Bringing up The Rear

March 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita tries real hard to stay out Democrat business in other counties.  “I hate when when people from another county come here and try to tell us how we should run our county Democratic Party,” she says.

But, a week has passed and she guesses it is time for her to jump on County Chair Dan Ramos in Bexar County.  For you folks from foreign states, Bexar County is pronounced “bear,” and San Antonio is the largest city in it.

Bexar County Democrats have had a dead cat down the well for a long time now.  Their former treasurer is fixing to go to trial for embezzlement, and most of their meetings turn into hockey matches.  But, the newly elected county chair has turned up with his brain missing and made some statements that are as much out of place as a Methodist bell choir at a honky tonk.

“He called Stonewall Democrats Nazi termites that have wormed their way into the party hierarchy,” explained Dee Villarrubia, an openly gay Bexar County Democratic Deputy Chair who was elected in June.

And, bless his heart, he said that just to get warmed up. Now, I gotta edit this next part because Momma would have a heart attack if she read it.

Ramos, who said he opposes being gay on religious grounds, added: “I liken them to the Tea Party – the Tea Party and the f—-ing Nazi Party – because they’re 90 percent white, blue-eyed, and Anglo, and I don’t give a f— who knows that. Just like the blacks … they’re American, but you can’t get your way just because you’re black.”

Goodness, I’m certainly glad he’s a religious man.  No telling what he’d say if he had backsliding blisters on his butt.

Everybody in the State of Texas, with the exception of an oddly quiet Texas Democratic Vice Chair Lenora Sorola Pohlman, has called for Ramos to resign.  UPDATE NOTE:  Ms. Pohlman has just asked for his resignation, too.

He ain’t having none of that.

State law does not allow a County Chair to be removed, period.  Some folks are hoping to get that changed, but Ramos has his heels dug in so deep that he’s liable to hit oil any day now.  He’s making pounds of threats and a bushel baskets of nutty talk.

“I don’t care if they marry each other. That’s not my private business. I do care when they adopt kids that are already traumatized and are coming from orphanages and stuff. And then they wake up in the morning and say, ‘What? My mama is my daddy also?’ That’s my heartburn,” Ramos said.

Now that Dan has given us his opinion of blacks and gays, Juanita is anxious to hear what he thinks about women.  “I’m willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that it’s not going to make me happy, either,” she supposes.

“Resign, Dan,” she says, “even non-religious people know decency when they hear it.”

I was just sent a link of a recording of Ramos.  Momma, do NOT listen to this.  It has bad words in it.

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