Jim DeMint-ed is leaving the senate to become leader of the Heritage Foundation. And all this time you thought that being a ultra conservation wacko Republican senator was rock bottom. Silly you.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) will appoint DeMint’s successor, who will serve until a 2014 special election. That means two Senate races in the Palmetto State that year. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) — targeted by many of the conservatives who love DeMint — is up for reelection.
Okay, so here’s the deal. With two Senate seats up in South Carolina in 2014, start figuring out a way we can deliver some good sense to South Carolina. Hell, send it UPS if ya have to.
By the way, the President of the Heritage Foundation makes over one million dollars a year so I don’t think we can count on DeMinted wanting the rich to pay their fair share.
Thanks to TexasEllen and David for the heads up.