British Vote is a Lesson for the US

December 13, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Boris Johnson picked up 88 seats in Parliament yesterday assuring that Britain will leave the EU.  Scotland may very well secede from the UK and stay in the Union.  It’s a disaster for the Labour party and I believe a disaster for Britain, a move which could easily kick off a widespread recession.  Indeed the British pound is off today from both the US dollar and the Euro.

Beyond the economics and politics of Britain, are there any lessons for the US and our upcoming elections in 2020?  My answer is yes, and it’s a really serious lesson.  The Labour party, lead by Jeremy Corbyn, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, got slaughtered.  This is the worst result for Labour since 1935, and could easily set up a minority for them for a decade.  Boris Johnson sold smaller government, spouted anti-European rhetoric pitting Europe against England.  He also favors killing the National Health Service and privatizing virtually everything.  In short, he’s just a slightly less childish and offensive Donald Trump.  Did the Russians help?  Certainly, but Labour was its own worst enemy.  Corbyn is a terrible leader.  He and his colleagues are hard left and tone deaf.  While the voting populace was being bombarded with images of scary dark-skinned people and a long list of grievances, Corbyn stuck to his playbook of vilifying Britain’s colonial past and focusing on social issues (gender, social justice) and was self righteously pious, acting as if everyone who disagreed was somehow morally flawed.  The result was predictable – Labour lost voters in traditionally labour areas.  Corbyn got Trumped by Johnson (pun intended).

The lesson here is for the Dems to avoid the same mistakes.  They need to focus 2020 on one goal, and one goal only – beating Donald Trump.  Many of my Dem friends are having deep, thoughtful discussions comparing Warren’s and Sanders healthcare programs to Buttigieg’s and Klobuchar’s.  They dither over free college education and college debt forgiveness.  That’s just plain stupid and tone deaf.  Don’t get me wrong – these are all important issues that we need to deal with, but they don’t mean a goddam thing right now.  The Dems need a candidate that can win Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.  That candidate needs to be competitive in Florida and Ohio.  NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.  Period.

Warren and Sanders are Jeremy Corbyns’ doppelgängers.  They are losers in the general because Trump will beat them in the swing states.  Klobuchar could be a good VP candidate because of her midwest appeal.  Like Warren and Sanders, Buttigieg is also a national loser, but for different reasons.  He needs to go home and win a statewide election in Indiana and comeback in 2028.  The Dems need to focus on winning, and stop focusing on their navels and esoteric policy questions.  The policy questions should be left for January 21, 2021.  The British Labour party got their asses kicked by Boris and his thugs while Corbyn dithered over policy and social issues.  This is not the time, and Corbyn proved it.

Many of you will hurl insults for this, but in my mind there is one prime candidate who can win the general, and that’s Joe Biden.  Bloomberg is interesting, but he has the billionaire baggage that I’m not sure he can shed.  Biden is the choice, especially with a strong VP who also has broad appeal.  Everyone else needs to go home.

OK, ignore the lessons of yesterday and reach for the torches and pitchforks. Ready, set, go…

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0 Comments to “British Vote is a Lesson for the US”

  1. Biden is a bundle of baggage and outdated policies.

    If Biden is the candidate, the Dems will lose.

    The Dems have one more chance. They’re that far ahead of the Republicans, who are about to be relegated to backwater regional party status.

    But if they blow that one chance, by elevating Biden, they will lose, and there will be a schism in the party to follow, that it will never recover from. And a few new parties to choose from next time around.

  2. Almost about agree, hate to though. Don’t have much confidence that Biden can pull it off, especially when the Rescummie media onslaught begins in earnest. He has some glaring flaws, and may chillout some of our marginal voters like the younger ones, Hispanics, etc.

    I’ve cooled on Warren because of her recent ‘pie-in-the-sky’ stuff, although most of her plans are spot-on.
    To me [as much as it pains me], Sanders, Mayor Pete, Castro, et al have been general election poison [neat how you tippytoed around Pete’s major drawbacks]. Pete disappeared to me after mouthing Rethug economic bullshit.

