconstitutional. God willing, November will bring a Democratic governor.
14Asa Hutchinson, like the common man not only had his staff retrieve his necessary identification, but also required a lot of extra time at the polling station while he waited for his staff to return. He probably showed up back at work 30 or 45 minutes late from his lunch hour, but just like the common man in the private sector, he knows bosses are very accommodating to a citizen taking an hour or two to go and vote.
15And what would happen if it was a half hour before poll
closing on election day?
I’m guessing there would be an accommodation for
an old white male Republican
16Sandra is right… he is not governor yet. The Repugnican candidate for the job. So it’s good that he made a fool of himself on primary voting day. Was he driving around without a photo ID?
17And I’d really like to know if that “staffer” running personal errands to pick up the Governor’s “ID” was a state employee. Now in Texas, if a guv’ment staffer runs personal errands, that would be illegal. Can’t have them pick up the dry cleaning, or take the car out and wash it, etc. Not that I witnessed anyone at the Texas Lege do that when I worked around there.
18Asa isn’t the Governor, yet, and if there is a God, he never will be. He has a Democratic opponent, one Mike Ross, who, admittedly, isn’t much of an improvement, being the quintessential Blue Dog Democrat. But, at least he IS a Democrat. That means, he’s better than Asa Hutchinson.
19As I’ve been writing everywhere, Citizens United and McCutcheon have unleashed the corporate cash and dark money all over our country. The “both sided do it” argument doesn’t wash; what remains of organized labor does not have the kind of cash the other side has on hand to fool the electorate into voting against its self-interest.
However, corporations (and chambers of commerce, and ALEC) cannot VOTE. That’s still ours. If you live in a voter ID state, make a small loan or give a small cash gift to a friend, neighbor, colleague, or family member to help obtain a certified copy of a birth certificate; offer a ride to the DMV or the polls. Talk to young people about how important local elections are. Remember, it’s not just Republican voters (and their favorite tool, gerrymandering) electing rightwing nutjobs. It’s Democrats and Independents who stay home. VOTE.