Busy, Busy, Busy

September 01, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get This: Trump got himself all blustered-up and now claims that he didn’t have time to commit financial crimes because he was so busy, busy, busy “saving million of lives.”

In a deposition just released Trump says,

 “I was very busy. I was — I considered this the most important job in the world, saving millions of lives. I think you would have nuclear holocaust if I didn’t deal with North Korea. I think you would have a nuclear war, if I weren’t elected And I think you might have a nuclear war now if you want to know the truth.”

Here’s the entire deposition. I ran a search for the statement and found it starting on pages 27 – 28.

Over a million people died of Covid under Trump. And, you gotta wonder about the over 300 times he played golf (at an estimated cost of $144,000,000 to the taxpayers.) Golf keeps you busy, I guess.

Trump says Eric ran the business. Honey, Eric couldn’t run a toaster.


0 Comments to “Busy, Busy, Busy”

  1. Trump went golfing an average of once every four days during his term! Obama’s average was less than once a month– about every five weeks, if I recall properly.

  2. Harry Eagar says:

    Why has the beauty parlor paid so little attention to the Paxton impeachment? I ws looking forward to that.

  3. Trumpkin may be the most st00pid person around, if MAGA was not around. And comparing DiaperDan & MAGA to st00pid is an insult to st00pid!!!

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Here’s the real 6’3 215# malignant liar in chief, the one so busy saving our lives and the world.


    In fact all he’s done is try and save his…. which is pictured above.

  5. Nick Carraway says:

    Funny how every president since Truman was able to avoid nuclear war. It must be coincidence I guess. You see, I have this rock. Ever since I’ve had this rock bears have not killed my children or my pets. So, therefore this rock protects me from bears.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    My ex was 6’3” and 215# – I can guarantee that tfg hasn’t seen 215 in forty years!

  7. Nick,
    You should sell those rocks, give ‘em a catchy name like – – Pet Rocks. You could make a fortune.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I guess the link I copied above will not open the picture I intended. It showed trumpf on the golf course from behind, sweaty rear end and obviously many elbees over 215. Sorry, you’ll just have to take my word for it unless you go on the internet to find it.

  9. Try this link for a picture of our sylphlike ex-Prez on the golf course:


    Humorist Robert Benchley was once challenged for saying he had a “sylphlike” figure. He retorted, “There are fat sylphs!”

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    JJ, that document is 479 pages long! First thing that jumped out at me: “the stenographer” swears in TFG as “President Trump”. That error alone makes the document suspect. Although Letitia James calls him Mr. Trump throughout.

    Can we please go back to ex-presidents returning to ordinary citizen status? Recall that Truman’s autobiography was entitled “Mr. Citizen”, based on an incident when someone called him “Mr. President” after he stepped down, and he quickly corrected them on it.

    As for him throwing his bloated carcass in front to protect us from nuclear war, recall that after one of the innumerable school shootings in Florida, he said that he would have charged into the school to save those children. I wonder if anyone in the current deposition resisted rolling their eyes about him being too busy to worry about little details like multi-million dollar fraud going on.

  11. cgregory @1, RE: Prez golfing–
    President Obama’s occasional golfing had the Rethuglikans and proto-MAGAots howling and barking at the moon 24/7 in protest of the imaginary waste of time and money.

    And they never made a squeak about DiJioT’s constant golfing at a rate of 8-10 times that of President Obama’s.

    Just their usual 12 foot deep layer of hypocrisy, or bullshit.

    There were some analytical looks at how much time Mango Manboobs actually spent ‘presidenting’, and they found that DiJioT actually performed his official job functions of ‘President’ far less than any US President.
    He normally did almost nothing productive in the mornings [didn’t even go to the office until ~10 or 11AM] , and not much more during the rest of the day.
    IIRC, there were even a few 0’dark-thirty [overnight] emergency events that had to wait until late morning after he was up and barely functional.

    I think that the main attractions of returning to the WH for him are:
    1. Immunity from various prosecutions.
    2. Opportunities to grift enormous amounts of dinero.
    3. The WH dining room, and staff to wait on him 24/7 [taxpayer paid].
    4. General ‘ego trip’ bennies.

  12. My guess is that Fredo *can* run a toaster.

    He might screw it up the first couple of times, but he’d eventually get the hang of it.

    A business might be too complex for him, though.

  13. Opinionated Hussy says:

    cgregory#9 – I have a friend who is roughly that shape and weighs 215. She’s 5’4″.
