Bundles of Cold Hard War Machine Cash

March 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jeb Bush, who is waaaaay different than his brother and father and you know that because he says so, adds another Bush relic to his team.

lawyer-andrew-w-stinson-photo-999100Oil and gas attorney Gaylord Hughey Jr., the top GOP bundler of East Texas, said in a Thursday interview with The Texas Tribune that he will round up Piney Woods money for Bush.

I dunno how Bush will do in the Land of Louie Gohmert, but Gaylord sees Babyest Bush as — “I think he’s pragmatic. I think he’s thought a lot about his positions.”

Hughey said he is a big fan of former President George W. Bush, but he did not know his brother well until recently. Jeb Bush and Hughey met in Dallas about a month ago.

Well, that ought to tell you all you need to know.  The guy who loves W also loves Jeb.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Bundles of Cold Hard War Machine Cash”

  1. 1smartcanerican says:

    It appears that a J.E.B. presidency would be a rerun of W’s presidency, and I sure don’t want to go through that again!

  2. This is the very best definition of a recurring nightmare!

  3. Says Hughey as to throw the intellectual T-baggers a bone, “I think he’s thought a lot about his positions.” I think he’s thought a lot about his navel as well. Does not mean I’d want him in the Oval Office, except maybe on a guided tour.

  4. Mary in San Antonio says:

    And now Jeb(!) is asking his donors to limit their donations to *only* a million dollars. Do these idiots really think we’ve already forgotten what W did to this country?

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    Jeb is short for jerk.

  6. The only way in which Jeb Bush is pragmatic is that he will pretend to be whatever it takes to fool people into voting for him.

  7. maryelle says:

    Can’t wait for the Repugnant primary debates when the gloves come off. Cruz v. Bush v. Paul v. Perry v. ad nauseum. (the most promising candidate).

  8. Among Republican candidates, I’d vote for “ad nauseum” in a New York minute. That’s probably the brightest, most thoughtful, and possibly even the least corrupt candidate among all Republicans.

  9. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Thanks Debbo. I needed the laugh.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Wait until wingnuts discover ad nauseum is an undocumented Latin. Their heads will explode.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Go read the Doonesbury cartoons from the GWB era. Wonderful reminders.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo-it is my sincerest hope you incorporate that thought about wingnuts in the prairie sod of South Dakota via email. It applies to all wingnuts everywhere.
