Bundles of Cold Hard War Machine Cash

March 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jeb Bush, who is waaaaay different than his brother and father and you know that because he says so, adds another Bush relic to his team.

lawyer-andrew-w-stinson-photo-999100Oil and gas attorney Gaylord Hughey Jr., the top GOP bundler of East Texas, said in a Thursday interview with The Texas Tribune that he will round up Piney Woods money for Bush.

I dunno how Bush will do in the Land of Louie Gohmert, but Gaylord sees Babyest Bush as — “I think he’s pragmatic. I think he’s thought a lot about his positions.”

Hughey said he is a big fan of former President George W. Bush, but he did not know his brother well until recently. Jeb Bush and Hughey met in Dallas about a month ago.

Well, that ought to tell you all you need to know.  The guy who loves W also loves Jeb.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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