    Almost all of our primary candidates would make good VPs or Cabinet members though

  3. The failure of corbyn to take a position on brexit revealed that he could not be trusted to take, and hold, a position on anything. He wass just more of the same with a patina of murdock media smear to increase his disapproval.
    That is what will happen if the d’s nominiate a thuglican lite such of klobacher or biden or even an outright thuglican such as buttigieg who if he had any honesty would be running in a thuglican primary.
    What to watch for, that has already started, is the thuglicans deciding since they have choosen NOT to have any primaries in many states ( replacing them with a coronation) that the thuglican voters will vote in the d primary’s just to cause trouble and warp the results.
    One sees this with gabbard thuglican support in New hampshire.
    Expect to see these voting for thuglicans such as bloomberg, buttigieg and tulsi or total losers such as klobacher or the ex senator from mastercard biden.
    Political cowardice gave us losers such as kerry, gore and hillary – moderate mainstream candinates who ascribed to thuglican framing of issues.
    Political courage gave us Obama.
    Remember Jim Hightowers quote about the only thing in the middle of the road is yellow stripes and dead armadillo’s ( or was it possums?)
    Do we want to commit political suicide yet again by trying to straddle those yellow lines and “hope” we won’t get hit?
    Because nominaiting “good” safe moderates who have already conceded the framing of the issues to the thuglicans is a formula certain to lead to defeat.

  4. Not much of a fan of Uncle Joe but what makes a president great is the quality of the team. He would need to assemble an outstanding team of advisors. That plus his wide appeal might convince some.

    Still I find it hard to believe that the demented blob in the WH now will be able to run another campaign. Already there’s talk of him bowing out of debates (he can’t hold a conversation). I’m not sure why more aren’t talking about it- he sounds like my Dad a few years into his inevitable Alzheimer decline.

  5. I don’t always agree with you, El Jefe, but in this case, I do.
    We MUST evict Putin’s puppet. That is our absolute goal.
    To do that, given voter suppression and redistricting by the Sycophants, we must field a moderate candidate with absolute name recognition and governing experience to win over moderates of both parties. As flawed as he is, Joe Biden can do that. Once we have eradicated the Sycophants from every
    Governmental position, then we can push more progressive
    policies. But our very democracy is doomed if we cannot
    get in the door.

  6. Anyone can vote for anyone or any… thing (e.g. orange colored cracker, child stealer, racist, misogynist, crook etc., etc.

    Candidates threaten to boycott next week’s Democratic debate
    There’s a workers’ strike at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, the location of next week’s Democratic debate – which has prompted, at this point, six of the seven candidates who’ve qualified to participate, to threaten to boycott the event.

    They say they’ll refuse to cross the picket line. Out of Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer, Andrew Yang and Amy Klobuchar, who are the seven who’ve qualified for the debate, all but Klobuchar are saying this afternoon that they stand in solidarity with the workers and won’t cross their picket line. Warren was first to announce her decision.

    Klobuchar just joined the group.

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    For those concerned about healthcare reform, remember Moscow Mitch will never allow it in his senate. It is a moot point for at least two election cycles. . .the end of Biden’s first term.

  8. So now Elizabeth Warren is this year’s Hillary Clinton and the bashing is starting right on cue. I got so sick of your constant Hillary bashing on Facebook that I unfriended you. Where did all that snarky criticism get you?

    Warren is not Hillary Clinton. Warren comes across like everybody’s favorite teacher and if you ever saw her in person, you would know that. She has the ability to explain complicated ideas and systems in ways ordinary people can understand. The only baggage she has is what the Russians are putting out there. Is she perfect? No, of course not. Is any candidate perfect? No, again. So what?

    Yes, getting rid of Dolt 45 is the only thing that matters. You might want to remember that when you start criticizing any of the Democratic candidates. It doesn’t help a damn thing.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    Please not Joe Biden. Must we choose between two bumbling old men? We have several candidates who would make a good president and it’s seven months until the convention. I hope one of the women will emerge as the one but will hold my nose and vote for Biden if I must to get rid of the Current Occupant. The one who really need to go is McConnell or having a Dem President means nothing.

  10. Trump will make mincemeat out of Biden. He will start by referring to him as corrupt; he will constantly harp on Burisma. He will make Hunter Biden look like Igor. Just as what the voting public remembered most about Clinton was “E-MAILS,” what they will remember most about Biden will be “CORRUPT.”

    Trump will hover over him in the background at the debates the same way he stalked Clinton.

    Plus, Biden has already declared himself as a to-be-lame-duck president. He’s already lost.

  11. it is sad to see other countries being as st00pidly fascist as our rePUKEian party.

