Budget Fudget

April 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita wonders if it bothers anybody else that Harry Reid, John Boehner, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden are sitting in a room negotiating over women’s reproductive health?  “Where the hell are the ta-tas in that room?  I want at least one set of tatas in that room,” she demands.

Send me in, Coach!

“Look, if my country calls me, I’ll go in there and represent women.  I’ll make a deal – we’ll give up Planned Parenthood in exchange for getting out of three wars and, oh yeah, single payer health care.  I can take on that orange faced sumbitch,  (Sorry, Momma, you think of a better name for him.) and give him something to cry over other than his own success.”

“And, dammit, the same thing is happenin’ at the State Capitol building.  Men, all men, are making backroom deals over sonograms and waiting periods.  Send Senfronia Thompson in there with a stick and we can end this silliness real quick.”

We had to give Juanita a double shot of Starbucks to calm her down this morning.  Can’t say I blame her though.

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