Bright Lights, Big City
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is running for president. He knows he’s smarter than Rick Perry but, hell, most everybody is, so Greg thinks he can get himself elected.
I want you to write this down somewhere: Greg Abbott is dangerous.
He has this idea that the federal government can’t tell the states what to do because local government is always better than big government. However, listen up here, he believes that the State of Texas can tell cities and counties what to do because … Greg Abbott is governor.
The problem is that all of Texas’ big cities are run by Democratic mayors. So, now we have this:
The mayors of Texas’ five largest cities, including Austin Mayor Steve Adler, were left off the list of mayors who will meet with Gov. Greg Abbott over the coming week to discuss city-related issues at the Texas Legislature.
Mayors from Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin and Fort Worth will not be in any of the meetings taking place Wednesday and Thursday at the governor’s mansion. Last week, 18 Texas mayors signed a letter requesting to meet with Abbott to talk about many of Abbott’s proposals they think would “impede the ability of Texas cities to provide vital services.”
These mayors have something else in common – they are all Democrats.
Abbott’s plan is to meet with the mayors in small groups so they can’t gang up on him. For example, on August 2nd, Abbott is slated to meet with the mayors of Arlington, Frisco, Irving and McKinney. Yeah, well, they never heard of you either.
You know what I think? I think Greg Abbott is all hat and no cattle. All gall and no guts.
If the boy can’t stand up to five Democrats, he’s gonna have a helluva time being president.