  12. @cgregory – All that bullshit only matters to his base, not to normal people. You think Warren will do better. LOL. Don’t look at this as a Dem. Look at this as a swing voter.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge@2, Biden is possibly worse than Hilz redux. If the DNC does this again, I don’t want to hear about who didn’t vote, etc.

    As for the Brits, maybe we made some historical mistakes in allowing them back into our lives. Thinking the Blair/Bush crap. So long as they underwrite their corrupt royalty pulling the plug on their island is tempting.

    El Jefe@12, will tell you straight up that Warren, Harris or Bernie could do better. The DNC picked a candidate who could lose to Donnie once and are hell bent on doing it again with Slow Joe. Damn. Talk about stuck on st00pid.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada @9 for the win. Except I cannot guarantee the olfactory abilities of the electorate to vote for Biden as they did for Hilz. It’s not a push I’d bet on any time soon. While I agree with you, I don’t see those who didn’t vote for Hilz going for Biden.

    We need a Democrat to win. So heads up DNC. Move the F out of our way and let us pick a Democrat in the primary.

  15. Go back to Rachel Bitecofer’s analysis of the past several election cycles.
    Motivating voters who normally sit out elections since all they see is tweedle dum and tweedle dee running.
    Give them a choice and they will vote like they did in 2018.
    Try to pander to the mythical “undecided” voter ( a fantasy concocted by consultants to sell thuglican lites) by surrendering on issues that motivate voters in order to be as bland and non controversial a possible and the demented one gets another term.
    Campaigns have become about identifying and motivating the base. Nominating a thuglican lite with such a thin grasp of reality as mastercard joe ( really who truly believes that this administration is a thuglican aberration and that moscow mitch will come to their senses?) or thuglican buttibieg who started his campaign by appealing to thuglican voters and critiquing the d’s for the audacity of pointing out how stupid, vile and foul the policies and individuals the thuglicans are promoting.
    The d’s won in 2018 by putting up candinates that stood for something and motiviated voters to come out.
    After learning the lesson of 2018 are we to revert to the failed myths that led to loses in 2000, 2004 and 2016?
    If one is so afraid of offending thuglicans just join them and try to reform them from the inside.
    Do not ask the d’s to surrender just so as not to offend some mythical thuglican listed as “undecided” while losing a dozen votes of those who are looking for someone to fight for their issues.

  16. Ormond Otvos says:

    Joe Biden is past his sell-by date.
    Warren is a solid and sensible candidate, as proved by her responsible delineation of her policies. (The sheer stupidity of the voters is being matched by naysayers in her own party.)
    Obama was impossible, too controversial yada yada. He passed the ACA. Think on that.
    Biden is the candidate of fearful nailbiters.
    Trump will likely explode before June.
    How many more multibillion dollar natural disasters can Trump buy out? Will JarVanka blow it next?
    Second Amendment solutions may occur…

  17. I’ll vote for whichever D is on the ballot. Will do so while vomiting in my mouth a little if it’s Gramps Biden, Sanders, or baby Pete. But we must also not lose sight of down ticket candidates. We HAVE to preservative majority in the House, take the Senate and flip a few Governors. In the meantime, we must march, call our Reps, find the facts and shout them from roof tops to counter the nonsense being spewed by so many, stay strong and know that we are NOT Britain. Progressives will bring American greatness back.

  18. OT – President Donald Trump’s efforts to block multiple investigations of himself and related entities will finally be put to the test at the Supreme Court.

    The court announced Friday that it is taking up three separate cases in which Trump’s lawyers have resisted investigatory moves by prosecutors and Congress, claiming that his special status as president should give him unique protection.

    The first case involves Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance’s efforts to obtain Trump’s tax records from his accountants as a part of his grand jury investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign’s hush money scandal. The second concerns the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s subpoena for Trump’s financial records as part of its own investigation. And the third case resulted from the House Intelligence Committee and the Financial Services Committee’s requests for Trump’s financial records from two banking institutions.

    This last case seeks not only Trump’s records, but those of his three eldest children and the Trump Organization.
    These cases will put to the test how much the Supreme Court is willing to bend to Trump’s personal interests. Though the conservative-dominated court has ruled in his favor before, previous cases haven’t considered the personal matters of this president and his unique efforts to avoid investigative scrutiny. While many fear the five conservative justices will instinctively side with a Republican president to protect him and only offer a rationalization, it’s genuinely unclear how the court will rule. Of the Republican-appointed justices currently serving, Chief Justice John Roberts has thus far seemed the most skeptical of the Trump administration.

