Bring on the Crazzzy!

May 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think I mentioned to y’all that the Texas GOP is having their convention the first week of June in Fort Worth.  Their main speaker is Rick Santorum.  Odds-makers were betting that Santorum would have won Texas, and he still might because there are at least 20 dead or jailed politicians who are more popular than Mitt Romeny in Texas.  Oh yeah, and ebola, ebola is more popular than Mitt in Texas.

So, now the Texas GOP is looking for a three-way.  Ron and Rand Paul are a’comin’ to Austin bringing a herd of crazzzy.

The rally, announced this morning by Paul’s presidential campaign, will be sponsored by the Tea Party Express, a national organization active in electoral politics, supporting past campaigns by Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and other conservative candidates.

Last time they were in Austin, they drew a crowd of 6,000.  Maybe more, but the glare off the tinfoil hats made them difficult to count.

They are supporting our local manclown, Ted Cruz, who is running for senate in the seat vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchison.  Cruz is fun to watch.  When he gives a speech, he gets so carried away that little spittle things form at the corners of his mouth.

He’s been Attorney General Greg Abbott’s #2 man for far too long.  He takes great pride in how many women and minorities he can hurt in one day and he starts anew every day, trying for a personal best.

I hope he wins because, what the hell, we don’t have near enough mean, vicious, crazzzy Republicans in Texas.

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