Bush To The Rescue!

November 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Jeb Bush said this.

“We should declare war and harness all of the power the U.S. can bring to bear, both diplomatic and military, of course, to be able to take out ISIS… We have the capabilities of doing this, we just haven’t shown the will.”

Note that he doesn’t say which country he wants to invade and there’s a good reason for that: Dick Cheney hasn’t decided yet.

I think he wants to take out Isis the way his brother took out Osama bin Laden.


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0 Comments to “Bush To The Rescue!”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    So Jeb(?) wants to keep us safe, just like Dubya kept us safe.

    Sorry Jeb(?), but I’m with your Mama on this: “no more Bushes in the White House.”

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Jeb? acting butch. Isn’t that just the cutest thing?

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    It’s only going to cost $6 billion and we will be greeted as liberators.

  4. Gosh, Ralph, I think I’ve heard that before, but it wasn’t nearly as hilarious last time!

  5. Patrons,

    Miz JJ had the final word in her original post, “I think he” (meaning “Jeb?”) “wants to take out Isis the way his brother took out Osama bin Laden.”

    Damn straight!

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    And Ralph… we’ll only be there for 6 months to a year tops and Syrian oil will pay for it all! What a deal!

  7. And surely Halliburton can make some more money off the sacrifice of human lives….especially American ones.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    A double agent in Germany just told us that ISIS has WMDs and a robust nuclear program that, in six months, can produce a bomb that could reach Disney Land!

  9. Of course it would have been better to have never created ISIS in the first place.

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    AliceBeth, Exxon Mobil stock is down $20/share from its 52-week high. THIS MEANS WAR!!!1

  11. Just heard a press conference with the President. On a regular basis he treks out to Walter Reed Bethesda to visit with the maimed troops in treatment there. He says that is what keeps him from ordering ground forces into Syria or wherever. The reaction from what I have found among the Rethugs is, well quit going to Walter Reed!

    They just don’t believe there is a thing called karma and it knows their names and where they live!

  12. georgieporgie says:

    Somebody get hold of Black Water – can’t start a war without ‘em. Wonder what they’re calling themselves these days? Darth Cheney has decided ISIS (ISIL, daresh) is headquartered in IRAN! Wonder if John McCain is still singing Bomb, bomb Iran? Why, we can bomb all three while we’re at it…
    Shoot, then our industrial war machine could sell US forces all new equipment, since they seem to have given so much away to police/sheriff’s departments and to the Iraqi army! In somebody’s infamous words (Rummy?) we fight the war with the troops we have (but we do need all new equipment). Somebody needs to profit out of this! Damn, think I hear blasted war drums beating again…

  13. Ralph Wiggam you nailed it 2wice!
    Lol JJ but he has decided. Cheney, “And I’m not in it this time for the Oil.”

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Ralph? That’s true if they ship that bomb with UPS. But they should ship early to avoid that last-minute Christmas rush.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Maggie? If I’m not mistaken, Dubya never visited Walter Reed which at the time was just a 15 minute limo ride from the WH. Had to clear brush in TX.

  16. Just wait, he’ll invade Finland. Bush boys have bad aim.

  17. That Other Jean says:

    Rhea, if Finland still has sharpshooters like Simo Hayha (there are a couple of umlauts over the a’s), invading Finland, even by accident, would be a seriously bad idea.

  18. They never learn do they? They still think it was “Mission Accomplished.” And while we’re at it let’s further deregulate Wall Street. Democrats, stand tough and resist the deranged Repugs’ call for all-out war. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now.

  19. I just saw Gore Vidal: United States of Amnesia. Recommended viewing for all patrons of the WMDBS.