    **It’s worth noting that in all three cases, the lower courts have ruled against Trump. And Supreme Court precedent has not generally been friendly to presidents seeking a shield from legal scrutiny.** Both Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton lost big cases before the court trying to claim their office protected them from legal exposure most other citizens may face.

    The arguments in the cases will be held in March, and a decision is likely to come in June, said Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern.

    “In the past SCOTUS taking the case would not point to a Presidential win — as Nixon and Clinton learned,” said legal expert Ken White. “In this situation? I think it’s ominous.”

    “Finally, it comes down to this, as we always knew it would. Will the Court hold? Every lower court to consider these issues ruled against Trump. The law is clear. Now we find out if SCOTUS still stands for the rule of law,” said MSNBC commentator and former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance.

  19. First tame and obedient ideolagues on the supreme court help run out the clock on impeachment then they delay their ruling after march hearing, then they require a rehearing then they decide all the issues are moot after they rubber stamp the coronation of the demented one.
    This is how a captured judiciary in a banana republic protects its political masters while pretending to follow the rule of law.

  20. el jefe, exactly what drugs are you on, and why didn’t you bring enough to share with the rest of the class? very uncivil of you. Biden 1. isn’t going to win the nomination, period. 2. it’s going to be between Sanders and Warren, and hopefully Warren will win out.

    a Biden presidency would simply be a continuation of Republican control, since he wants to “reach across the aisle, and have comity”. I don’t, and neither should you or any other Democrat. I want someone who’ll punch their rotted teeth down their whiny throats, and run roughshod over them, along with someone who might not die of a heart attack while in office. Biden and Sanders lose on both counts.

  21. I have a Joe Biden Story.

    My undergraduate degree is from the University of Delaware and then Senator Biden came to speak to my freshman political science class. He said Malarkey. A lot.

    After his talk, I introduced myself and told him he owes me a nickel every time he says Malarkey. And, yes, my surname is Malarkey.

    He’s never paid up.

    While I don’t hold that against him, I fear that, unlike Sanders or Warren, he would repeat what I feel was President Obama’s biggest mistake: He insisted we look forward and, as a result, we had no truth and reconciliation with the harm Bush and Cheney did to the world and to this country.

    A second Obama administration is not what this country needs right now. Bush and Trump have turned over rocks and shown the creepy-crawly things that lie underneath; these are things we need to talk about and deal with and Joe Biden will not do that. To him, it is all Malarkey.

  22. To Post 20

    No current Democratic candidate can beat Trump. With the country pretty much evenly divided, compromise is the only way to get anything done. That won’t happened as long as Trump and McConnell are in charge.

    When group think causes all the Democratic candidates to raise their hands for free medical care for undocumented, the anti Democrat commercials write themselves.

    When the JBS and the holy rollers teamed up and formed the
    National Policy Council, the Democrats were hosed. The Ds are just not as smart and/or mean.

  23. yes it does look like joe will be the man, but really important will be the running mate, i hope it is harris…..

  24. I wish I could post a link to an editorial in The Progressive, but it’s not available to the general public yet. I just got my dead tree copy yesterday.

    Ruth Coniff argues that those poll numbers are just general name recognition and that the majority of voters do not know Joe Biden in any depth whatsoever. I think that’s a very good point. I myself don’t want Biden.

    I will vote for work for and donate to the Democratic candidate whoever it is from the current field. But Biden is my last choice.

  25. Crone: Yeah, it’s really hard to combat those who lie and cheat and are mean and encourage others to be the same way.

  26. Opinions flying. Keeping things hopping.
    And the thing is, to me at least, almost every opinion I’ve seen here has it’s merits.
    We’re all prognosticating with the best intentions.
    Great point about the Obama administration letting shrub/Cheney skate on their misdeeds.
    Not domestic policy, but reasons for war.
    Not just for justice.
    For precedent.
    Taking the high road is noble. And it’s gotten our asses kicked.
    MSNBC talks about House repugnantcans screaming about the process of impeachment because they can’t refute the evidence. Too true.
    But the real douchebagery being done is their constant attacks on Democrats as being traitorous and un-American for doing their constitutional duty.
    Mostly without any push back.
    High road. Some don’t believe it, but there’s lots of undecideds out there.
    Because they ignore political crap on Facebook, the only place they get their news.
    But the ignoring option is bound to be shrinking.
    And the loudest, most indignant voices will be heard the most.
    The high road collapses when troglodytes tunnel underneath it.
    They’re kicking our asses because no one is beating them about the head and shoulders with their blind loyalty to the biggest threat to our democracy we’ve seen since the Civil War.

