Bubbas Hall of Shame

June 21, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Haley Barbour is cross eyed, buck toothed, loud mouthed son of a motherless goat, dammit,”Juanita hollers.

“Oh no, it ain’t enough that Joe Barton has to apologize, now we have Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, a chubby sweet-lookin fella with a prissy way about himself, spewing mule dung out of his mouth.”

Juanita is throwing around hair brushes and cussin’ up a storm.

Mississippi’s Republican governor, Haley Barbour, said on Sunday that the temporary moratorium on offshore drilling imposed by the Obama administration is worse than the catastrophic oil spill caused by the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig.

“Governor, what’s worse, the moratorium or the effects of this spill on the region?” asked “Meet the Press” host David Gregory on Sunday. Barbour responded, “Well, the moratorium… the spill’s a terrible thing, but the moratorium is a terrible thing that’s not only bad for the region, it’s bad for America.”

“Bad for America?  Does that pig face jerk think an oil spill the size of North Dakota is a GOOD thing?”

“Haley, you sunburned unbathed farm varmint, there is no promise that the oil out there is even going to America.  And jobs?  Hell, we could put these folks to work cleaning this mess up and they’d get paid just the same.”

“You know who this is bad for, Haley?  It’s bad for your fat cat oil men.  You know, the good ole boys who feed you and take you to the country club.  They’re the ones who are hurting.  They can sure the heck fire tarnation afford to hurt more than a gulf coast fisherman or the barrier islands we need in a hurricane.”

“Haley Barbour can kiss my patootie,” she storms.  I know for a fact that she means it.

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