British Vote is a Lesson for the US

December 13, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Boris Johnson picked up 88 seats in Parliament yesterday assuring that Britain will leave the EU.  Scotland may very well secede from the UK and stay in the Union.  It’s a disaster for the Labour party and I believe a disaster for Britain, a move which could easily kick off a widespread recession.  Indeed the British pound is off today from both the US dollar and the Euro.

Beyond the economics and politics of Britain, are there any lessons for the US and our upcoming elections in 2020?  My answer is yes, and it’s a really serious lesson.  The Labour party, lead by Jeremy Corbyn, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, got slaughtered.  This is the worst result for Labour since 1935, and could easily set up a minority for them for a decade.  Boris Johnson sold smaller government, spouted anti-European rhetoric pitting Europe against England.  He also favors killing the National Health Service and privatizing virtually everything.  In short, he’s just a slightly less childish and offensive Donald Trump.  Did the Russians help?  Certainly, but Labour was its own worst enemy.  Corbyn is a terrible leader.  He and his colleagues are hard left and tone deaf.  While the voting populace was being bombarded with images of scary dark-skinned people and a long list of grievances, Corbyn stuck to his playbook of vilifying Britain’s colonial past and focusing on social issues (gender, social justice) and was self righteously pious, acting as if everyone who disagreed was somehow morally flawed.  The result was predictable – Labour lost voters in traditionally labour areas.  Corbyn got Trumped by Johnson (pun intended).

The lesson here is for the Dems to avoid the same mistakes.  They need to focus 2020 on one goal, and one goal only – beating Donald Trump.  Many of my Dem friends are having deep, thoughtful discussions comparing Warren’s and Sanders healthcare programs to Buttigieg’s and Klobuchar’s.  They dither over free college education and college debt forgiveness.  That’s just plain stupid and tone deaf.  Don’t get me wrong – these are all important issues that we need to deal with, but they don’t mean a goddam thing right now.  The Dems need a candidate that can win Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.  That candidate needs to be competitive in Florida and Ohio.  NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.  Period.

Warren and Sanders are Jeremy Corbyns’ doppelgängers.  They are losers in the general because Trump will beat them in the swing states.  Klobuchar could be a good VP candidate because of her midwest appeal.  Like Warren and Sanders, Buttigieg is also a national loser, but for different reasons.  He needs to go home and win a statewide election in Indiana and comeback in 2028.  The Dems need to focus on winning, and stop focusing on their navels and esoteric policy questions.  The policy questions should be left for January 21, 2021.  The British Labour party got their asses kicked by Boris and his thugs while Corbyn dithered over policy and social issues.  This is not the time, and Corbyn proved it.

Many of you will hurl insults for this, but in my mind there is one prime candidate who can win the general, and that’s Joe Biden.  Bloomberg is interesting, but he has the billionaire baggage that I’m not sure he can shed.  Biden is the choice, especially with a strong VP who also has broad appeal.  Everyone else needs to go home.

OK, ignore the lessons of yesterday and reach for the torches and pitchforks. Ready, set, go…

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