  27. Also, Malarkey, thanks, good story.

  28. Yes, there is a lesson. Don’t have a party leader who can’t make up his mind about the most important issue of the day, whose party machinery is based on top-down control freakery and who can’t shake well founded accusations of anti-Semitism. No Corbyns are running for the D nomination. Thank God.
    It might be useful to note that the pro-Brexit voters had only one place to go (after the Tories shivved the Brexit Party), while anti-Brexit and anti-Tory voters could go to Labour, the SNP, the Lib Dems, the Greens. Anti-trumpers can learn something from that.
    Yes, the UK will probably break up. The Scots are justifiably really angry at their interests being ignored (by Labour, too) and Johnson’s proposed Brexit deal will accelerate Irish unification, which was always going to happen. If one can be sorry for a fabulously rich person who got her job by being born (though she’s tried to do it well all her life), one can pity Queen Elizabeth II, who probably doesn’t want to end her reign as her kingdom falls into two or more pieces.
    Last sentence of the post is classic EJ, though the combination of superciliousness with passive aggression is impressive. Of course, it’s mere coincidence that, while Hillary was absolutely the wrong person, using the wrong methods, to be President (/s, /s, /s), neither of the remaining female candidates makes the cut, either. “Sure, I’d vote for a woman – just not any of the ones on offer.”

  29. It’s going to be Biden. And he MUST choose Harris for veep. There’s got to be someone on the ticket to invigorate black voters and women. The Rethugs have made it so difficult for black people to vote that many of them have to stand in line for hours to do so. They won’t do it if the ticket is just more white men. And who could blame them? Women, who are the majority, had their hopes crushed last time when Hillary won the popular vote and lost because of the Electoral College. They want a second chance and they want a smart, tough woman who can step up after Joe serves a single term. Biden/Harris is our ONLY real shot. And we need to flip the Senate and hold the House.

  30. On another topic, how are Ms JJ and Bubba doing?

  31. “Boris and his thugs”? When I read that piece of over-dramatic nonsense I intended to move on elsewhere but *some* of your commenters are interesting so I persevered. Good decision because some of them do actually think rather than ejaculate!

    The only ‘thuggery’ in our election came from the Left, as Ms. Allison Pearson put it in The Telegraph today:

    “The thought of Jews with their bags packed, ready to flee. The thought of a man who loves hate preachers getting the keys to Number 10. The thought of our children and grandchildren being indoctrinated in the Marxists’ mirthless creed. It was awful, awful. As the Chief Rabbi warned, “The very soul of the nation is at risk.”

    The British people, like people everywhere, do make colossal errors sometimes but on Thursday they were spot on and destroyed utterly a Marxist faction in the Labour party. What can one say, except, ‘Jolly good show’. Now, y’all need to take a long hard look at some of the loonies in the Dem party!

  32. Just to be clear, Biden is near the bottom of my primary list, but I’ll vote for him [or a ‘D’ pet rock] in November.
    There is no room for November screwups [non-voting ‘purity pos’s’, et al.].
    This one will determine if America remains a democracy or becomes a fascist state. You’ll be literally fighting for your lives then, as you may/will in a Civil War II if the Democrats win or sweep. Be ready.
    A very good quote stolen from a commenter on DK: “…conservatives love to hate liberals and anything seen as a liberal cause, like climate change. Getting their hate on for liberals is the primary and ultimate desire/goal for today’s conservatives/Republicans.”. They really do hate you now, after years of incitement, they would prefer you dead. Don’t underestimate them.

    Biden was in San Antonio yesterday, here’s a chan 12/KSAT interview with him. Not sure if the other 4 channels even covered it.
    Biden looks old, tired. slow to me from the clip I watched on the tv [haven’t streamed the whole thing due to f’ed internet]. Gawddamnit, we have to do better.

    PS- it’s going to be a sunny 85degF day here today in a warm stretch…between regular cold front periods with 40-60deg temps.

  33. @duff – your vision certainly is selective. Boris, along with Farage and an assist from the Russians ran a disinformation campaign in Britain at a scale comparable to Trump. Normal people call that thuggery. You’re obviously a Tory. Don’t pretend you’re being objective.

  34. Msb @28, exactly right.

  35. @ El Jefe: Oh no – pur-lease – don’t start all that Russian twaddle ‘over here’. ‘Over there’ you seem fixated on it but there has been virtually no sign of it here. Anyway, Boris and the Tories didn’t ‘win’ the election, Corbyn and his lunatic Lefties lost it. The British people are, by and large, middle of the road, sometimes leaning Left and sometimes Right. We just don’t ‘do’ extremism!

    You are correct, of course, I am a Tory but not a fanatical one and I am quite capable of being objective – which is why I detested that silly woman, Mrs. May! As for Farage, he deserves a ‘Lordship’ because ‘back in the day’ his super salesmanship helped shift the country to an anti-EU position – which the ‘People’ endorsed in a free and open referendum! Politically now, Farage is a busted flush but we are all deeply grateful to him for giving us a chance to speak – and vote!

  36. I think it’s simpler than all this: the most charismatic candidate wins. Obama. Bush Jr. Clinton. Bush Sr (over Dukakis?). Reagan. BoJo. Trump.

    Bernie could have pulled it off. Warren might be able to. It’s about star power, never going on defense for ANYTHING, letting all manner of attacks slide off, crank up the charm even more.

    Warren may not have the discipline to do it. She apologizes occasionally, and that breaks the spell.

    But yeah, issues only serve as fodder to yell about and crank up the charm and fame. Their substance does not matter at all.

  37. I must be weird. I want to hear more from the candidates, and want to wait until the primaries to choose a specific candidate.

    I am, however, unwavering in my support for the removal of the Criminal in Chief…

  38. Mark in Oregon says:

    Joe is past his sell-by date? Yeah, I can agree with that, speaking as someone almost there as well. Elizabeth Warren can hold her own against Trump and is actually competent to run a country. While I’m at it. Julian Castro for VP, Kamla Harris at Justice and Andrew Yang at Commerce.

  39. @duff – You sound like the mouthbreathers in our country. You’re wrong, completely wrong. The Russians have been interfering in Europe for years, just like in the States the last couple of elections. The view must be narrow looking out your navel.

  40. SteveTheReturned says:

    Well said, El Jefe. This is the most important, danger-infused election of our lifetimes, and we have to discard a lot of side issues for future consideration. The ONLY thing that matters is defeating Trump. Support a winning candidate like Biden, and take part in the upcoming public protests against Trump—there are several in Texas cities. See you there.

  41. Basic questions of electoral strategy/approach are in play.
    All can agree that getting the klepto and his like minded sycophants ( even if it requires wholesale impeachments of judges) out of office is essential.

    Now the questions arise – simplified for brevity.
    1) Just get any milquetoast D nominated who, theoretically, wouldn’t “scare” the thuglicans to much and would, again theoretically, would appeal to mythical swing voters while not losing too many d’s who couldn’t be bothered to elect a thuglican lite.
    There is also the question, that I believe Hillary’s campaign answered, whether just running against the foulness of demented donnie is sufficient for the win. Obviously history has shown it isn’t.
    2) Whether presenting a bold agenda addressing the issues of the day with approaches that transcend thuglican framings of the issues and also move the overton window from the extreme right to closer to the center.
    This approach would, as Ms. Bitecofer has shown, would animate many “occasional” voters and, if 2018 is any example, bring victory for the D’s.
    For those who wish to embrace the failed strategy of winning by surrendering on the issues for fear of the mythical center I refer you to history where that was the plan of Presidents Gore, Kerry and Hillary. Oh yeah they all lost.

    PS Gee lucky that the DCCC worked so hard to protect incumbents that NJ Congressman Jeff Van Drew doesn’t have to worry about a democratic challenger with the DCCC covering for him while he toys with becoming an R.
    Great plan wait until primary filing period nears close and then switch parties knowing the thuglicrat ( thuglicrat = thuglican who pretends to be a democrat) DCCC will protect you from any challenger.

  42. Sorry, El Jefe, if I gave the impression that the Russians do not meddle ‘over here’. Of course they do, in fact they actually murder people on our streets! But we do not get so hysterical about it! Foreign governments always and everywhere try and influence and interfere in other countries. ‘Back in the day’, er, 1940 actually:

    “A fascinating article via Zero Hedge which originated at The American It details the, er, ‘dastardly deeds’ of William Stephenson (a Canadian actually) who in 1940 – a rather sweaty time for Britain! – was despatched to the USA by Churchill in order to set up – dare I say it? – a ‘fake news factory’ to help persuade the American ‘Peeps’ to give up their really rather sensible insistence on neutrality as the rest of the world went to hell in a handcart!”

  43. Joe won’t go. Too old, too slow.

    Senator Professor Elizabeth Warren is a fighter, and a damn good legislator with a solid record and plenty of charisma…

    This country needs her skills and idealism.

    Her proposals are well thought out, and could be passed if we all vote for legislators.

    We don’t need Identitarian Marxism from the Splitters, or fearful bleating from the timid.

  44. Jason Elsome says:

    Instead of listening to the fear-driven and sad bidenista rantings of El Jefe, I suggest y’all look up “DownWithTyranny” by Howie Klein and read his thoughts on the election.

    His latest on the UK elections is far more illuminating that El Jefe’s sad head-in-the-sand biden rant.

  45. @Jason – I have two words for you and Klein – George McGovern. Have a nice day.

  46. Jason Elsome @44, El Jefe @45,
    Heheh, I actually voted for McGovern in 1972 [and in the 1968 primary for Eugene McCarthy, who might be a better example of which El Jefe is trying to make a point of].

    Sooo, El Jefe, Joe Biden is shaping up to be another Hubert Humphrey, who lost to Nixon in ’68, eh? He had all the centrist, labor, and party apparatus support and got trounced [btw, I voted for him too]

    We had better come up with excellent team for Prez and VP, this dissolving free democracy cannot stand anymore of the tRump regime.

  47. @ David Duff
    If Russian meddling in British politics is so unimportant, Johnson would not have kept the report on it secret. When is it going to be published?
    Otherwise, you’re full of Torygraph nonsense. Delighted to hear you’re horrified by anti-Semistism. What have you done to root out the Islamophobia so engrained in the Tory party? Suggest you start with “Letter box, Bank Robber” Johnson. Good luck. You’ll need it.

  48. Going back to George McGovern for comparison. Really? Apples and oranges. With no disrespect to Senator McGovern (or mention of Thomas Eagleton), Democratic leadership was severely curtailed by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy and Rev/Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. And, please, let’s not relitigate Nader or Gore v Bush and the treachery of the SCROTUS.

    There is enough information 21st century relevant to give the DNC a clue, if they care. (Hint: Hilz lost one election to a young Senator Barack Obama, if they want to gauge the “mood of the electorate”) Fair or not Hilz had a lot of baggage and the GOP is never above whipping up a false flag chorus of Benghazi or butter e-mails hypocrisy against anyone. In this run up to the election the Republicons have yet to empty both barrels at Biden, but you know it’s coming should Biden be the nominee. Also, there’s enough real baggage on Biden to dampen the enthusiasm of Democratic voters. Think Clarence Thomas for just one instance.

    Want the millennial vote? Bloomberg ain’t it. Period. … and neither is Biden. Love Bernie, but he’s been hobbled. That leaves Senators Warren and Harris. Harris suspended her campaign. Ergo … Unless there’s a dark horse out there we don’t know about that can excite Democrats in general, attract the Obama coalition and millennials, get over your lingering misogyny and do the right thing, DNC.

  49. The McGovern campaign is the classic example of how the “moderate” d’s treat a progressive who wins by the rules.
    They knife him in the back and support crooks like tricky dick then go back to whining about how progressives “have” to support d’s such as lipinski. crueller, Van drew etc.
    After all it is the progressives that apply “purity” tests while the maderates just demand that all others fall into line as they march the world off the cliff of thuglican lite policies.
    Wonder how McGovern would have done if the d’s had actually supported him?
    I am betting at least as well as Carter, Humphry, gore or kerry a group of milquetoast “moderates” who were foisted upon the party by super delegates, insiders and general losers.
    So now that it is shown that it is the “moderates” who have a purity test and who will stay home on election day if they don’t get their way we can bury the false canard of the “progressives” being un supporting of d candinates when it is the so called “moderates” who keep their, metaphorical, political knives honed to shiv any d candinate who doesn’t bow down to their failed philosphy of victory through surrender.

  50. Jane & PKM says:

    There’s probably no explaining either Boris or Duvidele. Anyone care to take a stab on explaining why Tony Blair canoodled with Dubya?
